1982-25 82.-25 ~ P.O. 'rnpnsal HEWITT CONTRACTING CO., INC. _ LE-E~!lURG~!.-~OR_lpA 32748 Box 570 2731 West Main St. LEESBURG, FLORIDA 32748 Phone (904) 787-5651 Page No. of 1 1 " Pages . PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: PHONE: I DATE: August 11, 1982 NAME: City of Clermont STREET : JOB NAME: STREET: STATE: Florida ARCHlTEa: I STATE: I DATE Of PLANS: CITY: Clermont CITY: We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: We propose to furnish cap extensions over Pa1at1akaha Creek on SR 50 as detailed on your drawing. Five extensions. $6,800.00 We hereby propose 10 furnish lobar and materials -- complete in accordance with the above specifications, for the sum of: dollars ($ ) with poyment to be made as follows: . All material is guaranteed to be,as specified. All work to be completed in 0 workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation frDm above specifications involving extra costs, will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insur- ance. Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. If payments are nol made in accordance with terms hereol, we may suspend work until such payments are made, inlerest at 18 % annually and all, costs or expenses incurred by us in collecting any sum due hereunder, whether by wit or otherwise, including reasonable attorneys fees, which fees sholl not be required to be recovered in " separole suit, sholl be paid by you. ..,-/- - Authorized Signature, t:/' Charles F. Taylor NOTE: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within days. 1\Ul'ptanct of 'roposal The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to ~o the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined abo~e. ~ _ ./ ./ AUl'ptl'll: Slgna~__.--::-~ ~_.-~--_ Date (1 J ~ -.. ~ ^ I- I 0 l 19 f' ? Signature /1 - 0. ~ ;~ . i. 82. -25 ~ P.O. 'rnpnsal HEWITT CONTRACTING CO., INC. ! LEESBURG, FLORID~ 32748_________1 Box 570 ~ 2731 West Main St. LEESBURG, FLORIDA 32748 , Phone (904) 787-5651 Page No. of 1 1 " <;l.' . t Pages. I' " . " ~:., ",. '.. .'1 It , \ '<~ PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: : PHONE: I DATE: August 11,1982 NAME: Ci~y of Clermont stREET: JOB NAME: STREET: ARCHlTEa, .. ,', I STATE: I DATE Of PLANS: CITY: i- Cl CW'iTIOnt STATE: : fl ori dtl CITY: . >, :We he~:bY submit sp;kifications ~nd estimates for'; .. I.' {'"t ~:" ....-,-.. " ,-..-. -- -..-' --.:::::::::,; .-......._~ ',' I,' " We propose to your drat"; ng. , . , furnish ca'D :xtenS1:ons~ FivG extenslons. , . Palatlakaha,Cree~ 1m SR,' 50 as dG!tai1ed Or! . , ..'; , $6',800.00 : . , , .. , " " .' ,I ,. ',:', : ; ~.. - ., - . , ~... (T /1 We hereby p[~~se 10 furnish labor and m~te[i~lU:~omplete in accordance with the above specifications, for the sum of: dollars ($ ) with poyment to be made as follows: , .. , , \, ':'j"( !. All materiol is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in 0 workmanlike ~nner ,.2ccording to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra co'sts, will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our controL Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insur- lance. Our workers are fully covered by'Workmen's Compensation Insurance. _ If payments ore not mode in accorc;lonce with ter'1's hereot, we may suspend work until such payments ore mode, interest 01 18 % annually and 011 costs or expenses incurred by us in collecting any sum due hereunder, whether by suit or otherwise, including reasonable attorneys fees, which fees sholl not'be required to be recovered in" separate suit, sholl be paid by you.' " /- Authorized Signature, V - C~&rles F. T~ylor NOTE: This proposal may be :"ithdrawn by us if not accepted within ,'.I days. 1\CCl'ptancl' of 'roposal ',.1 f,-~, The above prices, specification~ and conditions are satisfactory and are ,he"r-eby accepted. You are authorized to do the , /'-.' r work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. 2 ./ / Acuptrll: Signat~~:..~-::.... ~~~~~::--:7~",-. Date ~// h(LJf!- /0 ' 19? 2. Signatur~ ' A ' /- ~