1984-02 '~a -~ 2. LOG ~UMBER F()(.&. - c -OS'S 4. MAILING OATE 1984 . ",v ,"O...MENTAL ....OTECTION AGENCY IP:~IST ANCE AGREEMENT IAMENDMENT "",T t. A,SSlSTAHCI NOTIFICATION INFORMATION I. 'AY~ENT METHOD .d ....' O' Ad".roe. (J ".Imbur~_' Send '.ym.rlt Requwt To: Financial Mana ement .. PAYEE o L.n.. of erell" ,. TY'E Of ACTION Continuation ___......_ 1~ \' ,. ... .. ,. .. ! I ~ z : t u .. . C fty 0 f C1 ermont P.O. Box 219 Clermont, FL 32711 Same as !lfl. r.------------ ~~GMnTh~n~M~~~-- ,.. "'0. N/A ' 06 '0. "ECIflIENT TV"E ~unicipalit 12. CON$U L T ANT ,.'WT COM'".chon G...... On',1 ,t. .."OJECT MANAGE" AND TELEPHONE NO. Charles B. Beals, rayor 904/394-4081 Springstead &'Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 44R leesburg, Fl 32749-0448 ... u c ... z o u C Il. 1/01 '5. E'A CONGRESSIONAL LIAISON. TEL. NO. ,~. ISSUING Of F ICE ,Clt,ISt.,wl . Water Management Division Environmental Protection Agency Region IV 345 Courtland Street. NE Atlanta. Georgia 30365 ,.. E'A 'ROJECTISTATE OffiCER AND TELEflHONE NO. . Richard W. Smith, Chief Bureau of Wastewater Management & Grants 2600 Blair Stone Road Twin Towers Building Tallahassee FL 32301 11. STATE APPL 10 tClra"n,lJo_' n. flELO Of SCIENCE ,. 'ROJECT STEP (Inn' CG On/,I Pat Gaskins 202-382-5184 '8. STATUTORY AUTHORITY., Pl 92-500 as amended Section 201 NA 2+3 o 20. REGULATORY AUTHORITY 40 eFR 35 Subpa rt. I 2', STEP 2.3. ST[P:1 ''''\l'T Con"rt,r',on On/,' .. T,..,,,,,...' L_I b "Olee, Typ. 3 ~ INC I ~! 2,8 " c. Tr..'m....' 'roc... G. Sh,Gee 0...,... 22. PROJECT TITLE AND DESCR.,TION Design, upgrade & expansion of the eXisting secondary wastewater treatment facilities from 0.6 to 0.95 MGD. Effluent disposal will be by spray irrigation. 23. 'ROJE CT 1..0 CA TlON IA..... ,,,,porlrd h hoJrrll Cltv/Place CO"""Y s,.,. Con.....ion.' O.."ie' Fl 06 26, BuDGET 'ERIOO . . 'Cl ermont La k 2.. ASSISTANCE "ROGRAM(CFDA Pro,...fft No.. Tilk 2ft. 'AOJECT 'ERIOD 66. 41fl..GcnH. Grants Wl\'TF 21. COMMUNITY POPULATION IW~'T CC Onl" 6 t 000 2.. TOTAl.. BUDGET PERIOD eOST 29. 85 NA 1 290 908 NA NA NA NA AMENDEO TOTAl.. ~ NA NA NA NA NA NA NA N.~ FUNOS 30. EPA 1.""0""" T".. Actio... 31. EPA I...-Klnd AmO""" 32. Un'.Qended ..,lor V..r e.'."c. 33. Oth.r fed.r.t fu"eft 'II.. Reclpl...., Co",rltl,,"o'" S~t. Contrlb",lo... _.. l..oc.1 Contrltl",lon 31. Ot".r Contrltl"tio'" 38. Allow.bla P'ojec' Colt 'OAMEA AWARD NA NA NA P,o,'."" EI.m...., FY App,opriatio'" Doc, Con,rol No. Aceo"n, N"mOar ObJec, CI... 41.11 OOhgll,on/Oao"Iog. A",o,,' .J ~ GKAW80 82 68XOl03.F F4000l MqKA042002 710,000 ... ,fJi '" EPA Fo"" !i70l> 20,11. (R.... !i-821 Repl~ei pn"iOUi ed.tiOl'li ....d EPA Form. 5700,1,11., B, C.lf\d C. III of ..,tIlC" .re ob.olete. - - -~--------------.---;. > -<:;r ~.OYI" auu,"C I ..--.__._. r_.~__ .__.~... .', . - .. , ~. " ~~ ~iL .~ ..... \ 'I', ' Il A OBJECT CL.ASS CATEGORY TOTA, APP"OVED ALLOWABLE , \ ,,'<' TA.~ (Non-~_.tru~tiOn) UOCiET PEIlIOD COST , ~, !"~-;;~~ . " " \ ..'.~ ~ . ~.~ ". ..r.-..-' " ~.~ . '. '. :~ :l ~... N/A :,:.0:; .. ~....c ..- .. .. ..........c TwO- .. ....... - ..._ ...I~' ~"A"G~I .. BAlE -.,..... ~ -:o.C c' ~OITI: aATE ,.. "", Federe' ~ , ... ~"L (SM'.: Recipient. - . TOTAL APPROVED ASSISTANCE AMOUNT S 1& . TAIIL.E II - PROGRAM EL.EMENT CL.ASSIFICATION '(Non-~_.truct;on) , t. a. I. e.. N/A I. I. ' ' 1. I. ,. to. tt. ta. TOTAL ($1I.,e: ~ecip;en' ~. Fede,.' ~.J I'. TOTAL APPROVED ASSISTANCE AMOUNT . ' S TABL.E C - ~ROGRAM EL.EMENT CL.ASSIFICATION (Cort.,ruc';ort) 1. ADM'N'S'''ATION [lICPENSE 2.~r() . 2. PRELIMINARY ElIC"ENSE J. LAND STRUCTURES, "IGHT-O"-WAY 28n ""I') c. ARCHITECTUltAL ENGINEERING BASIC "EES 32 7nn s. OTHER AltCHITECTURAL ENGINEE"ING "EES 3Q.7nn .. ..1Il0JECT INSPECTION "EES 38 Ann 1. LAND DEVELOPMENT .. IIlELOCA TION ElICPENSES : t. IIlELOCATION "AYMENTS TO INDIVIDUALS ANO BUSINESSES 10. DEMOLITION AND IIlEMOVAL ! tt, CONSTIIlUCTION ANO PROJECT I..PIIlOVEMENT 711 .84" 12. EQUI....ENT 15 SOO . I). MISCELLANEOUI Desion Allowance t'lA All') : U. TOTAL (Lln.. I tltrv IJ) II. ESTIMATED INCO"E (It .,.pllc."'.) -'. NET p"OJECT A"OUNT (LIn. If ..,nv. JI) LESS: INELIGIS'LE ElICCLUS'ONS fl. ADD: Ct/NTIN GENCIES 71 .0~8 , , TOTAL (Slvnt: 45 F.d.r.' 1;11 ., .1,?Qn,9na '. Recip;ftnt ~.. 7eJ . , .' . '" " oO , 2O.:TCTAL APPROVED ASSISTANCE AMOUNT S 710,000 .. (fA '0'''' 5700-20'" {R... 1_791 PAGE 20.. C _ ~'-''''...:..'''-.:o:~~'''~:--,,--;:::"'-----''-~'':~T~r:~-~'':...--''n"''''---~-:-:'(.~~~~.T "~-:'"""'f"""-"--;.'.~"'".-;-~"h-'-;"";':"'---';';'''''~''''~~~-;''';;;'''-.-..~.~_...--:;-~;';'.....--- ~"':::;:,::,:,~~_:"",,::::,,;,;::;::::::::,,:-~,:;,,;:'.:::..~~..:..:....-::..~~ PART III-AWARD CONDITIONS , 10..5 , . enants and a&1'~es that it wit! .erp~ditiously initiate and timely eoznplete the project work for ce haa ~n awarded Uftd~r this agreemfmt, in aecorcfane~ ..ith aU applicable provisions 01 "0 CFR ~" art B. The rec:ipi~nt wanants, represents, and agrees that it, and its contractors, subcontractors, ' "I ref'resentatives, will coznply with: (1) all applicable provisions of "0 erR Chapter I. Subchapter B. ; BUT NOT LIMITED TO the provisions of Appendix A to 40 erR Part 30, and (2) any special t1S aet forth in this assistance a&reement or any assistance amendment plUsuant to 40 CFR 30."25. AL CONDITIONS: ex cooperative .'reementa include identific.tioa ar allJfJlMriUJtion 'b/ EPA responsibilities tAat reflect ar tribute to lIubst.nti.1 involvement.) , nesign Allowance Building eost 1 ,000,001') 1,007,340 . 1,200,000 1.007.340 x 9.809% = 98,810 Allowance as a percentage of building cost* 9.817 9.809 9.603 ~ = iiii"ii J . . I I . 2. Note: The design allowance will be adjusted based upon the bid cost. The alterna~~ve grant amount was calculated as follows: .(~ $280,000 @ ,. 46,200 @' 1,500 $327~7no'x.2 = ~5,54n** 3. Prior to 'initiating procurement action for the' building of 'the project, the grantee shall 'receive approval of a user charge system and a sewer use ordinance. Sp~ayfieldland cost . Sprayfield construction cost " ,Sprayfield connection to pump station 4. The grantee must submit a land appraisal and purchase agreement to EPA for review 'and approval prior to the grantee receiving reimbursement for the cost of the land. land purchased prior to EPA approval of , the appraisal, cost, and agreement wil!, not '. ,be eligible for EPA reimbursement. ' .5. Prior to approval of Plans and Specifications, an engineering subagreement for engineering services during construction must ,pe submitted to FDE~ and EPi\ for review and approval. ' ' 6. 'EPA will pay half of 'the Federal share of the estimated design allowance when design of the project is 50% complete. Final payment of the Federal .share of the allowance will' be included in the first payment following the grantee's award of a subagreement for building the project. . 7. No portion of this award may be used for lObbying or propaganda purposes as prohibited by 18 U.S.C.'Section 1913 or Section 607(a) of Public Law 96-74. " ,; . , ).... .. 12'- '1 982 Const'ruct! on' Gra nt Regula t {o~s. Append! x . B- Ta b 1 e 1. **Note: ,No funds are currently avai 1 able for alternati ve fundi ng; therefore,' this grant does not contain alternative funds. However, funding consideration. will be given : when additional I/A funds become available. 4 ,- 5700-204 (R.... '-79) J . ....GE . 0" ,. "'.~._~~~'-~;--..;.-- ;.. ,~ ..d .- "--~ -,:..~.~~-~~.~~~.;:;.:~.:...:._= ---=.;..~.:"~~~-=~-:-.=.:.-~_.._--- ---.-' --~ C12n!'('l3n3'l ASS1STANC~ IDENTIFICATION NO. . PARTlY NOTE: The Agreement must be completed in duplicate and the Original returned to the Grants Admioist,.tioa Oivision for Headquarters awards and to the apprtlpriale Grants Administrations OCfice (or Stale and local a.-.rds within 3 calendar weeks after receipt or within any extensioa of tilDe AI may be lruted by EPA. Receipt of a written refusal or failure to return the prtlperly eucuted document within the p~s~ribed time, may result in Lbe withdrawal of the offer by the Agency; . Any change to the Agreement by the reClplt~nt subsequent to the documenl being signed by the EoP A A ward OCficial which the A ward Official determices to materially alter the Agreement shall void the A&1'eement~ " OFfER AND ACCEPTANCE The Uaited States of America,aetina by and through the U.S. Envirtlcmental promctioc Agency (EP A). bereby offers ass,cfance/amendment to th~ City of Cl ermont . .E."I~I....T C"GA",.Z,AT'ION I>r 55 ~of all approved costs incurred up to and not exceedicg S 1,290,908 AII..l"'''''''~ A...~"."'4T for the s~pport of approved budget period effort described in application (inc:llldin4 all application modifications) eonstruction Grant Application dated 7/15/83 lnc:luded be.ein by reference. t'A.,.;' ANr;. TIT [ AWARD APPROVAL. O"IC~ O"CiAN'ZA TION;.OO"lSS Regional Administrator ~nvironmental Protection Agency, R~gion IV 345 eourtland Street, HE Atlanta, Georgia 30365 ISSUING OFFICE (Cr.nr. Admini.rr,rion Offit:e) O"CiAN' %. TION;AOO" [51 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region IV, Water Management Oivis10n 345 eourtland Street. HE Atlanta, Georgia 30365 TES OF AMERICA 8V TH! U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL. PROTECTION AG~HCY TY~&O H."E. ANO TITL.& eharles R Jeter Re ional Adnini~trator o~c 29 1983, 'This Agreement is ject to applieable U.S. EcviroMlental Protection Agency statutory provisions and assistance regulations. In accepting this award or amendment and any payments made pursuant thereto. (1) the undersigned ,represents that he is duly authorized to aet on behalf of the recipient or&aniution, and (2, the recipient agrees (a) that the award is subject to the applicable provisions of ~ CFR Chapter I, Subchapter B and of the provisions of this agree Inent (parts I thru 1V)"and (b) that acceptance of any payments eonstitutes an agreement by'the payee that the amounts, if .ny found by EPA to have been overpaid wi11 be refunded or credited in full to [.PA. I ' IY ANO ON BEHAL.f Of THE DESIGNATED RECIPIENT ORCANI%A TION TY~lC HA"[ AND TITLE Charles B. Beals ra or - ~- 8"1 ~ACil 40' . ..tu IR__, __,"