This Agreement is hereby formulated to create a Mutual Aid
Pact between one fire department and another for fire services.
Realizing that a need may occur in one flre area which could be
greater that that fire department's capabilities, it is, there-
fore, necessary to have mutual aid.
This Agreement is between:
W henever an emergency occurs within either of the above
deslgnated fire departments, the Chief, or if this is not
possible, the superior offlcer in command, determines that there
is not adequate personnel, and/or equipment to handle the
situatlon, is authorized to call the other Fire Department for
assistance and that fire Department's Chief, or If this is not
possible, the superior offlcer in command, is hereby authorized
to send assistance as later stated.
following are guidelines
for mutual aid assistance:
1. The fire Department offering aid may be used to asssist
at the fire or other disaster incident or placed on
standby at a locatlon designated by the assisted
All available equipment and personnel of the assisted
fire Department shall be committed at the Incident
All of the assisting equipment and personnel
used shall be in addition to the equipment and
personnel of the assisted fire Department.
On receipt of a call for aid, the assisting FIre
Department agrees to send personnel and equipment
Which in the Judgment of the responsible officer, can
be spared from the primary area of responsibility
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FIre Departments agree to:
~. Have all the proper equipment on the truck that 15
necessary to fIght a f1re.
o. Send ava1lable firefighters with the truck.
5. Thi Chief or superior officer of the assisted F1re
nepartment wlII be In command at the fire or disaster
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Fire Department w],ll command his personnel and
equlpment as dlrected by the asslsted Fire Department/s
C ,'1 i e for ':: up e 1" i or Ci f f i c ~:'! r ..
G. Both fire Departments will generally not respond to
incidents in areas outside their respective areas
unless a Mutual Aid Pact is in effect.
Ti"llS d()f?'~; not
restrlct the right of elther fire Department to enter
into a mutual Agreement with other fire departments..
Both Fire uepartments agree to furnish sufficient maps
and 1nformatlon as needed to assist the other FIre
nepartment to locate the scene or the fire or dIsaster.
This Agreement will be 11"1 effect from date of signlng and
May be cancelled by either party upon glving thirty (30) days
1"1 () -1:, 1. C P .
Each of the parties hereto do herewith agree to take such
action and forebear such actlons as agree necessary to carry out
the meanlng and lntent of this Agreement and all its terms and
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