1982-20 . . 82-20 CITV DF CLERMDNT P.o. BOX 219. CLERMONT, FLORIDA 32711 . PHONE 904/394-4081 Memo to: City Council From: City Manager Subject: Use of Millholland Avenue R.O.W. Date: June 3, 1982 At our May 25th Council Meeting, we issued a variance to Mr. Bill Mattick to locate a Shell Gas Station and Car Wash at 811 East Highway 50. Mr. Mattick also wishes to use an existing drive on the Millholland Street R.O.W. for a rear exit from this property. This was shown on the site plan presented at our last meeting. Enclosed is an agreement with Mr. Mattick that would require him to maintain this driveway if he decides to use it. The agreement is very similar to the one adopted for the First Federal Savings and Loan. Respectfully, CITY OF CLERMONT ~ \).. r~ George D. Forbes City Manager GDF/jmb Ene. 82-10 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, by and between CITY OF CLERMONT, a municipal corporatian, and william A. Mattick a carporation organized and existing under the laws af the United States of America, dated this 5th day of Oct. 1982. ", .' WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Mil'lhalland Street lying between Minnehaha Avenue and State Highway 50, City af Clermon,t, Lak7 Gaunty, Flarida i~ a dedicated but unimpraved City street, ''01 ~ ;" . accarding to. the Offi~ial M~p of the City af Clermont. WHEREAS, ~Villiam A.' Mattick desires to. use the street far pur- poses af ingress and egress ':ta 'the '. f . \' .. .'. 1 ..~ j , ' ~vash Rack facility lacated an 811 East Highway 50, Clermant, Flarida., I . p" ~ NOH THEREFORE, in cansideratian afthe mutual cavenants and canditians cantained herein and other gaad;~nd valuable,cansiderations, ,the parties agree as fallaws: 1., William A.. Mattick is hereby granted a leasehald interest to. utilize Millhalland Stieet' as' 'ab'ove-described far the exclusive purpase af ingress and egress by emplayees and custamers af William A. Mattick 2. 'William A. Mattick,i shall canstruct and maintain ,a drive- way aver the abave-described praperty approved by the CITY OF CLER}IDNT, including canstructian accarding to. CITY OF ,CLERMONT specificatians, which said specif~catians, shall not be mare strict than thase required far any ather cammercial driveway with similar usage, and maintenance under the directian'af the CITY OF CLERMONT Public Warks Department.' 3. William A. Mattick shall indemnify wholly the CITY OF CLE,RMONT far any damages, inj uries, ar manies expended by the CITY an o.ccasian af the , '\ .' canstructian and/ar use'af the praperty as abave-described. 4.' The CITY reserves the right to. cancel this Agreement upan one hundred eighty (180) days' natice to. William,A. Mattick at such time as the CITY determines that ,it is the public interest to. apen the street to. public use ar far use far utilities, sanitary sewer ar drainage facilities, ar in the event the CITY deter- mines that use by William A. Mattick canstitutes a traffic hazard af sufficient natur,e 'to. canstitute a real and present danger to. life, limb ar praperty af CITY OF CLERMONT BY: '-yy C:. .'^-- ..4r~ \ / ''')I '-./-_),//? /,1' I B~ /'{;C~-7?r:--_- -,~1"; 7~k-="""".a-~>--=,- t'/"."";'" CITV OF CLERMONT P.O. BOX 219. CLERMONT, FLORIDA 32711 . PHONE 904/394-4081 Memo to: City Council From: City Manager ~ Subject: Mutual Aid Cooperation Agreement for Law Enforcement Da te : June 4, 1982 Enclosed is a Voluntary Cooperation Agreement that cou'ld be made between the City of Clermont and all municipalities in Lake County. This Agreement is necessary to protect the City of Clermont and other municipalities when they render mutual aid to cities out- side of their jurisdiction. Such an Agreement is now possible because in 1981 the Legislature made substantial revisions to the State Law to protect Law Enforce- ment Agencies when they are giving mutual aid. The enclosed Agreement permits the voluntary cooperation of law enforcement agencies to give assistance of a routine nature across j.urisdictional lines; and in part states: 1. Law enforcement assistance shall be rendered without charge. 2. ,. Each agency waive~s. as to the othe'r agency any aYl~ all claims :against the other. -'. " 3. 'Any law enforcement officer acting outside his juris- diction has the same powers as if he or she was perform- ing their duties within their own political subdivision. This same agreement has already been adopted by most cities in Lake County, and if approved by the State will be signed by all partici- pating municipalities. I would recommend that the City adopt this Agreement because it formally covers the City when we are performing mutual aid to other cities. Respectfully, CITY OF CLERMONT . ~D, p~ George D. Forbes City Manager Enc.