1982-09 . .' .. . -- ,-' .~ 8'L-09 CLOSING SlATEMENT COOLEY - CITY OF CLERMONT lKANSACTlON DECEMtlE~ 1, 19~0 SELLER: MARGAREE ll. COOLEY HUYE~: CITY Of CLERMONT OESCLGPllON: Lots 5, 7, 9,11, IJ, and the West 1/2 of Lot J, Block 40, City of Clermont; and th~t part of Magnolia Street, now closed, Lying North of said lots; and that part of Magnolia Street, now closed, lying North of Lot I and North of the East 1}2 of Lo t ). BUYER'S CLOSING STATEMENT SALES PRICE $ 30,000.00 PLUS cr~dit to S~ller for proraLlon of 1980 taxes (4/12 X 570.40) 190.13 30,190.13 LESS deposit paid by Buyer 500.00 29.690.13 PLUS tlUYER'S expenses: Recording WaL-ranty Deed 4.00 4.00 TOTAL DUE FROM HUYER 29,694.13 CITY OF CLEl{MON'l' HY: ,. HOVIS AND BAIRD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. P.O. DRAWER 848. CLERMONT. FLORIDA 32711 . . . . .. .. r-. CLOSING STATEMENT SELLER: Inlqnd Groves Corporqtion BUYER: City of Clermont DATE: june 23, 1981 LEGAL: Tract 60. Grovelqnd Farms PURCHASE PRICE: Cash on Closing $70.000.00 ~ ~ $70,000.00 CLOSING EXPENSES OF SELLER: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentary stamps on deed CLOSING EXPENSES OF BUYER: Recording warranty deed .' $280.00 $ 7.00 . , JI hill~1 IlIi n-...,..,,,,,,\ ...t.~U.\~Jj"IU~t'U'II"j I--- eKccutiv~ line ~hi!i 1i1tb~ntur~. . . . ...0 339G8 r-, '. ' 1',',\' 7 L)I'Alit 144 c ..~. ....- ""..ltW" ... ....."..... ~..... _.u ... .._......~ /'I~j.t:l int:ltrulHu~lt pr~ptlred LWNA1W II. HA [Iill, JR. HOVIS and BAIRD Attorneys at Law 1 W~atgate Plaza Drive Clennont, Florida 32711 by: ... .., hut. .u '.h~.'1 .,ul unl"a.1 .., ,I..,.a .t .ra. .,,"...1 .,...1.. .1.1 I MeAth 'lii~ 1 dUll /Jf U~(;~lllbcc lEI 80 . 51...... M.A1t(;Alllil~ Ii. COOLEY I:j till: (;1'1411'11 of Lak~ . S'a'e uj Florida , granlor, and . CITY UF CLEKMOlfl', it 1H1Inl c lpaJ corponitlon wllll:>1: "c':>I..~Jjice uddreu 1.1 oj 1111: (:ouIIIU uf Lake P. O. Dox 21Y, Clermont, Vlorlda . ~/u'e of Flor ida 32711 ,8run'IIII, .ttntBB't~: 'fllal ~aid gra II 1111. Ji,r and in ctJrl:>iclerulioll uJ tile :>1411I of Ten and no/100 l)ullar6. and ol./'er 8uod and valuable clHl:>1I1e,"/iml~ '0 ~aICI "reJII'ur in IlIlIItl "aiu by suid 8rantee, tile recei", wllCtrtwf i~ herebfl Il,:kr~owledlleu. Ilia IIrallh:u. Imrguineu unu ~ultl to "II: ~aiu ."rantee, and "remllla's heir~, succe.uor~ anu uui8'1~ forever, till: j/Jllowl1l8 ue6uibeu lund, :>i'uu'e.l".nj and beillg i'l Lake COUII'II. Flurida, ,o-wit: Lott:l 5,7,9, ll, LJ, and th~ Wt:t:lt 1/2 uf Lot 3, IHol:k 40; and that part of Magllol1a Str~et, now cloti~d, lyi.ng North of tiald Lot::!; and that part of Magltolla Stn~ul, now c losud, lying North of Lot .L and Nortll of tll~ ~:a::;L .1/2 of Lot 3, Hlock 40, all according lo th~ OfficLal Map of the City uf Cl~rmont, recorded ill PLat Uook 8, paHes 17-23, incluaive. Public Kecord~ of Lake County, Florida. ., ., ~ ~~)~ ~) r~ ( s '- j :.IJ t Cl r:: r') ,... 'u ". ~ ~ ,., J t - :1 .~.l~: \l '. .. " , ~ and ,aiu grantor d(Oes herebfl full" WGfTGnt ,he 'ide '0 lata 'and, arid will def4lnd 'M ,ame aflaind ,he IlIwful cllli"." uf ull per:>uwl wh~""ueuer. . , JII .UII'... ."rrtof. Gron'ur ho& hareun'o set "run,o,s hcwd ond ,filii ,he dOli and fleur fa'" above written. Siglleu, lea' ad ond delivered in o..r prfll. . ... -(.~::'_. ."'-... l~.l.o.t. t-(. ~ ~ YY.~"if''J. , .' , " . t J -"-_.-'......:....' , MARCAREE.B. COOLEY ( c " \ .' '. r,.s.41) ( S.tJl) ---..(Seal) ( S.ol) S'fA'fl~ Of' FLORIDA COIJN'fY OF. . ' " J II HtHJ Y L't:.H'r~' on "Ii:> dUll befora me:, em oJfi~er dul" qualified;o ,ab ucknowLed.~,'~~~P~~1i apJH1l1r.d MARGAREE B. COOLEY \\\\\",III"jll', ....., 'I~ t.. ::. .i'.I',1 10 me k,hJwn lu be: ,lte persoll(s) described in and who executeu ,he j'orer..oitiJ i,u;rume'I' anp,dtibtJ~led"ed ,before me llee tilecu/imllJf:>ame. .: .. "'1 (. T:. :-: ~; ~.: \: ' W"fN"~SS 11I11 hund o'~1 official :>eol in the Coun'lI anu S'a'e las.'t afore:>. .W~" ~ ... d.. q~. L 9tlO. . --9::-lJt lif)(?G..'J. . , No'ol1l' I~ (J", ". ..~ M" co~~,~~,.~P"~~,~,:" October 4. 1984 M'O"..tt LtG"L IIUPPLV co, INC. . OflLANOO. FLOIlIO"