01-22-1991 Regular Meetingo • CITYOF CLERMONT MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 22, 1991 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Clermont was held Tuesday, January 22, 1991 in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pool with the following Council Members in attendance: Mayor Pro Tem Turville, Council Member Cole, Council Member Norquist, and Council Member Dupee. Other City Officials present were City Manager Saunders, City Attorney Baird, Finance Director Van Zile and Deputy City Clerk Brandt. INVOCATION The Invocation was offered by Reverend Edward Ivey followed by the repeating of The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag by all present. MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held January 8, 1991 were approved as presented. REPORTS CITY MANAGER SAUNDERS' REPORT REQIIEST TO HOLD A CARDBOARD BOAT RACE AT JAYCEE BEACH City Manager Saunders stated that he had received a request from Mary Jackson to hold a Cardboard Boat Race at Jaycee Beach on Saturday, May 18, 1991. The event will benefit the South Lake Animal League and promote recycling. Mrs. Jackson and Ms. Beth McCabe of the South Lake Animal League were present to answer any questions concerning the request. Mrs. Jackson explained the event in detail to those present. 91-011 After a brief discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER TURVILLE. SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER DUPEE AND UNANIMOIISLY CARRIED GRANTING PERMISSION TO HOLD THE EVENT AT JAYCEE BEACH ON.SATURDAY MAY 18. 1991. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING It was reported that a Special Council Meeting would be held on Wednesday, February-6, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The purpose of this meeting is to hold a Public Hearing before the Council on the City's Comprehensive Plan. Several public hearings have already been held before the LPA (Local Planning Agency). A Submittal Hearing for the Comprehensive Plan will be held on Tuesday, February 12, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. in conjunction with the Regular Council Meeting. COUNCIL MEMBER DUPEE'8 REPORT 30TH ANNUAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CONVENTION Mrs. Dupee presented a brief overview of the highlights of the convention including the Frederick Committee on Growth Management, a special fund which is being setup as a method to update Clerks' Offices with the funds being prorated back to the cities, and the new Gift Law, which was not written by the Ethics Commission. rl, W CITYOF CLERMONT MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 22, 1991 PAGE -2- MAYOR POOL'S REPORT BTREET LIGBT - HIGHWAY 50 AND BLO%AM AVENUE • Mayor Pool reported that due to the angle of the sun at this time of the year, it was difficult to tell whether the light was green or red at the intersection of Highway 50 and Bloxam Avenue and was causing a traffic hazard. He asked City Manager Saunders to contact the Department of Transportation to see if they would put a sun shade on the light. City Manager Saunders stated that he would contact the DOT concerning the problem. VISITORS AITH BUSINESS JANICE SMITB - RESOLUTION X703, REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A DAY CARE CENTER AT 469 BROOMS STREET WITH A VARIANCE FOR GRASS PARKING It was explained that Ms. Smith was requesting a Conditional Use Permit to establish a Day Care Center at 469 West Broome Street and a variance to allow grass parking. Paulette Alexander, Engineer for the project, explained the request for Ms. Smith who also was present. A preliminary site plan was given each Council Member and it was explained that two properties were being combined in order to have enough square footage to meet the parking requirements. One of the homes on the property will be converted to the Day Care Center and the other will be occupied as a home by Ms. Smith's aunt. Mrs. Alexander stated that Ms. Smith had contacted HRS and would be allowed to care for a maximum of fifteen children, and they will be cared for by two full-time workers. Mrs. Alexander then stated that two paved parking spaces were required by ordinance, but the City had requested that five spaces be paved. She then stated that they were requesting mulch parking because it would be preferable environmentally and if all the parking was paved, the lady living next door would look out her window and see nothing but a front yard of cement. City Manager Saunders stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission at their meeting held Tuesday, January 3, 1991, unanimously recommended approval of the request subject to the conditions listed in Resolution #703. He continued by stating that the Planning and Zoning Commission does not consider variance requests and therefore, made no recommendation regarding the grass parking. Mr. Saunders further stated that Staff recommended approval of the requested use, but recommended denial of the variance for mulch parking because it will be a continual maintenance problem. Much discussion ensued concerning the mulch parking with various suggestions being given. Council Member Turville stated that it appeared that the mulch would probably wash down the hill, but that the City should give them a chance to try it and if it does not work, they will have to come back and remedy the situation. City Manager Saunders stated that the driveways should be paved due to the amount of traffic dropping off and picking up children. CITY OF CLERMONT 1VIINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 22, 1991 PAGE -3- • Mayor Pool called for comments from those present concerning the request. Mr. Art Ekiert who lives across from the subject property stated that he was very much in favor of the request and wished Ms. Smith well with her Day Care Center. 91-012 After some further discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER DUPEE. SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER COLE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED BY ROLL CALL VOTE TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #703 AS AMENDED. CONDITION #2 WAS AMENDED TO REFLECT THAT FIVE PARKING SPACES FOR THE DAY CARE CENTER MAY BE GRASS/MULCH AND THE DRIVEWAY PAVED. IF THE MIILCH/GRASS PARKING PROVES INADEQUATE. THE CITY MAY REOIIIRE MODIFICATIONS OR ADDITIONAL PARKING AT A FUTURE DATE. THE RESOLUTION WAS READ BY TITLE ONLY BY MAYOR POOL. JOHN AND GALE C. RILEY - REAR YARD SETBACK VARIANCE FROM THE REQUIRED 25' TO 19' 10" LOCATED AT 120 WEST MINNEHAHA AVENUE Mr. John Riley appeared before Council and requested a 21' rear yard setback where 25' is required for his property located at 120 West Minnehaha Avenue. Mr. Riley further stated that he needed three feet for steps and to square up an existing deck so his wife who will soon be confined to a wheelchair would have access to the deck at the rear of the house. A wheelchair ramp would then be built from the deck to the ground. City Manager Saunders stated that this type of request had been denied in the past because the hardship must exist on the property not the people. Much discussion of the request ensued with various options for enlarging the deck without a variance being offered. Mr. Riley was advised to seek help from the City Staff to see what could be done without a variance. He stated that he would do so. 91-013 After some further discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER NOROUIST. SECONDED BY COIINCIL MEMBER DUPEE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED TO DENY THE REOIIEST. MAYOR POOL ABSTAINED FROM VOTING ON THE REQUEST BECAUSE HE LIVES WITHIN 150 FEET OF THE SIIBJECT PROPERTY. DIANE JAMES, FLORIDA CITRUS TOWER - REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE TO THE SIGN ORDINANCE It was reported by City Manager Saunders that Ms. James had withdrawn her request for the variance to the sign ordinance. CFT SPORTS - REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF TRIATHLON DATES FOR 1991 City Manager Saunders stated that the City had received a letter from Fred Sommer of CFT Sports requesting permission to use the Jaycee Beach area for the following six triathlon events scheduled for this year: Sixth Annual Spring Sprint Triathlon on March 16, the Seventh Annual Great Clermont Youth Triathlon on April 13, the Great Clermont Triathlon VIII on April 14, the Seventh Annual Florida Challenge Triathlon on October 5, 1991, the Great Floridian Triathlon on October 26, and the Fourth Annual Clermont Triathlon Championship on November 23, 1991. It was further explained that there were no conflicts with these dates and it was recommended that the events be approved. 91-014 After a brief discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER DUPEE, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER COLE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED TO GRANT PERMISSION TO MR. SOMMER TO HOLD THE TRIATHLONS AT JAYCEE BEACH. CITYOF CLERMONT MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 22, 1991 PAGE -4- UNFINISHED HIISINE88 POLICE STATION EXPANSION, STROLLO ARCHITECTS, INC. - REVIEW OF CONCEPTIIAL PLAN FOR POLICE STATION EXPANSION City Manager Saunders asked that discussion of the Police Department expansion be tabled indefinitely. 91-015 A MOTION WAS.. MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER COLE. SECONDED HY COUNCIL MEMBER NOROUIST AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED TO TABLE DISCIISSION OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT EXPANSION PROJECT WITH STROLLO ARCHITECTS, INC. INDEFINITELY. City Manager Saunders stated that he would place this item back on the agenda as soon as all pertinent documents and drawings are received from Mr. Strollo. FINAL READINGS OF ORDINANCES 230-M AND 231-M Due to a problem with the new proposed right-of-way of West Lake Drive, City Manager Saunders asked that the final readings of the ordinances, as well as acceptance of the new right-of-way be tabled until the February 12, 1991 Council Meeting. 91-016 A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER COLE. SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER DUPEE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED TO TABLE THE FINAL READINGS OF ORDINANCES 230-M AND 231-M AND THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE NEW RIGHT- OF-WAY UNTIL THE FEBRUARY 12. 1991 COIINCIL MEETING. NEW BUSINESS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF MASCOTTE FOR COMPOST SITE City Manager Saunders explained that the City's Interlocal Agreement with Mascotte for composting would expire on February 1, 1991 and the new proposed agreement was exactly the same as last year's except that the fee had been increased from $5,000 to $10,000. It was mentioned that the City of Clermont had received the permit for our compost site at the sprayfield. However, there are some improvements we must make prior to it becoming operational. Council Member Turville asked City Manager Saunders to contact the City of Mascotte and make sure they understand that the current Interlocal Agreement would be only for one year. City Manager Saunders indicted that he would do so. 91-017 A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER TURVILLE. SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER COLE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED TO ENTER INTO A ONE YEAR INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT HEGINNING_FEBRUARY 1, 1991, WITH THE CITY OF MASCOTTE IN THE AMOUNT OF 510,000 FOR IISE OF THEIR COMPOST SITE. BIDEWALRS Each Council Member was given a copy of the letter of certification of completion from Mr. Springstead regarding the sidewalk projects completed by Highway Valet, Inc., which include Twelfth Street, Seminole Street, and East Avenue, as well as a portion of the entrance walk and service road for the Palatlakaha Recreation Area and a copy of Change Order #1 for the project. • CITYOF CLERMONT MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 22, 1991 PAGE -5- Mr. Saunders explained each item on the Change Order and then recommend final acceptance of the project and approval of the Change Order for final payment. Several positive comments were made concerning the quality of workmanship of Highway Valet and the Council was well pleased with the appearance of the curved sidewalk in front of the park. 91-018 A MOTION WA8 THEN MADE HY COIINCIL MEMBER NOROIIIST. BECONDED BY COIINCIL MEMBER DIIPEE AND IINANIMOIISLY CARRIED TO ACCEPT THE SIDEWALK AND APPROVE THE CHANGE ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,603.25. There being no further business or comments, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Robert A. Pool, Mayor Attest: E. Va• Z1 e, City Clerk