11-23-1982 Regular Meeting 82-186 82-187 82-188 e CITY OF CLERMONT e MINUTES REGULAR MEETING November 23, 1982 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Clermont was held November 23, 1982 in the City Council Chambers. The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hoskinson at 7:30 p.m. with the following Councilmen in attendance: Michael Conley, Hal Turville, and Bob Pool. Other City Officials present were: City Manager Forbes, City Attorney Baird, Finance Director Saunders, and Julie Brandt. The Invocation was offered by Mayor Hoskinson, followed by repeating of the Pledge of Allegiance by all present. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT FLUORIDE GRANT It was reported that the City has been informed that to complete the fluoride grant it must have the City Engineer prepare a cost estimate for installing fluoride equipment in the City's three water wells (including engineering fees) for State approval. After some discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CONLEY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN POOL AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED TO HAVE THE CITY ENGINEER DRAW UP A COST ESTIMATE FOR INSTALLING THE NECESSARY FLUORIDATION EQUIP- MENT IN THE CITY'S THREE WATER WELLS. TRUCK PARKING - CITY HALL PARKING LOT It was reported that trucks parking in the City Hall Parking lot had damaged the new fence installed on the property of an adjoining business and complaints had been received regarding the trucks blocking the view of the businesses. It was discussed that truck parking no longer be allowed in the City Hall Parking Lot. Councilman Conley stated that the City received no benefits by allowing the parking. Mayor Hoskinson stated that he felt that "storage parking" was a reasonable use of the area, otherwise it would just be a vacant lot. He sug- gested that lINo Overnight Parking" signs be placed in the lot. After some discussion, A MOTlON WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CONLEY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TUR- VILLE TO, AFTER A REASONABLE WARNING PERIOD OF TWO WEEKS, NO LONGER ALLOW TRUCK PARKING IN THE CITY HALL PARKING LOT. After further discussion, Councilman Pool called for the question AND THE MOTION CARRIED BY A THREE TO ONE VOTE, WITH MAYOR HOSKINSON VOTING NAY. LOUISE ARNETT TRUST - $300 GIFT TO CITY FOR FAMILY MONUMENT CARE It was reported that a letter had been received from Attorney Tom Dougherty stat- ing that Louise Arnett had left in trust $300 to the City of Clermont for the periodic cleaning of the monuments in Oakhill Cemetery belonging to Mr. George Faulke and herself. It was discussed that the City may not wish to accept this money because the City does not clean monuments, and if the City would clean two monuments, then it should clean others. After some discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CONLEY AND SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TURVILLE TO NOT ACCEPT THIS MONEY BECAUSE THE CITY DOES NOT WANT TO SET A PRECEDENT IN THIS MATTER. City Attorney Baird stated that he felt the recommendation was appropriate. Mayor Hoskinson stated that he had a moral feeling to carry out Mrs. Arnett's wishes but agreed that the City was in no position to do it. The Council discussed the fact that in the future it may be best if the City checked into the cost of having all the monuments cleaned. Councilman Conley called for the question, and the MOTION CARRIED BY A THREE TO ONE VOTE WITH COUNCILMAN POOL VOTING NAY. MAYOR I S REPORT SAND BUILD :UP AT CORNER OF HOOK AND HIGHWAY 27 Mayor Hoskinson requested that City Manager Forbes bring the sand build up problem at the corner of Hook Street and Highway 27 to the attention of the Department of Transportation. The sand on the pavement makes the area very slippery. City Manager Forbes stated that he would take care of this matter. OLD BUSINESS VARIANCE REQUEST 760 EAST DESOTO STREET - LINCOLN PARK APARTMENTS e CITY OF CLERMONT e MINUTES REGULAR MEETING November 23, 1982 82-189 Mr. Arthur T. Lowery appeared before the Council to discuss his request for a variance to build an eight unit apartment building instead of the sixteen units originally requested. Mr. Lowery specifically asked for a "density" variance. The sixteen units which presently exist on his property slightly exceed the density requirements allowed by the City's Zoning Ordinance. Councilman Tur- ville questioned Mr. Lowery regarding available parking spaces for the tenants. He also asked Mr. John Flemming who was in the audience to explain the original development plans for the apartments. Mr. Flemming stated that upon the death of Mr. Preston Maynard, the original developer of the apartment complex, he be- came Administrator of the Estate for Mrs. Maynard. At that time, the area between the two existing apartment buildings was designated as a garden and play area for the tenants' children and that there never was any plan for development of the middle two lots. Councilman Turville asked Mr. Lowery if there were any deed restrictions on this property, and he stated that there weren't any. City Attorney Baird stated that the only issue to be decided by the Council was if they were going to grant the lIdensity" variance. He explained that 24,000 square feet of area was needed to meet the zoning requirements. Mr. Lowery's property is 900 square feet short of the requirements, and if Mr. Lowery only built seven units, no variance would be required. City Manager Forbes stated that the entire complex should be considered, not individual lots for the density requirements. It was clarified that if this variance was granted, it would be only a vaniance from the City's density requirements. All other requirements of the City must be met, including proper parking ingress and egress. Mayor Hoskinson called for any comments from the audience. After much discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL- MAN POOL, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CONLEY AND CARRIED BY A THREE TO ONE VOTE TO GRANT THE VARIANCE RE UEST TO ALLOW EIGHT UNITS TO BE BUILT ON 23,100 S UARE FEET OF LAND AT 760 EAST DESOTO STREET LINCOLN PARK APARTMENTS PARKING RE UIREMENTS MUST BE MET. COUNCILMAN TURVILLE VOTED NAY. NEW BUSINESS VARIANCE RE UEST FOR 1699 PENZANCE ROAD LOT 6 & SW 20' LOT 5, BLOCK 2, RIVIERA HEIGHTS - LOT WIDTH VARIANCE AT BUILDING SETBACK LINE 82-190 Attorney George Hovis appeared before the Council to request a lot width variance on property located at 1699 Penzance Road. Mr. Hovis explained that this property is located in an area which contains several odd shaped lots that do not comply with the City's present zoning and that existing structures on other lots in the area do not in many ~ases conform with the City's present zoning setback and lot width requirements. The present zoning regulations present a hardship because there is no land available to meet the required 100' lot width at the building setback. Mayor Hoskinson, for the record, read a list of people who opposed the granting of this variance: Thurman G. Lillard, Jr. of 1636 4th Street, Mr. George Schroedel of 1626 4th Street, and Mr. Charles K. Wynn of 1721 Penzance. Mayor Hoskinson called for any comments from those present, and Mr. Don Tracy who owns property on Penzance spoke against granting the variance. After much discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN TURVILLE, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CONLEY AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED TO DENY THE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR LOT 6 & SW 20' LOT 5, BLOCK 2, RIVIERA HEIGHTS. BUDGET AME~DMENT 1982 - 1983 BUDGET 82-191 Finance Director Saunders reported that current accounting procedures require a budget amendment for expenditures budgeted and encumbered in the previous year, but not expended until the current year. Mr. Saunders then listed seven budget amend- ments which are required for this reason. Also, three budget amendments were recommended to be made and funded from the City's Cash Reserves. After some dis- cussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN POOL, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CONLEY AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED TO ACCEPT THE BUDGET AMENDMENTS AS RECOMMENDED BY FINANCE DIRECTOR SAUNDERS IN HIS NOVEMBER 18, 1982 MEMO TO THE CITY COUNCIL. THE AMENDMENTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: The following seven amendments are needed to me~t current accounting procedures whi ch requi re a budget amendment for expendi tures budgeted and encumbered in the previous year, but not expended until the current year: 1. Public Works Account Number 541-6300 Capital Outlay - Streets & Sidewalks increased $67,525. e e e CITY OF CLERMONT e MINUTES REGULAR MEETING November 23, 1982 2. Public Works Account Number 541-4630 Repair and Maintenance - Street Signs increased $389.32. 3. Public Works Account Number 572-4640 Repair and Maintenance - Parks and Trees increased $56.81. 4. Public Works Account Number 572-4610 Repair and Maintenance - Buildings increased $2,871. 5. Fire Department Account Number 522-5240 Minor Equipment increased $170.00. 6. Administration Account Number 513-6400 Capital Outlay increased $9,889 which includes $5,675 Building Renovation, $3,264 Mechanical & Electrical Improve- ment, and $950 Miscellaneous Allowance. 7. Police Department Account Number 521-6400 increased $18,483.25. The following three amendments will be made and funded from the City's Cash Reserve: 1. Public Works Account Number 541-6300 Capital Outlay - Streets and Sidewalks increased $5,000 for storm drain installation. 2. Public Works Account Number 541-6300 Capital Outlay - Streets and Sidewalks increased $8,045. 3. Salaries and Benefits increased by the following amounts: 01-512-1200 $ 498 01-513-1200 750 01-524-1200 345 01-521-1200 475 01-539-1200 516 01-534-1200 167 01-541-1200 967 01-562-1200 79 01-572-1200 662 49-534-1200 1 ,020 41-533-1200 695 41-535-1200 646 TOTAL $ 6,820 The Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. ~~~"'-"- J.M. Hoskinson, Mayor ATTEST: ~J>v. Juli M. Brandt, Deputy ~cli: City Clerk