1982-17 RECEI V EO ~j;" ',.. I 1"'11 g;L -/1 6 198~ . Lake County C8T/l a/lllOwu.;euL-ha"tthe :"'W/III1CI' Yuuth E'mploymeni; Tra1:ning PY'ogl'(~m w'i II be in operation JLme 9 ~ ].982 thr'ough August 4~ 198;:. Intake appl'ication 1,yill begin in mid-May in the local high schools. Swrmel' Youth Emp loyment Training Program is an "earn'ing and learning" experience foy' economically d'isadvantaged youth 14 - 21 years old. The pl"Ogram pl'ovidcr:; youth with a source of 'income as lJell as an opportLmi ty to cleve lop emp loymen.t and career goa ls ~ to learn basic WOl"k habits and to secure work exper'ience and skills train- ing. Job placement will be in public employment and private non- [Jl"Of'i:t auencies in POu'i:Uoru; aD l'ccl'ea"t,ion Clides~/;eacher' aides and clel'ical and custodial pepsonne l. Lake Cow-zty students who may be el'igible f01' this CETA program wLd other unenployed youth may obtain a pre-application form fl'om their high sch,ool guidance office 01" f'r'Om the CETA office at ;:05 N. Texas Ave. in Tavares. POl' more information, contact the CETA office at 343-9030. . REeEI v ED MAY 3 1982 .93oa,~J of County Conznliss ione~s Lake Coun.ty PHONE: 904-34J-'l\JJO 315 WI:ST MAIN SIREEI TAVARES, FLORIDA 32778 C.E. LA. COMPREHENSIVE MANPOWER SERVICES DEPARTMENT TO: AGENCY DIRECTORS, DEPARTNENT HANAGERS, PERSONNEL DIRECTORS AND SUPERVISORS SUBJECT: SUNHER YOUTH EHPLOYNENT PROGRAH REQUEST FOR POSITIONS The Lake County CETA department is currently in the process of planning for the FY '82 Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP). Although this office has not yet received a final allocation figure, we do have a tentative figure, and as the Prime Sponsor, we will be the designated operator in Lake County. We are, therefore, beginning to solicit potential sunnner worksites and positions for approximately 200 youths - ages 14 through 21. The tentative dates for SYEP are June 9th through August 4, 1982. The criteria for selection of worksites are as follows: 1. Worksites must be uni'ts of local government, other governmental agencies, or private, non-pr.ofit service agencies or educational institutions; 2. Sites must be able to provide adequate supervision and training to participants assigned; 3. Sites must be able to provide meaningful work situations; 4. Sites must assure ability to keep accurate timesheets on each participant; and 5. Work must conform to applicable safety standards and child labor laws. Participants employed on SYEP will all work up to a maximum 40 hour work week regardless of age. . Once again, Labor Har.ket Orientation for participants will be a requirement. Training will be conducted for each participant on an individual basis or in small groups through a three or four day workshop setting. Training will be held in locations convenient to geographic locale to eliminate transportation difficulties. DISTIlICT ONE JAMI:S R, CARSON, JR. OISTRIC II W() C. A. "LEX" DEEMS DISrRlCT lHIlCr. CLAUDE SMOAK DI5TRICT FOUR THOMAS J. WI NDRAM DISTRICT FIVE GLENN C. BURHANS -4~ri'_' . . . SUBJECT: SUMMER YOUTH ENPLOYHENT PROGRMl REQUEST FOR POSITIONS Page -2- If your agency or one of its sub-units is interested in utilizing this potential summer work force, please respond by completing the attached Hemorandum of Understanding and Statement of Work forms, and returning them to this office no later than MAY la. 198~ These Memoranda of Understanding and Statements of Work not in this office by said date may not be considered, and will definitely receive lower priority due to reduced funding and'participant levels. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 343-9030. Sincerely, ~~~~~~D Janice Strickland Summer Coordinator Lake County CETA JS:jmw . MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING AI-10NG THE LAKE COUNTY PRIME SPONSOR THE SU~lliER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM AND THE WORKSITE EMPLOYER This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into this day of 1982 between (Agency Name) hereafter referred to as the Worksite Employer, and hereafter referred to as the Prime Sponsor. It is understood by all parties that this Memorandum of Understanding relates to Employment, Training, and Services to be provided relative to the 1982 Summer Youth Employment Program which is authorized under Ti tle IV of the Comprehensive EmploymenJc and Training Act of 1978. It is undGrstood by all parties that this Memorandum of Understanding is enterec into pursuant to the Prime Sponsor's 1982 Summer You.th Employment Program cont,ract wi th the Department of Labor. Further, it is understood that the Worksite Employer is either a governmental agency or a private non-profit organiza- tion, free of discrimination because of race, sex, age, creed, color, religion, or political affiliation, and that participants in the program will not be employed on the construction, . operation~ or maintenance of any facility as is used or to be used for sectarian instruction, as a place for religious. worship, or for partisan political purposes. Participants will not be used for the advantage of any private individual or private-for-profit agency, but will be provided useful work experience which will be consistent with each participant's -2- . capabilities and interests and which will assist these youth to obtain future unsubsidized employment. It is agreed that such work experience will be conducted in a safe and sanitary working environment. The Worksite Employer agrees: 1. To provide to the Prime Sponsor, one complete "Statement of ~lIJork" for each separate sub-unit of the Worksite Employer utilizing Summer Youth participants. One blank copy of the "Sta.tement of ~riTork" is attached to this Memorandum of Understanding which reflects the type of informa- tion required to be available at the Prime Sponsor's office, and is sWJject to monitoring review. 2. To provide meaningtul and productive work for approximately participants on a scheduled work plan with the understanding that the supervisor/ participant ratio will be at least one (1) super- visor to every twelve (12) participants who are enrolled in the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP). 3. To furnish the equipment, tools, materials, and supplies that are necessary for the work being per- formed by the S.ummer Youth participants. 4. To cooperate fully with the Independent Monitoring Units of the Prime Sponsor and the Department of Labor, by maintaining current and accurate time and attendance records as well as a list of current worksite activities, . -3- and by allowing access to same at the request of an agency representative for the 'purposes at monitoring . of the worksite, 'counseling with the participants, and coordinating other work activities. 5. To maintain accurate time and attendance records on each participant reflecting the time actually worked by each participant. These records will be signed at the end of each week by the participant and the supervisor as certification to their accuracy. Said records will be picked up every two weeks by CETA-.SUMJ.1ER staff and .taken to F I S CI'.L SFCrION for preparation of CETl-l. OFFICE the payroll. 6. To provide remuneration to participants by check every other FRIDAY beginning in ,JUNE and ending September ?1 , 1982 at each worksite between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. upon presentation of proper identification. 7. To provide reasonable regulations for the attendance and continued good work habits of participants. 8. To assure that sufficient work is available to occupy each youth a minimum of 75% of the scheduled working hours. '9. To develop adequate coordin~tion with the Prime Sponsor . which allows the Prime Sponsor sufficient opportunities to im~lement appropriate contingency activities in the event of inclement weather. 10. Adequate policies, procedures, and controls will be followed to ensure that no participant receives any type of remuneration for unexcused absences, unworked hours, (See Attached or participation in recreational activities. Attendance Poli~y To provide a job description of each position that will be filled by Summer Youth Participants. To provide experienced'worksite supervision to the participants without compensation from '~he program. To contact the Prime Sponsor prior to the release of a participant from the \>lOrksi te or immediately after notice of termination by a participant so that this agreement may be modified. To assure that no participant will be required to work more than 40 hours per week. However, this is not intended to take avlay the flexibility of the Prime Sponsor to establish job slots which adhere to the needs of the area and the participants served. To assure that particpants who are 14 and 15 years of age will participate only'in accordance with the applicable provision of the Fair Labor Standards Act (Sections 570.31 ~nd 570.35 of Subpart C of Part 570 of Title 29). 16. To assure that in accordance wi t.h the Fair Labor 11. . 12. 13. 14. 15. . 17. -4- Standards Act, no participant under 18 years of age will be employed in any occupation found by the United States Secretary of Labor, pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act to be particularly hazardous for individuals between 16 and 18 years of age (subpart E of Part 570 of Title 29). To provide each supervisor '\>1hose name appears on the "Statement of Work" a copy of this complete Memorandum of Understanding. Supervisors wi.ll be -5- expected to understand the contents of this agreement . and are subject to beirig monitored. 18. 1'0 provide to the Prime Sponsor at an agreed time and place all Supervisors of Summer Youth participants for the purposes of conducting an orientation for supervisors. The Prime Sponsor is resporisible for the conduct and docmnentai:ion of such orientat:ion prior to the commencerr.ent of the Summer Youth Program. 19. To adhere to the rules and regulations governing the 1982 Summer Youth Employment Program. 'I'his MenlOralldum of Unders.tanding shall be effective from the date first \vritten above unt.il .the .termination of the summe): program or unless 1:erminated by ei,ther party provided the cancelling party gives at least five (5) days advance notice. . Attachment: Statement of Work Attendance Policy -6- . Worksite Employer Lake County Board of County Commissioners -- Prime Sponsor Hepresen ta ti ve--- Title IV Representative ---Ti-tJ:e--------- (904) 343-9030 'I'elephone Number -- i.\ddress~-----..---- Date -1'-8 lephone-Numbe r ------- Date . 4/28/82 LAKE COUNTY CETA SYEP ATTENDANCE POLICY Allowances and/or wages will be paid only when the participant is in attendance at his/her training and/or works.ite. _re will be no paid holidays, paid term breaks, paid sick leave or other absences. The following absences will be exceptions and 1 be paid for: 1. Classes cancelled or dismissed by the instructor - per verification. 2. Quarterly random verification interviews that are scheduled by IMU Chief. 3. Disaster closing of school or jobsite such as inclement weather, etc. 4. CETA office visits or conference approved by counselors or CETA administration. 5. Hours of work missed that were cancelled by work super- visor. (Supervisor must contact the CETA counselor.) 6. Attendance at CETA Planning Council meetings. 7. Other training scheduled by CETA counselor for SYEP. The following are considered excused absences with good cause, but will not be paid for: ABSENCE DUE TO: 1. Illness of the participant - state nature of illness. 2. School or jobsite closures a~d holidays. 3. Illness of a member of participant's household that demands the attention of the participant. 4. Death in the family. 5. Court appearance or jury duty. 6. Job interviews, testing or application for testing required to reach occupational goals. (These should be pre-scheduled with counselor's approval.) . 7. Military duty (Documentation should be submitted in advance, unless in emergency Military situations. 8. Visits to agencies for financial assistance purposes, including the Social Security Administration, Welfare Department, Food Stamps, Veterans Administration, Military Bases, Housing Develop- ment Office, Income Tax Office. 9. Last minute emergency transportation problem. 10. Involved in automobile accident. 11. Illness of baby sitter. 12. Emergency moving - due to natural disaster or eviction. 13. Teacher/parent school conferences. , SYEP ATTENDANCE POLICY Page -2- ~ other absences are considered unexcused. Automatic termination will result after accruing over the maximum number of.hours during SYEP. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF HOURS SYEP PARTICIPANTS 24 Hours ---(3 full days) Each Tardy counts as an hour of unexcused absence. Participants will call the worksite and then counselor if they are going to be absent.~IS IS ~~NDATORY. Any anticipated absences must be discussed with your counselor prior to leaving the jobsitei otherwise, you may find that you have been terminated when you return. SIGNATURE DATE J S : j mw 4/28/82 . STATEMENT OF WORK INSTRUCTIONS: The Worksite Employer is required to complete one form for each separate sub-unit utilizing summer youth participants. The . original copies must be delivered to the Prime Sponsor for retention on file. The Worksite Employer is required to provide the Prime Sponsor with a revised Statement of Work in the event any significant changes occur during the period of employment. Name of Worksite Employer (Agency): Description of Sub-unit Utilizing Swrnner Youth Participants: NAME OF SUB-UNIT: ADDRESS: PHONE: POSITION REQUESTED (TITLE) NO. REQUEST,ED AGE ACCEPTABLE (a) (b) (c) (d) Name of s ub-uni t Supervisor (s).. uti lizing Summer Youth participant (i f .more than one supervisor at one sub-unit, list each and ..,.'ery super- , 'visor involved). Include alternate supervisors in case of errerSt"....lcy or vacation. (Indicate with ALT.) . NAME (Corresponds with Position above) TITLE PHONE (a) (b) (c) Cd) .Total requested number of SYEP participants at Scheduled working hours for SYEP participants: this sub-uni t: a.m./p.m. To From a.m./p.m. Scheduled days for SYEP participants: Monday - Friday Other: On the following pages, summari ze description of tasks and functions to ., be performed by each position. 4/27/82 . . JOB DESCRIPTION POSITION (a) JOB TITLE: Minimum skill requirements: (if any) Tools or equipment participant will be required to use: Duties required: (Please be specific and include all duties which may be required) 4/27/82 . . ....-....~ ._._~~- JOB DESCRIPTION POSITION (b) JOB TITLE: Minimum skill requirements: (if any) Tools or equipment participant.will be required to use: Duties required: may be required) (Pleuse be specific and include all duties which 4/27/82 . . JOB DESCRIPTION POSITION (c) JOB TITLE: Minimum skill requirements: (if any) Tools or equipment participant will be required to use: Duties required: (Please be specific and include all duties vvhich may be required) 4/27/82 . . JOB DESCRIPTION POSITION (d) J'OB TITLE: Minimum skill requirements: (if any) Tools or equipment participant will b~ required to use: Duties required: (Please be specific and include all duties which may be required) 4/27/82