Resolution No. 2024-035Rd CLERWONT CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO.2024-035R A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE FEE SCHEDULE FOR PARKS & RECREATION AND UTILITY BILLING; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT, SEVERABILITY, ADMINISTRATIVE CORRECTION OF SCRIVENERS ERROR, PUBLICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Clermont pursuant to its authority as a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Florida, has the authority to establish and collect fees for planning and zoning, building services, fire review and inspection services, parks and recreation use, police, city clerk and utility billing; and WHEREAS, the adoption of fees as set forth herein, is consistent with Clermont City Code Section 101.177, is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Clermont and the cost effective, efficient, and appropriate operation of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, as follows: SECTION 1. The City Council does hereby amend the City of Clermont Fee Schedule for Parks & Recreation and Utility Billing (attachment A), with strikethroughs indicating the removal of language and double underlines indicating the addition of language. SECTION 2. All parks & recreation and utility billing fees set forth in the Comprehensive Fee Schedule are subject to Federal, State and local sales taxes as applicable. SECTION 3: CONFLICT All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with any of the provisions of this Resolution are hereby repealed. SECTION 4: SEVERABILITY If any portion of this Resolution is declared invalid, the invalidated portion shall be severed from the remainder of the Resolution, and the remainder of the Resolution shall continue in full force and effect as if enacted without the invalidated portion, except in cases where such continued validity of the remainder would clearly and without doubt contradict or frustrate the intent of the Resolution as a whole. CC CLERWONT CITY OF CLERMONT - RESOLUTION NO.2024-035R SECTION 5: ADMINISTRATIVE CORRECTION This Resolution may be re -numbered or re -lettered, and/or corrected for typographical and/or scrivener's errors which do not affect the intent of said resolution, as authorized by the City Manager or designee, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected copy of same with the City Clerk. SECTION 6: PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE This Resolution shall take effect on October V, 2024. d' C LERWONT CITY OF CLERMONT a, RESOLUTION NO.2024-035R DONE AND RESOLVED by the Mayor of the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, this 24th day of September 2024. Tracy Ack City Clerk , MMC CITY OF CLERMONT Tim Murry, Mayor ATTACHMENT A Portions of the Comprehensive Fee Schedule 84 Section 4 - Park and Recreation Fees City Resident/ Non -Profit Arts and Recreation Center Gvmnasium Rental Rates 73 Full Court Monday -Thursday. Per Hour Friday - Sunday. Per Hour 74 Refundable Deposit Outdoor Field Rental Rates (Per Hour) 75 Bahia Grass Field Main Stage Rental Rates nne 11i Day (in Season) 7-7 Ticketed De.:e.m a Dental One. (1) Day (04 Season) -79 Main Stage Seeeed ShAW oe. r 7-9 Main Stage Seeeed ShAW oe. r go Additienal Day Main Stage ReF 91 Additienal Day Main Stage Rep 82 vender oeeke a 14 ue--.e•) 93 76 Vendor Package Includes Lobby, room & stage, oodium chairs and 50 8 ft. tables Monday -Thursday, Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours Friday - Sunday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours 85 Banquet Package (4 hews) ' kitchen seating fOF 569 55 72" baRq, et tables) ' kitehee seating fe. [Gn 95 722 banquet tables) 97 Banquet Package (PeF HOW) $55.00 ium $200.00 $15.00 $250.00 5275.00 $1,200.0o Non -City Resident $75.00 585.00 $200.00 $25.00 4-250.91 ?,�V $300.00 $330.00 $1,449.00 8-7 71 BanauetPackage Includes Lobby. room & stage. oodium commercial kitchen. seating for 560. 55 72" banquet tables Monday -Thursday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours $300.00 $360.00 Friday - Sunday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours 5330.00 5400.00 88 TheateF Package lA HO .S1 ❑eFf.............. (inelu des I ..bby FOOM & stage ...fium seating f9F 1 1 00 t-I 'inn nn $ non 00 GFeen Roam anti Rehearsal Ree-FA OF GYFA) M TheateF Package I4 HO .S1 PeFf .. S2 non nn' ?�'�� $2 800 00 irovovr, �bb1r//n.2.sieg path, seating fGF,,00go TheateF package (PeF HOUF) PeFfe $300.00 7. 09 90 Z$ Theater Package, Performance Includes Lobby. room & stage, oodium. seating for 1100 Green Room and Rehearsal Room or Gym MQndav - Thursday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours $300.00 $360.00 Friday - Sunday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours 91 TheateF Package (4 HOUFS) GFadbiatien�SeFY*6 $330.00 $1,000.00 5400.00 x TheateF Package (9 HOUFS) !'.-.dwatien/f.... iee (includes 191919., m & stage, pedium, atine f9F 1,199) 7L-itltltJ:Vtf $2,�.00 93 TheateF Package (Dr.. Haw) /_Fa duation /feWirrzr. f7�c no,,,nono 93 D Theater Package. Graduation/Religious Service Includes Lobby. room & stage oodium seating for 1.10 Monday - Thursday, Per Hnllr Minimum of 4 hours Friday $250.00 $300.00 -Sunday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours 94 Stage (n ur WS) stage use and . al Egh) $275.00 $400.00 S3 -QM S4$0600 96 Stage (PeF HGWF) 96 aQ Includes lighting stage us and general Monday - Thursday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours $100.00 $120.00 Friday - Sunday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours 94 $1 Refundable Deposit 5110.00 $1,000.00 $135.00 $1,000.00 Black Box Rental Rates 99 Tir -. keted PeFfGFFRnee Rental GRe (1) Da (in Seasen) SI inn nn 99 T:r keted D...fAFFn ... .. Rental One /11 Da (Off Season) $1,000.00 499 $599.09 $599.99 494 $259:99 $260.99 483 $769.09 $759.99 493 $509.99 $500.09 404 $2 Iheatre with General Staee Light and 1 Microphone Monday -Thursday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours $100.00 $125.00 Friday - Sunday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 how Q,Q 405 $a Refundable Deposit $200.00 $200.00 Other Rental Rates 406 $4 Kitchen Monday -Thursday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours $60.00 $75.00 Friday - Sunday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours fi 497 $5 Kitchen Refundable Deposit $200.00 $200.00 44N $k Clermont Room (2200 Square Foot Room) Monday - Thursday, Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours $60.00 $75.00 Friday -Sunday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours 565.00 580.00 499 $Z Clermont Room Refundable Deposit $200.00 $200.00 449 $$ Citrus Room (600 Square Foot Room) Monday - Thursday, Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours $25.00 $30.00 Friday - Sunday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hour 131= 444 $S Classrooms (300 Square Foot Room) Mondav - Thursday. Per Hour. Minimum of hours $15.00 $20.00 Friday - Sunday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours 442 22 Citrus Room and Classroom Refundable Deposit $100.00 $100.00 4-13 91 Lobby Monday -Thursday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours $40.00 $50.00 Friday - Sunday. Per Hour. Minirpum of 4 hoijU S4aM IU-QQ 444 92 Rehearsal Room Monday - Thursday, Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours $40.00 $50.00 Friday - Sunday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hour S45M 555.00 445 2a Green Room/Dressing Room Monday - Thursday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hours $25.00 $40.00 Friday - Sunday. Per Hour. Minimum of 4 hour 131= Section 7 - Utilitv Billing Fees City Resident Miscellaneous 36. Water Meter Installatio 3{4" T 19 R459i $34 1" TT 1�T10 R4500 +�60 11" Mach 10 1445� 1 S" T 10 Flanged R460* I�LG 2" T 19 Cl..Rged R4-;Qi too /C 5/8" R900 Cellular T-10 3/4" Short Lay R900 Cellular Mach 10 5542.00 1" R900 Cellular T-10 5614.00 1" R900 Cellular Mach 10 5614.00 1.5" R900 Cellular T-10 Flange Q9 1.5" R400 Cellular Mach 10 2" R900 Cellular T-10 Flanged QQ 2" R900 Cellular Mach 10 Z7 3" or Larger Determined by Director 38. Utility Service Deposit - Residential W9.90 2 0 41. Meter Tampering Fee $350.00 S 500.00 Non -City Resident $ 5 $Ate% +�60 $SGS469 $66s Coop da da ab da ab nza ?b Determined by Director