01-24-1989 Regular Meeting e 'e CITY OF CLERMONT MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 1989 The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Clermont was held Tuesday, January 24, 1989 in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pool with the fOllowing Council Members in attendance: Mayor Pro Tern Turville, Council Member Norquist, Council Member Cole and Council Member Dupee. Other City Officials present were City Manager Saunders, City Attorney Baird, Finance Director Van Zile, Planning Director McAllister and Deputy City Clerk Brandt. INVOCATION The Invocation was offered by Nilsa Whitehead followed by the repeating of The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag by all present. REPORTS CITY MANAGER SAUNDERS'S REPORT ROWING REGATTA It was reported that the Orlando Rowing Club would again like to hold its High School and COllegiate Rowing Regatta at Jaycee Beach. This year the event has been scheduled for March 11, 1989 and there will be fourteen teams with 300 - 400 participants. After a brief discussion of this annual event, it was the consensus of Council to approve the request. LAKE COUNTY LEAGUE OF CITIES City Manager Saunders stated that the Lake County League of Cities would be hosting a special meeting on Wednesday, January 25, 1989 at 4:00 p.m. in the Eustis Community Building to meet with the County Commissioners to discuss municipal issues the county should become involved in. Countywide and regional issues will be discussed at this informal meeting. LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION It was reported that the Lake County LegiSlative Delegation would be meeting on Monday, January 30, 1989 at 2:30 p.m. in the Lake- Sumter Community COllege Building on Montrose Street. Mr. Saunders asked the Council if there was any pressing matter that should be brought before the delegation, and it was stated that there was nothing at this time. COUNCIL WORKSHOP City Manager Saunders stated that he would like to hold a Council Workshop on either Tuesday, January 31st or Monday, February 6th. The South Lake Ministerial Association wishes to attend on one of these dates and will need to be notified. 1 -- -.-" e "e CITYOF CLERMONT MINUTES It was the consensus of Council to hold the workshop on Monday, January 31st at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. COUNCIL MEMBER DUPEE1S REPORT EAST CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL It was reported that the ECFRPC would no longer receive funding in the amount of $90,000 from the Department of Community Affairs for DRI rev iews. VISITORS WITH BUSINESS RESOLUTION #613 - KEVIN BERG, FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A 4,000 SQUARE FOOT EDUCATIONAL BUILDING AT 796 HOOK STREET Bob Richenberg, representing the church, appeared before Council to request a Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a 4,000 square foot educational building at the First Christian Church located at 796 Hook Street. It was explained that the Church was built in 1974 under a Conditional Use Permit. At the present time, the church will be required to meet the City's current site requirements, including stormwater retention and the planting of hedges on the north and west boundary lines and adjacent to the parking on the south side of the site. Mr. Richenberg stated that he was requesting an exception to the parking requirement to allow grass parking and also wished a variance to the 5' landscaping buffer requirement which would buffer the parking from the right-of-way on the south side of the church. In order to meet this requirement the church would have to remove one parking space, which is very costly, and would place an undue burden on the church. City Manager Saunders stated that the City Staff had recommended approval of the grass parking because the church already has enough paved parking for daily use. Mayor Pool then called for comments from those present in the audience. Paul Lyden who owns property at the corner of Hook Street and Bloxam Avenue expressed his concern that the new facility would cause an increase traffic in the area. He further stated that he believed that a significant increase in traffic due to the addition to the school would lower property values in the immediate area. He then asked how many children presently attend the school and what the proj ected enrollment would be when the addi tion was completed. Mr. Wood, the minister at the church, stated that presently there were 70 children enrolled at the school, which included three and four year olds and kindergarten, first and second grades. After completion of the addition, the church plans to add third grade next year. However, practically speaking, Mr'. Wood stated that the 2 e e CITY OF CLERMONT MINUTES school would not expand to sixth grade for five years due to the limited space. He proj ected the maximum enrollment to be 150 students in five years. Much discussion ensued concerning the potential traffic problems which could arise if the school expanded. Mrs. Carolyn Rice who lives on Sunnydell Drive stated that she was opposed to the request because she chose to live on Sunnydell Drive because it was a quiet peaceful street, but on three different occasions, she had counted 39, 41 and 42 cars coming from the church onto her street. City Manager Saunders stated that it appeared that the main concern being expressed was for increased traffic on Sunnydell Drive, Hook Street and Bloxam Avenue if the school expanded. Mr. Saunders further stated that Hook Street was a county maintained arterial road which needs to be rerouted because of the high level of traffic using the street to get from Highway 27 to Lakeshore Drive to go south. This situation will need continuous monitoring by the City. As for the church, all churches within Clermont are located in or near residential districts, and there are no specific solutions for the traffic created when the church, church related school or day care center is in operation. Council Member Norquist asked if there was a traffic pattern being followed at the school. Bob Richenberg then explained that the church had asked the parents to maintain a traffic flow pattern when dropping the children off for school by entering from Hook Street on the east side of the building, going around the north side of the building and back out onto Hook Street on the west side of the building. In looking over the site plan for the building, Council Member Dupee pointed out that there was no sidewalk on the plan. City Manager Saunders stated that it could be a condition to install the sidewalk on Hook Street. Mr. Richenberg asked that the sidewalk not be required at this time because it would not connect to any other sidewalk. City Manager Saunders stated that the 5' landscape buffer requirement to buffer the parking from the right-of-way needed addressing before adoption of the ordinance. After some further discussion of the buffer requirement, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER DUPEE, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER COLE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #613 AS AMENDED TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: (1) THAT THE LANDSCAPING BUFFER SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED ADJACENT TO THE EXISTING PARKING SPACE IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER AND (2) THE SIDEWALK SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY (HOOK STREET) AT SUCH TIME AS WHEN THE SIDEWALKS ARE INSTALLED EAST AND WEST OF THE PARCEL. THE RESOLUTION WAS READ BY TITLE ONLY BY MAYOR POOL. 89-016 MIKE HOSKINSON - LEASE OF CITY OWNED BUILDING 3 e' ,e CITY OF CLERMONT MINUTES It was explained that Mr. Hoskinson was leasing the city owned building at the corner of Eighth street and Minneola Avenue and the lease expires on March 31, 1989. On December 31, 1988, Mr. Hoskinson moved his business back into his own building, The Village Hair Center, on Montrose Street and is now requesting that he be released from the lease agreement one month early. Mayor Pool called for comments from those present and Mr. Liming stated that he had offered to takeover the lease from Mr. Hoskinson, but was turned down. Mr. Roy Gross stated that he was requesting that the City increase the rent being asked for the building so he could keep his buildings rented at an equitable rent. After some discussion of the request, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER TURVILLE, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER DUPEE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED TO GRANT THE REQUESTED EARLY RELEASE FROM THE LEASE ONLY IF THE CITY CAN GET THE BUILDING LEASED TO SOMEONE ELSE BY MARCH 1, 1989. 89-017 UNFINISHED BUSINESS FINAL READING OF ORDINANCE 200-M It was explained that this request was being made by the owners of Lots 291, 292, 315 and the S 1/2 of Lot 316 of Clermont Heights, which is located on the north side of Almond Street and east of Bloxam Avenue. The request is to rezone the property from R-2 Residential to R-3A Residential/Professional which would allow the properties to be developed under a Conditional Use Permit for professional office use. The density on the property would remain the same, which is eight units per acre. Mayor Pool called for comments from those present, and no one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the requested change. There being no further discussion of the request, A MOTION WAS MADE 89-018 BY COUNCIL MEMBER COLE, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER DUPEE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED BY ROLL CALL VOTE TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 200-M. THE ORDINANCE WAS READ BY TITLE ONLY BY MAYOR POOL. STORMWATER EASEMENT - SETTLEMENT OF INVERSE CONDEMNATION CLAIM City Attorney Baird explained that several months ago the City was informed that the owners of the property at 1011 Fourth Street might bring suit against the City concerning a stormwater retention area which had been installed on their property. The claim was originally for inverse condemnation. The Richardsons, who received the property from Mr. Ernest Smith claimed the City had constructed the stormwater dainage facility for Broome Street across their property. Surveys prepared by the City indicated the overflow pipe was located on their property. The Richardsons have agreed to settle the case for $1,000 and grant the City an easement. Mr. Baird continued by stating that in view of the city's options in this matter, the $1,000 settlement would be the most reasonable and fair settlement to all parties. 4 - e CITY OF CLERMONT MINUTES City Manager Saunders stated that it would cost the city $2,500 to relocate the pipe. After a brief discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER COLE, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER DUPEE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT TO THE RICHARDSONS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,000 IN SETTLEMENT OF THE CLAIM. 89-019 BUDGET AMENDMENTS City Manager Saunders requested that this matter be tabled until the final figures concerning the disbursement to the city of the grant for the expansion of the sewage treatment plant are received fram the Environmental Protection Agency. After a brief discussion, the matter was tabled until the information is obtained fram the EPA. UNAGENDAED RESOLUTION #614 City Manager Saunders explained that Resolution #614 would authorize the City Staff to apply to the State of Florida Department of Transportation for a Highway Beautification Grant for the landscaping of the two medians located on Highway 50 immediately west of the Twelfth Street intersection. Due to several internal problems wi thin the grant program, the grant application was delayed from last November until February of this year, and the new application must be submitted for their review in February. Mr. Saunders further explained that the city would be applying for a 50 - 50 matching grant and preliminary estimates for the plants and irrigation are shown at $6,500. The city has $5,000 in the budget of the Parks and Recreation Board for landscaping. Robert Elrodt, who was present in the audience, questioned the height of the plants to be placed in the median. City Manager Saunders explained that only plants approved by the Department of Transportation could be planted in the median and that they were all low growing and would not obstruct anyone's vision. After a brief discussion of the grant, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL 89-020 MEMBER DUPEE, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER NORQUIST AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED BY ROLL CALL VOTE TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #614. THE RESOLUTION WAS READ BY TITLE ONLY BY MAYOR POOL. PUBLIC COMMENTS '. Mr. Robert Elrodt spoke concerning the rabbits he had as pets and asked if the Animal Control Ordinance was going to be rewritten to allow a person to keep a rabbit as a pet. Ci ty Manager Saunders stated that the city was addressing this matter. There being no further comments or discussion, the meeting 5 e e CITY OF CLERMONT MINUTES adjourned at 9:00 p.m. d2a~~ -Robert A. Pool, Mayor Attest: 6