1977-13 r--:-': - --" .'1 - , .. q .";. 1 ";',).' ~. /1# 2, RECElVED MAY H. RUSSELL FOGLER 1032 N.W. 94th Street Gainesville, Florida 32601 April 22, 1977 Mr. Thomas A. Sanche~ City of Clermont #1 West Gate Plaza Clermont, Florida 32711 Dear Tom: This letter is in response to your request of April 13th for an outline of my proposed schedule and fees. Enclosed is a copy of the original proposal as of October 1974. The only change in this is that rather than making an annual written presentation, I would prefer to make the written presentation every secon~ year when I come down. Correspondingly, I am only asking to be paid once every two years. Because .of-the cost of typing and telephone calls I would appreciate an"increase of the fee from $150 to $175, plus the usual mileage expense. This $175 would only be paid every second year with no annual charge. I believe that such bi-annual review is now appropriate since the guidelines and rapport with your trustee have been set. Thank you and please call me if you have any questions (376-0535). eY*- 7=e;:~:- HRF /kj Enclosure 2 1977 . versus the pOlfcy guideiines. The policy guiaelines set ranges of policy. However, in a specific year, the Council might want the trustee to act in a certain . I . ~ , .. "'.;:'~'::'~~i(",,:,;':~rf"~-:~:"'" ',' '.':' .... :..' ,J. ~ . .~. / ~, October 9, 1974 . Mr. Robert Hopkins City Manager I West Gate Plaza Clermont, Florida 32711 Dear Bob: I enjoyed seeing and meeting with the City Council on September 25. I felt that both the Council and Mayor were quite knowledgeable, and their thoughtful questions indicated to me that Clermont has given the proper concern to its pension fund investment. In regard~.,to the Mayor I s question about whether I would be interested in acting as a consultant, the answer is "yes". From our discussion, I would envision such a position entails three functions. (1) An annual evaluation of the conformity of the actual portfolio to the recommended ttuidelines which are being drafted by the Council. In regard to common stocks and bonds, this would evaluate conformity to quality and diversification guide- lines. Also, the portfolio would be checked to insure that the proper balance of cash (short- term paper, etc.), bonds, and stqck were maintained. (2) To raise current questions to be asked of your investment trustee. For example, presently you might' ask about, the appropriateness of a no-load short-term mutual fund for your cash position. Also, you might ask what factors would cause him to suggest an increased common stock position during this next year. It i~'the function of your investment tru~tee to develop answers to such questions. ' ' The importance of such'questions is that they provide a basis for specific 'operating instructions versus the policy guidelines. The policy guidelines set ranges of policy. However, in a specific year, the Council might want the trustee to act in a certain ;, ,,~ l: ... ~ \~ .. 'h ''ll '/ , '"-.1 .~';,.. . ~ - ''',j.. . f .- . ... ~~.;~:./~t!r~.-:::;::F0,:~:~: ',: ',. ~' . ." ,". :,".,l ;.~'. <... . ~. . ,r . "'. . - ..~.} .:.~.~:~.. ./"'"~f '':\'' ..... .. '..; ,/.. .. . ';..... , .7..... -I" . . 'I", . ., . ,,_;~ . o.'-F...:'o'. ,"': " ..,' ...i!.,.o..'~ " ",", ..\ < ,; ,', . . "?~.IIf ,;;\,:p,~';"\r...~'~,,(-,;,''-::;'''': .,. .:.;:;,:::-~':'.,:lI~:~' ,. ...,..,. '.'. >:'.S~',. ;~^~'i;~I{..;jf~',;:~t;~"0~; "' :.,':, :':.', '..:,>.~'~;~~r;' .Jf:}:;l' .~; }\::~,'::~,::,;'.,,:I.:,'::~.~.~",/:i;;;:;":' . ;'.,' ..'.... ':.":'" ,'Mr Robert"'Hopkins~":';""'" :~':; , .'. ','" .:' . : ,,:" .- './;(Y :;:~\~ :.,~>,.., ~~ -,.H, " (., .1-. :~.;".....:~:.'J>.~.t: .....:. " ," . '.. .:,:. .,~. . '., . .".'X:',!> _'.0,.. '... Octol;>ex: 9, 1974,,', ,.".:-,'-:. ..,,/; .,,')~:::' ',.1.' ";'. . .... '..>::,:~~:;i;\A::r .~~q. ..... ...... , .. ."~ " '>'~<':":'~>'i';; <;~~ '. · .;.'; ,.;. ,.; ':;~;"~ . .' .., o"r'-;"" -'J;L . ,way within the' g~i'de1ines. ,For 'example,', if the .':~, "l:~ ;~~ ' '-:~.;/:'<. ,"'" ".guide1ines' sugge~t ',0%:-' 20% in, cash,. the ,Council , ' >" " .. > ,might indic,at~ .;that: it:.:desir.es '~ll;..oash . reserves ::~ >i:>~':'. .:' :..t;/<'.:~;i.;,..'~.}-:"~,:,\," :'i ':, up ~o20~" be::held "un~il"there" is" a: decline 'in' both . ':. ,...- . ""'\ :.,:.:hheprime';:, rate' below'10% ::and;:two' montQs ,of declines; ;,' : > . "., '" in either,':the':'co'nsurner"price,Index:or':-the Whole- '. .~. :C'. ~.~.<,:.-: .... ". ,... ~ '; sale. Price Index. J 'Such" operating' instructions should ,.';':. ~:::/.. ,be "suggested; a~" additional guidelines for only'lthe :'~":: .' !..'.: next year ,'-' and ,should be :mutua11y acceptable to both' ~. " " .' .,," t;h~"..CQuncil.'axjd;~'the,:-investmen~ 'trustee. . I':"'_~: ',:::, . : ' " , , '.. '"....: ,;., ' :.' , '. '; ,:.,,' ", ',.1 '. ., ,;.~,;.....~,;::...:':: ...., :;;,;:<:':".i.~:'. '.::.' ,( 3) ".:' TO' 'be 'avail~b1e throughout the year for consultation ' " ,:',:.'.,~:,., '-.,~.i>',.-.:..,~ :.j', ;': :....'via telephone concerning appropriate portfolio , f)'. .'.: '. ." .~....t'.~,.., . ,guidelines.. "'.' ;':', ,..'," "; ,,:1:'-.,.. " .. . ..l,r~ . "l .:.:".,:' ~.""i \. ; ~~", f . . t .J.:~ .:...~.. ~~;.' {- _.~,~, ~'::; .' II " :...'.~.r.~.~'.)~t?> .... . I'~ , . .: ,'~ - ' '>j :.:," .. I.:. , "" \ !,:' .- ~ .... .;: 4 . , ., . The evaluation report would be done in Gainesville and ..; , ,~" .,'i' "'J ;'... mailed to you prior to your annual meeting with your invest- ',:,.....'. ;''-''.: ment trustee; every secoIld year, I would come to Clermont ...,~', '>.. ;.., .' in person for discussion,of the report. This personal ':.',r, ;:.,~. '., ,',:~";:'; appearance' might immedia~ely "precede your annual meeting with :<':;,.:......1'. ':'. 'your investment' trustee.' I, believe such personal appearances ':,:' '/)~.,: ": -..:' ::.',:' , .-are important if I am to provide the most relevant service to < '~';~::~~':':" :', i. ,~': ,.' you.. ' Also, over time, my reports should h~lp to provide ,.'::'~',:.:.::;,:, '.',:'. ~~':;.,..' long-term continuity in your investment approach; such con- ':.:,~\-.:..~:':; _;," ~.,' .'? ':, :.tinuity is important because of the turnover of Council . ..,.~." ...J. .1;1>... ..~.:",.~;.. ~.' mb :,t-'_.':-.- . i.", ,.'; '.' "" m.~ ers. :';'5r~;':.'.<~' . '. . :Y;>:..,,;, '. ../" "~'.\/::~<-.:~~~' ..-, Finally, turning to the 'Mayor's question about my fee, ;',;;~::~.~:~\::).,\,,:';"4:''':,'):;, I, believe that $150. 00 plus mileage is certainly a reasonable ~z.1:f;::"\":;~t::;/;',:;:ifee for the above service, and professionally I do not feel ~~~"f;.j;:~,.~~~;t:~~';'/:: .,.,::that I, can accept a lower annual fee. E:ren if you do not ~:'!':;~:,:t~_i-.ro'':::?'('''r'':- choose'4lo retain me as a consultant, I w~ll be happy to ~~41.~~~~:~~.~:~0~~~\pr.ovide very general,consul~ation services gratis via the "'.~,;f,~'~l'';'''''''' ,n.<~~::.,,;~ telephone. .' . ~ "'i<o:~i~it.J!r;~:'~~(:',::"".. '.~ '"'- .' ~ ':, ~'.. -h~.~~"~~~;'; fl" ~ /~ ,I' . . ,'$~.~'('<:<~~'5~.:~:. 7~~~t:'0~:~'. ~ l?ok forward to hearing from. you regarding your ~ecision i' ,:..:.'~, i-~;,~t.~~~ ,pn ".th~S",. and I ,;lso hope that you w~ll send mE.7 a .tentat~ve , ,"<,'~J," ~~,,,,(,,J":\ 'dra-4=t T.of,.the gu~delines for my comments. .;:;:.' "':... .'\~'t... ..'J.""I;',,,'"i...J:' ::J-r~ '."l!'-'\-' . ~'. .. . . .... _""'v ,~~..~"-~,"" ,;-t.... ._,~...~. .....1.... ...... ,.. . '-;':~: ~~~Ji;"~'. #;<~~~}., ;~~;~~~\:~;;~~~'~" :.~. ",':' ,: ' ~ _" ~ ~"1t '" t .... ~ ";""'c. .., -rJ-" '. ~~'t ..., ~'1~~.-;...? ~ ....~ ~ \~J'~' ~~..( ~ ... .~... . " f;~ ;f:..,'. ~~;, :':' / ,': '~~'.;, :<'~>: .<'<~' , \i,',~ '.~.~...)jt ............. ... .,...;r 't:.,..~. . .. ...... .' >;:,......,.. .. r,;"~ ....l~r....,."'...."...:;, ,', ..:. ~..', . .;, , ..~'\;;~.,._..,''''~:''',... '. :"',!J,." .;""'" ,\..a~. ~':,"'" ':':.",' ~.".,~'..:... .,:.';- ... . . t"'I:;FI>. ~$""~' y. -r""'"'IIIfff,".r', 0.\".....,).\... ~,.., .4- ~~:., fr..... .'~ ...... " ...... ".. .,>~~_.,,~ ~'o""~;.:.,. :~~' .~::A"."r:,~..}i.\,l"'~"~':""'.,.?~..~l;.:i~.".:'~,,,,:,:,,., "0 ...' ", 'H. ,Russell.Fogler, Ph.D. if'~. ,'.'. 1'1 ,~..,...." ,...~.. .'<.0'" J,-~~ . ..~...,' ~ ~ ....'..\. ..~ ".. ? . ,,' . f;\~ ''',,>t"'!'#''~ ~ " ~ "" "....:... '.' K (~.;t."~'".. t.. ~'..'lr \ . ~1 .~./~~ "..:......; >) ~...,.e;~,....... ,',,' "0 ".~." . ..', ,:oJ' .,,' '.. .. ~'~;';~:.f~ .,::'~, ..,.;...,;:- .;:~O~f~":>:'I~~~.ri9',,;~ay/sh9U-ld~):.~e'~ab9ve statements be understood as an < ", >I"~.~ ..;~~ .' i"'."<. Of~U'0.:.9~)1rny~yt:men1:-!'..~~~~~L oJ::: specific ~nvestment, Fe:conunendations. '~;~ '~. ^ " -: ,::;f~".?~$:.1'he 8~n:V~~es.,.~~t11ned:;.,ar~~ge~eral anal~~~.p~J,-:?orpfo,l.io c,0~~~~,i7":::. '-: .' .;I-~'~,f~.' t'.;. t:loD,';.no,t ~r.commendations' or' . fa ' . -:t9-':Pp;rc 'a.~.~~~.'.i;~~; ";;,:'" "''if ," , '~." '. .~.,."4'..~..aA"""'~ t-i f'>~'~ , ' ~ Sincerely, ~.~... '.,.: