1982-03 . . ...,."l.....,. ... ..!,.;i! 'C1.,,:t:"':"'.,,1 '.'..l'~\it?"- . !~~::;Y..'::.1~;,~~~7'~ . .~:t,!~<j.:' - . .t, >,;:{" . ~?{' e , ,; . d.. '. "j" ",~." . . "/1 ' '{ AGREEM~NT ,4 ~;2-o3 ~ Pursuant to our discussions regardtng the Juniata Street driveway into the follows: Lake Dot Villas project, we hereby convenant with the City of Clermont ~s 1. It is the oplnlon of the Engineer that the topography of the area requires a deviation from the City's requirement that the dri~eway entrance ~e constructed above the highest curb height. 2. It is the oplnlon of. the Engineer that the private storm water system of Lake Dot ~illas can adequately handle projected storm water coming throug~ '.the Juniata Street driveway. '. . 3. Ticlaw DevEdopers ," 'their heirs and assigns hereby waive any cause of action and further release the ~ity of Clermont from any liability for. damages and further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City o.f Clermont for any damages caused by this exception. The owner hereby agrees to accept any storm waters from Juniata Street. TICLAW~VELOPERS tJ4--' z. cU~ :f~~~~,.' ./ -; .' tlJ " B : I /' J.. ~('" ~ y (~t'i;w< Deve.J6prs <?d . ( ",/' Date: /i..;) i it '9 '--:l.. -l c:... ,.'j ..... .,.' .- '1 j ~ (See attached sheet) Engineer . . ?~/ '.,' ~ .-!~- e ~ -..' . " GEE & JENSON Englllsers ~,rc.nlieCiS, Planners :riC 1675 Buena Vista Di. Suite 535, Sun Bank Bldg. La ke Buena Vista, F L 32830 P.O, Box 22184 305/828-6011 January 12, 1982 Dennis K. Thomas Ticlaw Developers P. O. Box 157 Clermont, Florida 3271:1.. Re: Lake Dot Villas Dear Mr. Thomas: On January 11, 1982, an inspection was made of the drive approach off Juniata Street for Lake Dot Villas. It is acknowledged that the back edge of the approach is lower than the respective curb, but water in the gutter pan would have to be over 3 inches in depth before it would reach the front edge of the sidewalk line. There is a 6.48% grade on Juniata which will prod~ce a velocity that will definitely tend to retain the flow within the gutter. However, should the occasion arise th~t water should happen to overflow the drive approach, the water would readily leave the paved parking area via a 4 foot opening in the curb and enter harmlessly into the storm retention area of Lake Dot Villas. It has been indicated that successive layers of asphalt have been placed on 5th Avenue which have negated the effectiveness of the gutter sections at the intersection of Juniata and 5th, thereby causing a greater amount of water to be directed into the south curb and gutter on Juniata. Restoring the gutter section at Juniata and 5th would alleviate the chance of water from the public right of way entering the private property of Lake Dot Villas. . . . Very truly yours, DFH/ms 82-803 GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects-Planners, Inc. I ",ii"f ;. // >0-<;~ / cZ.:l- / {)i.-'t:'" t'Uil..'l;r-, IWtl.,( , ( Donald F. Hatto, P. E.