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,- , .->' :'- .1. rj.'{i!T~, ' \-. . . MOTOR FIRE APPARATUS. .'" " LEAS~" ~~NTRACT , '84-2.5', ,. . ~':7'" .~~~~~\!.~9 J~~ _,'5 J~~ r ,C':' .' C ....". . , ~.. .':. '. .' ."" '- AMERICAN ':LAFRANCE ;<:,~.,.',-" ,'. ..',,,'f. ":;" L? .~ ,,' "', ~...,.,. .:..;,.,:....:~.....' '._.' : '.; ...~~.. "'. .."~\~..:............l:,..~~,.~:-...: ,.:~,.c.>..? ";'Di\.isi~n :of-FJggie' i:nterriational"IilC:.~:. .,_....:i.:, .-:.j .~,.,:~ . . .. '" :'.".' \',."" .Elmira, New York 14902"" . . r. ,," '-;. .-:.:...;..;:.:.;....:c..;~/;:.-Cr~;~ :',::::.~ ....:..; .:;.., '<i~~>.: _, .:,:::...>,:.:'" ." .' .' ' " ',;^.::" .. . NAME 'kID'ADDRESS :~ '~~~I;;"O~ 'G~EkMO~;+.'" " ...:,:.,.... . ","""~ ." . OF BUYER: :,....., "" "p "0 :-..'BOX:'21g':,v,:"',,:.,., .:::. .' " :DATE: :. ,November'i,--1984 ... . .J':',',':;;:':'. t~.-?~;. ::'~ :'~rG/:;?~~.~~ONT'::':~~~}~~=:.;32'7 i';(~~~ ;.:<....~.:.;.".:,: .~.~"'.; , ',~ \ .t\,.:": . .',,'~: ::',: ]1' " :.. .( -, - ." ~ ". '. . " ,. .'.r.j', t:' :.' :. , ;"'. ;Or. ~ ~~' . ',':,~' ,: .;' -. J. . ., . J:. .\ ~~' . ~ _.f ." - .... ::..\. '. .., ~...., : "( ,......... ,..'..t ., , ,I:' . ....-: .' , ': '., '. .'~ '1.: .;.," .... '" ," :.~:',:.!;::~'" - ..' ~'. ~ .,. :.., LESSEE HEREBY LEAsES FROM AtiERICANLAFRANCE, ~.DIVISION:OF FIGGiE "INTERNATIONAL I~C::";:..(."tessortl) "THE 'FOLLOWING-'APPARATUS 1iliD EQUIPMENT:-".'~"'--:~;~" '. . " .;: ,," ':: .~:. r ',,, " . ',; '.{ ~'.' " " . . ~~l, I , .;;:. " DES"CRIPTION .OFAPPARATiJS AND' EQUIPMENT SOLD: . One "":(i):..i,ooO.gpni' 'C6~er~-i~i:.<.." ';" Pumper with "50 I .Telesquirtper.':'Ci ty 'Specificat'iOns' date'd 'A\.lgust15' "H~84 ~ . . ..'". '.' . '. '-. ." ." .' ,. ,. . ,', J,....-:;: _ "";,'~"....,,:', ,', I .: ", "-I~., .", "~:':. ~. :' "; '~'" '" '':.. ;)'.",; ".;., \ , ~~ ;, - '.. ,:' ..., , ," .'. J ~ , . ..,~.J :'. '. I,':.. " :, . ~ .. . day of .1.' :r.esse~_ will :'not assign/,mortgage',' hypothecate or or. make . any alterat:lons or' improvements to the Equipment . .the Equipment by any person other than Lessee without the of Lessor.. . '", ' '. sublet ,the Equipment or permit the use of prior writt.enconsent. .~ il tr ....'l,.l) r it; ~ V .; Iii addition. to the f.gOing, thepartieS-havemutu~. ag~e:d ~~s-foilOi~~"\.- !~i lk ~ M q . ~ . ~ . ill '.-' n ':. .~. .... Lessee.:shall ~omply with and conform to ail laws, ordin~nc~s and ,regu- ". . ~ lations, ,present or :,future, in any way relating to. .theownership, .possession~ .jJ .useor'maintenaric'e of the Equipment throughout the term of this Lease ~ ...., , '. " .~ _: :_~, 4.' .,;Lessee will' .'indemnify 'and s~ve Lessor ha'rmless'f;~~~ ali'cl~ims> ~o~t~ /:~~.. ...,.' ~ expenses'; damages and liabilities, including attorney' is lees,- resulting from or. . , '. ," [~ pertaining to ,th~ use and. operation of the Equipment during the term of this 11 ". Lease or while the Equipment is in' the possession ofthe.Lessee'- :Lessee will,...... '~ ','if.Lessor so requests,' obtain reasonable insurance upon the apparatus if the " . ,~SJ!: '. ""same-is . "available .and,.in ,coverages 'fairly ~requested_by .American LaFrance. ..... __ _ ,.,.:..'___~.n . ., . .",' .' . ," ...f ..'_ _". " .:,. .' .. I':." _ . _. .' Ij.l . 5..' (a} ':r.essee will inspect and test each piece of' apparatus delivered to ' ~ . c, it by ~L.essorprc)Jnptly after receipt thereof' and if J.esseehas any 'objections to . iJ , '.'. ,any,'such piece. 'of apparatus .or :t.o; any attachment, part or ,appurtenance,: it.;will,,. ~ '.' so . notify . Lessor. within thirty (30) days ,from the date ,of ,the receipt of such' '1 . . apparatus. . ,Any such objection shall be . in writing and eXpressly describe ,the', . {., , item .and. Lessee's. obJection. lfthe "efect isa latent one which .could not. have' ("- ~f beendiscovered,.by such inspection, . then Lessee shall so notify Lessor in .writ-. , -,.: . ~ '. 'iilg within. .thirty . (30) days after the discovery of s,uch l,atent defec,t, describ- .~ ing the item and 'defect.... .:- '. .,' '" '; ..-::. :. ',. __ . .. ::'.' ,. r~ . '. ',' w. ",.:"(bl .Lessor . shall have 'the right to repLace any 'such :pait 'or item with:'; .' ~ . in .a' reasonable 'time after receiving ',such notice (whether: the defect is latent ' ~ or, discovered ,on the' 'first :inspe~tion) or may require the 'return .of th~appara~ ~,\ tus to Lessor'.s .factorY 'for . repair ,or replacement. .' ~pon, any such. ,repair or'j .t1 .7.'~;~';~. ~ repla"ce~.~~~.~~,~esso..~":S..;.~ia.b~l~~y shall; .,~~.~~~~t~ ~~-~ -~"':\..-"..:: :'~:,-~~:-:'~ ~~~~:~~.:' i' ,~:., ".'.;:":; . ':', :, ,'" ~ , ",'~"6'~>"~si;ty::t (60'j:":da;'~' b~f~r~. 'eJq,'i,~~t{()n~ :7~'f<th~":~e~"~~:f'uisl:,i~;as:~;~""Le~s'~~~:_:.. ' ':. .~ ... _ ...:~~~s~~t~;r.,it~rUOc~Writing ~;Ch,,:f~;?~~ot$_,a.~~e7:~~?s, ~esT,' ...' .. I. "(':.',' ,,"'.'.' (a)' To:retumthe..Equipment:to 'Le$sor',~:.good,. operatiJ;l.g ~~ondition,', .~ ','-"., ". ,:" .-,:. '.normal' wear and tear 'excepted. or'. . '. c' ,.;: .'.~ ':: ~, ,'....:. '. .:. '. .-;.. ... .~ ',:,: ':,-', '(b) To 'purchase the Equipment' atits'.th~n:fair~ark~t. \~~t.~e)~stablish~((.,_ . . i1 .. ' ,.'. '. ' '.'C\ by independent appraisal; or. " . >, ", '.: ", ',~ ; /. "...'.', . '. ' . .. ". '.~ ,;,~,,:,:,.:,.;..:1: ~;,': '\~~.;I~oi~~~:)~~'o~~~:.~~~~~~~~~.;.a.~:.~h~,:~~i~~ ~:~t:.. ;on~.~~1.~ar'~.',:,"': "" ".:.' '" ':c'~~" ..~:.. ...~\ .>'~"":":',;::~i' ;')d,r'~T.,?',,~~q~e.st:the~~.eict.el.l~io~~:~!~~l1i!;,L~~s~ _~o~."~i--p.~,r;od ;of\',~ .' '. ye,a~_~.;:~:" . ':, ":,~,,: f " . ".,;,.:. :~~.~~::~~ :~~<:L~~'.f~>~'~,:.,:~:;at ::a,~_ a~~a:'::re~t~rJof, . ': "':"'~". .. :::::. :"'., .. -','. '..:':'. <::"~.: .".~: : n',' ~'.. "," ::-. .:: t,~;", . :.:" . ,",-,,' ,,". ","" .. -, ($ ~, . '.. .{," ,..) Dollars ,.". . '. ..._'''' '"...... ,.... '" .. <, .. 1, ' .. .,' '. ., ,. . ".' ' ~ " \.. ,; I, . 1 \ I. . 2. Le'ssee' shall:' cause .the Equipment ,to be operated only by competent . persons., .'. Lessee .,shal1 .pay all' expenses of' operating the' Equipment.. and ,shall. , keep and maintain the ,. Equipment. in good condi~ion .and wor],ting order.'. Lessee shall apply and install all replacement' parts arid accessories required' to main-'. tain the Equipment in good working condition. . I ; . 'f ".', ''::', ,_ ,;j':-" - ~'~.r'-".. . \ ,.,' ' ;." , ~'. .. .;," , " ' -: . " .~. '. ' t, ," . . :~:'. ,.' '-.; '<-,~,~" , ,'" , , ~. :.. ~,.~~, I~~:',.;.:,~:; ~'I :'.....~ :1" .~. .r:' ; t,.~' .^ '<'.f: . ^ ".~ :'t . ,...... '~"- \ .: .. " . -, . . ., ...... . . , ......,...1,~.~ ~i ,_, ~',r-.~'" '.. . . ' ..' .'. .,r;',' ,,~ ~ '~_"'::'.....<,;::.~; ..."-:; ..':.,.......-.... :.' ,..~'..:..::....;,;~.,.:.~~~:.., .... ~-_..~_._,-'_..,~.::-~....... ~ .' .. In '.the event Lessee' elects (b), the' procedure. for appraisai. shall be as ;. ;, . follows: 'Each .party shall appoint one appraiser satisfactory to c it:.. , .If'the two '" .c. ;2 . appraisers". so ',appointed. agree upon' a 'value; 'then their ~dec~sic)JishaI1 'establish ' q (" .the fair. market valu~.If .the two appraisers so appointed fail tC?agree upon' "\' "a . value ~~hen the ..two appraisers shall' appoip.t a third appraiser ;:'andthethird; 5 appraiser' s. de~ision s,h~'11 establis~ the . fai~ ma~ket value'- -:, ~ .' .' ~ ~ p , c .' ...," .' ~ ..'. .: . "<In the event 'Lessee fails 'to notifY-Lessor which 'of ,the above alternates .it' ,~ . .eiects"Less~es~all bed~emed~?baVee~~ct~d'(a).'~,:~:"::\:>'. :"~:". .':"::":"1 ::" ~, . . . 7 ~. .'All' additiohS' or"Uoprovements . of 'W:b,ate,ver kind of ~ nature made .to said' ~,~I Equipment shall' become. the Property of Lessor . upon "termination 'of the . Lease..' ~ "the Lessee. wilr;:..Iiotperm~t :~he installation' of '.an;y "i~em. in '.whi<:h 'another pa~~y.'," ~ 'has .'a . sercurity interest.~ithoutexplicitly fagreeiD:g . wit;.h such sec~red 'party~.', . .' '. II .. .. ;..E:~~i:(~}~~i?;~:i;i:;;o:'~1"1;r~!~~e!Y.~~I5iS~i~j~~:~~~;..tf~5?:~:~~!:;~.'. ... ...~. .; ::'. '8'.:' THERE )\m>NO W~IESOFANY KIND; EXPRESS OR : IMPLIED ,-. EXCEPT WARRAN~:,:. .:, ~ .~ " ,. .' '. " :TIE~ .EXPRESSLY ,MADE .IN WRITING ANDATTACHEJ;) TO .THE LE~SE .~:. ";~'~":":~~"'f;{:: .'-' .::i.:'\ , ,: :.' - ;/::'.- ".~ .. ,. ..'. ';, ..,.' ~,' ; , . " ':~'_'. ,:', '.., ..~.' .... .':.~(,::" .. .-:,: "_: J .. .,... ,:' ;,;:,",';., :'..:: , .,.... :'.' '~~ '...' ", : '.1 :.....::-..~.._.. ...._...~.+. ~~..' ,:~.S;qJR.JTI'~_,'..~~". S.ecuriti 'for th,~' prompt' and full' paYm.ent "hf the "rent~i :'.- " ~ , , . . und.er this,. LeasE7" and for the promp.t':"and faitlifti1""per'f6~ance 'DY~~.Less+e'e-'Of'''alr~:-'-:'-'''':~'''''-I~." ':other".obligations . rinde~ 'th~~".'Lease, ,Lesseehas,~eposited<with,;..th~ I.esso:r, .:.the :, . . sum of." ,'.NONE . ,.,...'. ,",. -':', ';':":":~:' ""'. ", ."~' ..: , . :($. '.'. '. '.:. ...j Dollars~" 'In. the .;event any default be . made'. in the ,p'erfo'rmance ..' :.' '. i~ ,.,'of' anyob~iga~i'9~ under this Lease;):.essor" shall 'have the . right;~; "~~17.. shall' no~: . ", :..',: ~ : 'be' '9bliga~ed;' 'to:':apply'the: securi,ty:'to the during'of such :default~ '.' .such appli-:'. : ,..' ..... a :~''''; :cat~onby. 'Lessor sha~l'not,'constitu,te, a 'defe.ns~' to any action by Lessor a'rising... . " . ~ . ,',,"r .: out .~of .the Les~ee"~ .de:fault :.a~~' Le~se~ proml.se~ upon.. ,?emand to restor.e the, " '.-: 0 . ~e,curi:-y. depos~t.. t~,.the. full 'ainoun:- .set ';forth. ,a~o~e. i~ '~e even1:- any such pa:t;.. n l.S' utl.ll.zed. .tocure'~nyde~ault,.:,' U'pon. the :e?cpl.~.atl.on..,of the. :termof, thl.s.... .,':l.'~ .:Lease; provl.ded,'Lessee :has .pal.dall'rentals when due 'and h~'s fully'performed:al1' .... ....,. ~ '.>o~her,:,obli~a~~ion.~, .~';lD.de~.:this.Lease '" Les,so.r wi"ll,. ret,urn.t~:Less,e.~~ai~. ..~~curi~y..< : : '~ '.....,. . '. " . .:". ,,' .;..,..','........-:.'.:;., .':. .'~:;""."::.' ,,"'.,,,:". ",..,~'. :'.' ..-.'..,'. ,',',"::<:""';"';' ..::,..' . .".:' :'~. .~ ; :.::,,-: .', '., '10~"."'.In::th~ event. that'.Lesseefails:to'pay anyrental.or~,'ottier sum due here...... "~ :",:':,' .., '.in '.within: . ten ".(10) . ,days.. from the',:date 'it. is, due, 'or' fails,.to'comp~y with any..':: . ~ ,: ..'.. '.:':~:.~'.:,: ~:~.t~e:_Qbl,iga't~'~n';.unde.r,:~t~i.s'7.Le'ase~~~:t1l~,ten.~(1?).. days:. afte,r.. 4e.in~nd .i~.m1ide, . ill~...:,:~-,';: .,~.~ 0'" .' -....7.. . ~,~.~n,tJ.ng;..,...by.. Lessor; .'.that:~':;Lt,:.do' so;. the. 'Lessor, shall. have;,~ll.o~ ~he~:followl.ng,,,., .;:,' ~ ..:~>~C';',~um:l~~y.e.~a~i,'.~r .:::~~;'.>u.;;.:~~ ':1~'~[1:;~}.'~~:;se~1, ~i;~"t.;l..".f.~~I.;~.:1t.~.~e..~ '~i~n.~t~~':'{. '~;>:I:. ", h ,;,:.",..,:-..,," >: .~Equipment; ,:.-.:: .< >~'y: :.' ;';;': .': . .';':.;i!~ :\'.::,:;~;: ..;.:;',:;,:....l. " '.:"~,..:::, ",--" 'r .....; :' };~ :,:",;;:",1:. {~)- "To ae<:l.a'rf!"."a'll,' ~rent'.h~reunder .immediate1,.ydue' .~hd.j)ayable' .to' .tht<.'.~:i':,. ,;.~', ,; . _., ",.,' ">..'::~'~': .'....., :extent' 'p' e'rinitted .by law:'" . ." .,..... .. .":",~:';' ".,..' "",",':' ;.':.'-". .:~. .,\",.:", .:'; .,'. -. .' .'.:,.... . '.' ".!.J . " ,'. \ ,... ~~. .' _, . . ;.> , ~~. ~ ... .. '" ." -"'t-... ."",1'4. .'. .- ,,' -. '.~ ,"~'.., '..........,. ~t :. ;: ;.>, ~ ~ ..:. "'~ '.f<:. :~c):..J~~,..,:~epo:ss~'~.s,' ,~~~. E.q~~p~ent. 'and' up~n 'repossession,- ~he :L~s.sor, ma~'~;~: '.' ;'. 'If . ,-' ''',,'(' :,,; '.;' ':-"., <~".:( . ;:':at ~'1tS . .0ptl.on:C', " .(l.) '~ell . all or 'part, of the. Eq~l.I>men1:- ,at publl.c ',"-:. ". . ~ . '. ,'. , .,,~.. :,-~,:,: ,:,,~~"-"...'>"'o'r,~::.pr~v~t~.' sale-~ " ~ .'In the . event ",~es~~:z:..;.,sha_~~. ,lease, :A,r. . sell' the';.,,; :,.'-:'-':'L',,, ~ . . ~. :. :;:',.' :,.. Equl.pment'. .11ereunder,'" Lessor;'.may...apply.' the: 'amount:..recovered' ..to.. ,.'::"c:,,;I . .:,. "_'~~;(~~);"7'}:-~~;'",;'~ ,Les ~.~e: '~.' .::r~~,? _"!:~ . ~.t~er. .:'.sum's, .d~~i':~; .-~~ . ,~~~ome:: ~?:.e,. :. 'a~ter ~i~~~' 'c~.:':'~,i,'.~.,-',' ~ _ ' ..'~'.; " ',:.. ~'i'.:,' :',.: ''-''~'~'~; ;"de,duct:.l.ng .t:he expenses '.of ',retak1ng,- holdl.ng, ;,,,.preparl.~g .,f~r lease. o.r. ;": ) '" .... r. .' ::,' X.~"~::";}:",,,,,,:~;;~::':;.;;.;'~<);sale',;~:<leasiilg, ::i. selling. 'and ;.:the ,!.like";:,,.,and :'~'r~asqnable', ..~tto"rney;'.s:; -:.,,-: ,,~' li . ":....~".,:".... '\"'.'...'f. ~. d'l'" '1"'" ..,."'.'.d..L"'. ..;'4'.11'.'. .."'l".bl "'f ." '~.,.",~l.., .', ,". . ,::. '<.'. ,:::__ -'-',' .(;' :"--:'''~'' '::, '." ees,~",an >. ega r~~expenses, ;(an ,... esse~..,,,wl. j'~;~~l.n,::' 1,~ ~"'" O.I;! a.o,y: ;:.,'. '.~ '..', . ~j .: . ,:~.~~.;.,~:.; J: ;;:: ~~';~>'.~:: ';';'~ '.: ':~:':i.,~ 'def.i'cieIicy :! +';';,<,~~;,:-~;', ;.';\; 'J.~::~}., ::~.-~~\f::i' ( ;~':::. i>.: ....<:5\i~\. .-.< <.> : " ;::~;;:7";:-';:' "I',: ':},:- ~ t ': ", ",) ~~>:\/,' :"'J~,.: ~. (J. :.;~::.-;l, :1.,,;~; :',:~~"..::..: ........, (d~:.The' ttbove :.right...,~h~il<,b'e:t.c.tim~la:tivE(~n(r~iessof.,.,~hai'i- .'not;:be. held' 'to~',;~\-'.',,::"/,;:..~ '.... .~y',..~ \'l~"'-;;.;t~'" !.~J'!!.-r.~~' i~l '.~: '~f ~'. ,.'~'," ,'../.......,~. ,_.....;: .....,_,... ~'~"",._ '. ..,~ ,1 ',~.'\ . ~ \....\.,_..:... .. ,'~ ,. J,. ..,,:..-,,' .':. :'~':"'~ .: .::: ,:.,,:<,,'/' have '.elected . any, 'one'-' to;:. the :exclusion ""6f:'}any' ,other' .remedy. ',:...,.....<..":." ':::',(.,' ;.;~':;': f' l1i ./'.. " ~ >~ . .~.. .\ . . ;", . " ' ' f~ , . . ,I " ",' . -" " ' . '. . . '101 ',~'" . 11. Lessee a'gr'ee"s '.ay'. to ' Les~o'r . immediately;" u.'demand' .any"'and '~Ii'):'c~:-~::~::-~ expenses, including reasonable ,attorney's. fees' incur'red by Lessor in exercising . J or enforcing any .of its rights hereunder;' Should Lessee .fail to pay any rent' :1i hereimder'. or ~any-- other sum ;required to 'be 'paid to Lessor wi th1.n"ten - (10) days -'". (.' ~ .after the due date, Lessee shall pay Lessor interest :'OilS:uch delinquent payment ~ : .)~ . from the' expiration of l;uch :teJl{10) ,dayperl.od until' paid at the maximum legal .,...'. 'fl rate'then allowed by law.' .' . . .' , . ~~ . '. ...... '. .. ':.." , ," ~ .'. '. 12.. ','. ,Lessee wi ll:':'-s ign and 'exe~utealom~:'orJ~~th':Le~s'o~ any ,document, . in:-.. ~ ,cluding !:1 financing statement or statement.of title with respect t.o a moto-r' ~fl vehicle or ,:procure . any document, and. pay 'all c:onnected 'cos1:s 'necessary or re-, -- . ~ queste~ in good . faith by Lessor for the purpose of protect:ing Lessor's interest ~l .against the rights or interests . of 'third persoJ;ls'~":.The:provisions ,of any docu",:, tl ment' placed on record. 'shatl notcbe : deemed, .to ' vary any provision of this Lease':~" .n ,. In.~he, event'of any conflict int,he' terins' ,or, implications of any recorded docu-', 'i~ ment and this' instrument, . i~: is' agr~e<;l t~at ,'thil? 'instr':J!Dent shall be gi~.en ~on-,,;. .. '. \~ trolling effect. .',., . . . '-- . .,.. .' , .' ':' .., ~ < ~;::: ,:~ ~'-13~' :-'.Thi~-,;ie'asce~'S~~lf::;i~~'~e-::~-to:,tile' :b~~efit:'.oi ;::,'~nd' be ",b~(i'ing-' UP'?Il;' 'th~~:'- " :":; , .~ .successors and a~signs of the :~art.ies hereto.,: . ". ":.'" _' "":' .~,.' . ~ f~ '.. ...' ..-:. _ .,... "._...," '. ..... :;.;'<' ':.,< ,'..., '. , ...'. .... .'":".:,,,.. -:"'" .:' :;,. "7' ':. . ~ . " '. ". .14..' "The.'parties 'agreed that the interpretation and effect of 'this document . .", I ._:__.' .,.... . ~ are_,,_~o. be. ..~e,s_~ly~~ :..l,lI}de,r, ~~_ Jaw ,Q,f t~~'_~t~~~ __C?~_9~i"Q.._,',..~e__ pa.rtj.~s 1nt~nd th~t;'..; --.~ . ~~. ~ -: Ohio law govern all. questions arising out of 'this tx:ansaction, to the "maximum '.::: ~ " .' . .~xtent that such intention.can be given 'effect.by law. '...:- :;. :'. ,', ' ..;. ," .-. y . . '... .",: f5. . Pa,ragraph ~5. 'set forth 'o~ Exhibit :"A" is incorporate'd 'herein.: .,: ~' ," .. .\:,: -:' 1 . '..,'IN ~TNESS WHEREOF, th~ .partiE7s have ,!iuly exe~ute.dthi~' Lease ',thi~ 1st ' . '.. ~ : day of, . November.. .,;:,,~9 .84 .. . ,'. ~ " .. ..; . . "',, :.' .', , ,~l :, ';: '.', ; ., . , . .. " .:,,"" ." '. "...." ':. '. ..',. '. (\i 't~ .. . , :..~: ~_~,:,~~...:. '.A '.' , '; , ...... ,,' AMERICANLAFRANCE.:" . :"_ ~ .. ..' "'/:.~,,~c":' ......':~i-sikiiJ~7atio:nal Inc., .1 .. ;;~+';'_' "''7C.:'O-;:.;'::~:._-~.:~ :;(.:;.:""i;;,~;;~so~.A;S010n ....::"L ' .~J ,:~!" '.',;'; ";':," '. :. ':', .. " ..' ,.,',.;':'.. ..,. .- --'Director . of Contract Operat;ions'. '," ~. '.,. \\1 ::';\~." \"', ,<' :<"/:'::~;,,;":"{:~A."T:' "~~' ,....<~~..(Ji;!i.~:.<<.. ......,".,;,..:: ":.,.::. ,..,'?;~;:-::,::.....,... .~';:,.. ";'.' ~ ~,:..,.:,.~ ; '" .t'.:. . ,':' . c', '...;,. .. :\,ic:>'.~ '~>"f:':' ~.~. '.- .' '.:<,: ~':-:~:."::, : \~';'~" . '...: ;"'. .... .~l ,. :..',\,.'" .', . .,.... ,..,,'.: .' I,.'BY..':,V,. ", . :A.;;v.2 O_/J ...,: ................Ii~. ...<;.',:, .. ....\<<.:'~,~, ,..p.:>-;',.,,:,,",.,;, .:. n ~ l.il. ""-~ . ",.r. . :'::: ::'../':;:i~:',~';:' '2~..>..':.~..\(.':.,j:'" ":.'.::Ch'a~~es'B.Be~~::.s::ior..,~' ":~.:".. .,<;.~,.. . :::. \.. :". --::,-.' ": '::,,'!>."", ~".--:;.',,:..,', --;,. .'.", .~':CityqfC1ermont.F10rida" ',' "'U :. ,~" ~"~' :-,:", ,..." -,,' , ,<,,": ' ....~ :;~~.>:/: ; '::: .:f~;'~ ': ,~ ~~::___: ,..~;< .. "',~,,:'" ',:>':i:'::: .;<~.- ;. ';' '.. .' ;',' :" " '. ....,,'.. -: "'., ',' . <:, ti "'~~'" . : '.; .~:_:.::. -~...~.'~ ..~t~~_ ~~~:t~" '; +; . ..-,. . ,OPTION AGREEMENT .. -.'.... .- ,..,-... " ~'-"~~'~.-.-'::c-~-~:of.-,~-...~:-:- ~~~:7-:'-:' ..........,.~. ~ ~ ' l .; .. -. . , . AMERICAN LAPRANce '2.-..S' . .' ...... 1 ~ ", . .' , ,,' -;," o;~ ~ , '. c'- ." , .'-.. -.-. ".- , '\ ,"l.. , oJ " " \ ") i'i i! ~ ~ . A It }f J ,) g ~ .1 ,;1 iJ ,I :~ ~ *, " " 'j ,~ ~, Z .~ ~ 'TheLes~or 'and .iessee'ha~e. agre'~d .that. t'fthe.Lessee ,sh';U: 'm~ke' all ~f the" ~ payments' of rent and.. comply with all '.of its other 'obligations under the said ,.~, .~ Motor Fire Apparatus Lease,;then ,upon ,payment' of One Dollar ($L.OO),' AMERICAN'. ;,:, ~ LAFRANCE will transfer, all .~of 'right~: ,title and int~rest " {n'~,all ',apparatus and'. . .. ......* equipment covered by' the said Motor.'. Fire Apparatus Lease to the said 'Lessee, }, .itssuccessot or assign, .which shall .then be the sole andexc1usive .owner of all '.~ of the said"apparatus. and equipment.:.'.' ..... . "'" ~ , ." '~, ~. ,~. ~ ,. . 'C e' "1' (' . ., \ :t.....;....:.:. " ~, .. .~_. ~ - . .'" . . ~ '. - -"-,.. -.-._~~;- ',~_. o.l '. ; ....:..;;...~~ 'lL:.! ,--.--.-.... . .; ...... . '. . RE: . : Di v~sion of Figgie. International. Inc. . ,.,,'-,,'....,' Elmira,. New York "14902. ,.' Motor Fire Apparatus Lease between AMERICAN LAFRANCE , .. Division of Figgie International Inc. ','.'an'd the undersigned Lessee dated November 1, 1984' and. covering the following . 'a~para~us and ~qu~pment:. .:".... ..,. .. . ..one ':(1),t~000 'gpm'Commercia1,Pumper .with'50' Telesquirt' p:er :." r ...." .' '. ':Ci~y '~pecifications/ ~~:";,/,.,.,:~: :':'. ::;:~;,;,__..:~,,)., -'. .,.... '. '. ..: "', . ": :";, ... ~-,':',.: -.. . -1M ,: " ....,.. " ", :'. ..:THIS .OPTION . AGREEMIDff ,supplements and is; a part '.of"the above-described Motor .:Fire. ,Apparatus . .Leas,~. . ~~~ ~~.as ".~~:~~. e~e~u~ed.. ' simultaneo~s,~Y:... therewit~.; . .I \ , . ~r:' ,.., " '. '. Lessor' and ;r.essee mutually understand :'that the effect of this Option Agree- ment'is to give Lessee all of the rights of . a purchaser under a conditional. '-sales contract. .... , . . , . . . . ." , , ~;. ,.. '.'" . ,. " ~';'::: ':..,t ,.~~:..,,~, .' .'.~..I'::"'> ._, ,tesso.r' and Lessee' 'agree 't~at, the total rtmt of$ 170.425.30 payable under 'saidMotor'FireApparatus Lease may be apportioned as 'ifthe. cash purchase price for apparatus and equipment covered. thereby had been "$ 147.682 :" :.' . . "" .-' ,"'that 'be~g .thecash .sale .price forwhi~. 'Lessor would have.., sold said apparatus and equipmeilt.,,"The' parties confirm. for' th,eir . respective. records ,that the ,remaining amount' of ,,:rent payable .under . said lease, 'to wit.. ! " . $ 22, 743~30 ; :.has 'been computed as '.a sum equal to .'interest payable .at' " .,.~" ~therate' of.. 6.50 - '. ,-- H_:}~ per- annum 'on '.the ':unpaid .balance',of ..such .cash ,sale ..price .::":.:...~_. ~ " . over the . term of said" Motor Fire. Apparatus 'Lease ,on' a' declining balance basis .'. .:< " . -... ,:" (rules' of 78 "s), witb. .all payments being applied. first ,to~ interest on the unpaid ." " '.,' . balance and 'then to'pr'incipal.' ,,'.,.:..;'. ;',7.""'-;' ':::"." -,,~""...' , " ' ,..,' .'. '." ,~ ,..... "",'~~:}~~i;';'>~~~~~ct:'>,'::, . ',>," ,':', . ~,:,.':" . ..,.... " ""i/:DIVISION OF :FIGGIE: ,.. ,>' .~, ;.. ,: ,: :~'X:.:.' ',::." ,;'~;~:,:j~;?,,::'} . ' ::"'.'.:.;.~By:.:~.:',:~;'~:..:'~r:~ ::r~:. '- "; "" "::"', ,.., .' '." ;' ,;',J ;:~~,~~~:.}~\;::~;~~;~~;t;:;', : . ,;,,::."'!;' ,.,:"c" ..,....". . ,;"" . .:.::\t:...-': "i ". .;.- :' ~, ~"'" ,. -' '" . .' ........ .' . 0' ~ .) ~ 'l ~1 " ~.a , ~ ~y ~ 4':' ~j ..~ ~'~i :,1 1 " , . . ., '."'" " ,;, ~ , '. ~ .." ..",. +. ~ .. ,. ":: ........... . --"+"'- ~ .' '.. . ,-.;.. ,. -'~' '. :.:.1...... u "", -" ~~. ,r' . r: ;.~ " . '.' " .~ ..~-~ .-. ~ : ';",-;~ :.7, ..' t .~';' _.~.~V'.. .:!,.... . . , " , . . t' . . . EXHIBIT "A" Paragraph 15. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary Eet forth herein, the City of Clermont shall not be obligated to erican LaFrance for additional lease payments, interest, penal- ties or attorney's fees if the City of Clermont, while said lease agreement is in full force and effect and not in default, notifies American LaFrance giving sixty (60) days written notice of intent to cancel the lease agreement and agrees and does make available for recovery the vehicle which is the subject matter of the lease. The City shall quit and deliver said vehicle in as good condition as delivered, excluding ordinary wear and tear. The lease agree- ment shall be deemed a lease from year to year with the option given to the City upon sixty (6D) days written notice to renew the lease for additional one year periods. The payment of the monthly lease amount shall also constitute notice to renew. As additional consideration for the terms herein, the City of Clermont agrees not to prematurely terminate the lease and re- place the vehicle from a competitive source. Lessee may exercise its option to purchase the vehicle, so long as the lease agreement is in effect. .