-----!.~=,., I ':"_1: l.J
g/- -I-
This agreement:, In:Jcle ;me! entered into THIS }th d.1Y of January
by 3ncJ between THE IWARP OF COUNTY w:.tmSSIONERS, Like' County a Politic"l
Sl1bdivi:Jlon of thi' St.1t,. ()f Florida, Iwrc:in;lftl'r calIco the "COU1lty". .,nd
_~j,tY-Qf Clermon,t
here ill:1 fter called the "Agency".
\.,'IlEREAS. the Coni~re~;s nf th~ United SUites r35~cd in 1973 the COI:tpre-
hensivc Employment 3nd Tr.1ining Act, CETA \~hereby funds arc m:lde nvaiL,bl(' to
state' ;lOe! 10c.11 governments for the purpose of pr0vlding job training :Jnd
..:;uployment opportunities \,'liich will lead to full .1nd 1I1.1Xltl1110l ,:'mploYr.1cnt op-
portllnitics and cnh.1ncc ;,e1f-sufflcit~ncy, :Jnd
h'IIERF.AS. the COllllty has bf'l'n df'~;ignl'd by the St:Jtc of Florida .'5';1
Prop,r"rn Agent :lnd h3:. r('('t~ ivrc\ ;1' ,~r.'nt pl1r~:l1ant to tilt' Compr,'hl'nsivf' Emp1<'y-
r..cnt .:incJ Training Act of lC)]J, .:lncl
\,'I!EREAS, Title lID of the Co;r:prl.'hensiv,~ Emrl();,i.l~nt Jnd Tr"ining Act
provides for tll[' c:st.,blishr::l'nt of .1Ilt! opcr3t.ion of p\lhlic cl1!;,loymf'llt pri..':~ral"1~
fe,r ccrt:lin eligible Progr;.m AgPllU: contaillt.d in tIw lIal.JncL' of St:Jl.! Prill1e'
Spon~;or, :Jnd
\n!Ei\EAS, the County (('.IaliflC'!; ,'s all ,~ligiblL~ Progr.:lm Ag('nt .,nJ \~i~h"s
tn i.~;t::blish J Pllblic "I\j'I""\\'l:"llt pro::r;lnl to r,'dllcl' IInl.'1I1ploYl'1('111' in th,' ar,~:l,
1,.,'l{EHE:\~;, lh.~ i\i;"Ill'\' h.1S p,.sition:: \,'hich fJlI.11ify :1!1 public st~r\'i('C' ,'1:1"
ploynlf'nt in th:1t t:hl'Y p;'o\'id.. ;\ Ill'i'ded publi.c ~:('rvi('l' .15 dei'illi'd ill tile' :iet,
bll t h" s no funds bud.I'" t ,',<1 C.) r :;:1!l'1 I'os it i on~;;
i:o\.J THEREFORE I lh.~ ClIllllty :In.! t I,,~ I\.r~c'ncy, c10 II1l1tll.111 y ;tgn',; as follo\~:l:
This agreement shall C,'i'ellelle,' on thC'ls t d:l}' of October
, 19,~9_
;ind sh:ll1 ct1rlt.iI1I1C t1H(\II)'11 ,11'1<1 incl11llinp. till' 30th1.1~' of September. 1C/81
i':q;t': Or"\(' (I) of six (6)
SEctIO~: 11
The County 3grec5 to (JU[!;L1:ion
pllbI ic service c:nflloY1!1..~nt
positions for the t..:rm of thls "gn'ci:Il'nt pur!:lI.:lI1f to r.hi~ prOVISlons of th~~
Oc ell 1'.1 t i on:11 SUllIm:n y ., tt:1 c I\('d 11t' rl' to .1S A tt aellln" n t A, ~lOd C .leh rC' H pee t i vc
position Description 3ttacheJ hereto as Attacllmcnr g, nnd by this reference
(l p3rt hereof.
both are fr.3de
The Ag('ncy \..il1 adhrr.; to J 1'1.111 of "ffin1l.HivC' Acrion \.:ith r('ference to
non-dcscrimination on b3si:J of r3ce, color, religion, creed, national origin,
sex or age, as mandJted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 and
the civil Rights Act of 19M. Further, thC' A,~('ncy ,.ill not hire a person
into a Title IT/'n funrlf'd r.:sition if., member of that person's immediate
family IS rmploy('d in .1:1 ,1dmini:;trJtiv0 C;IP:IClty by the Ag'~tlcy;
(n) For the pUrpl)$C' of rhis section, the term "ill1:ncdi;lt(~ family" in-
cludes; \..Iifi', hll:;h:1I1d, son, d.'lIghtl'r, :nothr.r. brntllC'l", brotlll'r-ln-
1.11., siStf'r, sister-in-l.:tw, llunt, unc1C', ni~'l"~' nephew, stC'PP.Hl'l1t,
and stepchild;
(b) For th~ purpos~ of this St~ction, the tern ":lllministrative c:Jp.1city"
includl'~s thosl> h'ho h:IVC selection, hiril1g, or supervisory responsi-
bility for TitJ(' II/VI p.1rticip.,nts, or opcr.,tional responsibili.ty
for the progr.1r.l.
All positions mllst be filled within t('n (10) working dJYs (rom the corn-
mt.!l1cemcnt d<lte of this ;l!~rl'('JlIl~l1t as ::t:Jtccl 111 Sect inn 1. F.,i lure to do so
:: h:il 1 r e :; 1I1 tin the 1 0 S~; .) f P ,):d t i 011 ( s) 0 r 1:1.1 y, " t the d i, !; C r d ion () f the
Cn\lnty, result in th,> uniLltPl".11 termillation of thc' "i~rC(:i.1C'nt for non-cc'll;l'li-
.1n::c'.1S pr()vid~'d for ill S,'cti"!l :.:lV <1f this .1i:rel'mL'nt.. Thf' Agency furth,'r
;ll::'e,,~; to filJ :J:IY :"Il>!ic ::er\'icC' (':::pll'YI:ll'llt p,,::itiol1(s) hl'rl'in pr()vidl'd
....hich bt~C('l:1l~5 '/,1c:mt dIJri:':: the' .j"r,ltion (If this :1.'r.!(':::l,H. \;ithln t"o (10)
',.."'rkin!.: d.1\"; fn):;) th.' ,!".,. ,::i I V:ie:'II"Y 1'(."1:",. or hi' :;\Ibj,'ct tel lh.' t,'l'I:lll',;,-
t ion of the' .1~rl't'1'lt\t!t (: l'",. ~~.t. f\l: :, ili ~~~~ct i "il X;':.
, '\ (:') <' f ~; i:-: ((,) ..
:-/~.!... lId.' .
The ^F.ency sh:lll (()OPi'T;ltt' virh tIll' C\.lllllty thr.lIl):h it" d"'si~n:ltl'll r"!'I'I'-
!'cnt,1tivc so th.u :1 continllinl: I'v:rlu,ltiol\ 11r thi~ pnl,:r:lm ",ill bl' r(I::~il'I(~.
Sf.CTlO:~: VI
The ^~(>ncy shall SU!>::li t to t"h,~ Cllunty Sll~'h rep"rt~ .,s the County or th.'
St:Jtr of FloridJ, by 'r"les ;In;! rCf.ul.1tiun< I~,JY require tlH~ ^~cncy to r.1;lh' In
the performance of Jnt ic:: 1'\lr~\:,lne to this .'crl'(.'I'1.'I1(. Fllr th,~ pllrp,,~l' ,If
t!\is :t!:r.~cm':'nt. nniy d:lly ,l.Jtrvri:',I'.1 .1nd ':i!,n,"! ti:~I' (,'1'<1:: 'Jill hi' !""'l"ir.,.1.
s:::cr ill:;: \'11
ThC' Ai:,ency :l!:rrp~ th.1t it Si1.l!1 b(' sol..!:: r,'sp"nsibl(' Co clH' p,1!"ti,'o:
\.lith \Jho:n it 511.:111 d.,.,! in -:"rryi01r. (Iut rh.' ~,'r:'s ,l! lhi~ ,\~:rcl'::\('nt .1'''! sh:1I1
b.: r,'spnnsihh' felr till' .:tllltrHls it I~.l~' 1fI:i!(I' ....iell third 1'.Il'tlCS or for th,'::,:
obI il;at ions incurrc,1 O\' tilt. A\,{'ill.:Y tu snch thi I'd p;lrt it'::' in c.lrryillh ('Ill lll,'
tp.r~,:; of thi:: A~rr'.'r:('lIe.
SEcnn:l: \' I II
The Counly a~rt~"s to il~h\lr!'(' .,11 r.1ftirip.,nt!; f,ll" Cll::t!' of W.lr,('!' .11111
frill!,'" ~,,'nl'fits upon !>lIhl,lirt:>l of th,' .1f,'r,~I~l'ntionl'.t l'ir.H' r.lrds for tIlt' ,11Ir-
,1t illll of the i1grC'('17.C'nt 11I'riot!, l'r'lvidl'll ~.1id Ih~'.'I1':Y ::11;111 d,'clIl!l,'nl :tllll ~lIh-
st,1ntiJte lim/' cards ill accord.ll1cc wirh lh,' COllnty'~ rt"jllircmcnt!' and ~tan-
,breis. S;tid ir.1hllrsr.mt'nt sh.1!l be m.,d,' tn tlw p,trticir:1I1t 0n :l hi-IJN'kly
tJ,1:.i s, The l\g"llcy ~,h:III ~\Ihmi t (' iu," (.Hds, fM p,'~'rnl'nt t,) tIll' 1.0llllty in .1
rirn0 fr:i:a0 h".1r.':1tl'0:J to Insur,' th,lt tir.lI' "Irds .11',' r<:cI'i\,,'d hy lh,' C(IIIIHy
:Il' ;,\t.'r tl1.,;\ th,' ".:h".,.tl, !Il'r..:.'ilh ;ILt.1CI1.'d.
(,\('[;I,'h::1"1I1' C.) F:li It:r,' t"
.I, ::,' shJll r,'::III'. III d,-!:;\' III !',I\':\I'l1t,
Sl':,::' W::: 1 y
T!IC Councy, ~hl' St.l~l' ,If v/ori,!:l, or :1Il\' III LIIt,ir duly Ju~hl)ri::,'d 1'1'-
l'!,c:,('nLlt iVl'S ::h;11 1 h;I\',' :1(','1"': III b"l':":, ,1.,,'U:lh'nl';, 1';II"'I'S ,11:,1 r(',;'r,l, "f
r!',,' Arenc)' which .1(,: Ill'rl illl'll! III oil' r,'1.,t,'..1 ell thi~ '\~',ri''''r:h'nt.
- 1'::;',1' TlIrl'I' ('\) of six ((1) -
1t is lI~',rp.cd lh;lt nc,ithl"r p.Hty hc'r.'to h.1s m.1df' .'11)' St.lCf'!nf'nt, pr"~ISI'
or .1!"rc(,r.'\cnt or t;lh'll upon i tsd i Jnv .'nr.a~(''1h'l\t \Jh,1tl~v.'r, w'rb.l1ly or In
.....riting, in conflicr ....illl lh.' tl'f1::S of this ,1grf'l~m.'nt or tl,.lt in .11lY 1J.,y
mo d i fir. s, \' .H 1 r s, .1 1 t l' r s. l' n I i1 r ;;, 's 0 .. i n v:11 i d .1 t .' S .111 V i' I' (I V I S 1 OilS h.' r l' 0 f.
Thi!! A~rf'f'I~I'l1r IS n,jt ;lssi;:ll.lblc by .'ilhl'r r,1rly ....illll'"t tlH' ,'xi'rl'.':":
written consent of the otiH'r r:1rty.
This Agrl'.:mcllt is binding on thl' part;"s hereto ;JIlO th.~ir prosl,,'cti\'l'
succrssors and ;JSS1~ns.
Sf.CTI(,,~:: XII
Th!' Ar,rncy :lSSllr(~s r h;it PlIol ic SC'rv;c(' h:Jplorr.lt'llt rrl),',r:lrns 11ll.t,,'r l!Il' ,\l,'1
shall, to thr ('xll'nl fCIlSi!df', he dl,..:i}',lll'd to cl1:I1I1., :111 illdividll:lI:; 1., 1::"\'"
fror.1 such crnployn:l'nt I'ro,:r,'t1S in.to \1I\sllbsidize~ fllll-llm.' j"bs in th.' i'ri\';ltl'
or public ~;('ctor, .1:\(1 sh,111 el;li'!I.'siz,~ rht' d,,\,,'lor~lrl1ts of IH'IJ c.1l",'i'r": :llld
CJI"('rr d\'vplopll;"l1t' (11 !1,)!'cIlllitir's (S,'ctil'l1s ~nl :111,1 2n') "f rill" CErl\ RI'\:IlLlC :"11'\.
Tl,l' "i:rnl'Y $h.ll1 !"I'.'l' th,' gOJl of .,r.c.nr'l'l i~hilll: 011 ;111 .lnnll.11 h.l:,is .1t
lCJst (ll1C of the fo! !(1\,'i,',':
L,) Pl.:1clng lid f of litl" ClIo;l'll:ltivc p.Hticip.1rltS III l:n:;lIl'>':idi;-\'d l'ri\',,[,'
Ot public ~;I'ct.J1" l'lnl'l<..m,'nt; ur,
(I') PIJcinl: p"rti('ir,l:ll5 ill h.llf tht.' v.lc.ar.cil.'s occllrring In $Uit.'IUl..,
OCClIr.1tiLl1lS il: ;111 l'li;:ibl,: :1?pli".111t, p:"u/'r.1r.l ,I,:l'llt, or slIb::r,II\(,'.,'
pl'rm,1Ih'llt \..,\)f'k fd:',.. I:hich :lrl' nllt fi llf'd ilj' I'r.ll~,1t ion fr('~ I.'ithin
till' J!'.rnc\,.
The agC'ncy shall abide by all rul.:s anti r\'f,lIlat ions .,Joptl,d hy till' Count.:
Jnd all .1ppliczibl'e feJeral, SlJtc JnJ 10c.11 l:l""s in the pcdoT1:JJnCf' .,ncl int.'r-
pretJtion of this contract.
- r,1I'" Fnllr (4) pf s i)( ((I) -
Sf:r.T1m:: XTV
[ilhl'r pJrty mJY t, rmln:JtI' this CJntr:lct for Cl'IlVt'l\I,'ll(,' hy gIVlll~: Ih..
o l h l' r n () t i r. " 0 f S.1 i d t I' r ~1 i 11.1 t i () II I n I,' r i tin I: s i g n,~ d by" n ., lit h 0 r i i:.~ d :t ~~ ~ n t
of th0. ^r.ency or COllllty Jt h',l<;t thirty Do) days prior to th(' ('ffC'ctivt' Ii.H.'
, I
of such termination.
(;d If, throll;;h Jill' C:llISC, the Agl'nC)' shall viol:Jlc ony (.r thl' CO\'t'll-
ant 5, a~rr('m~nt s, or st i pube ions or :ISS11rJncC'~ :and err[ ifiC'Jt i(lll!:
of this contract, Ihe County shall h.1\'(' thC' riJ:ht lJitl10llt li:a~ility
to terminate this contract by giving writtC'1l notice to the A~cncy
of such tE'rmillat ion. The County ~h.,ll ~h' thC' slllc jlldr,(' of wh('I'llt'r
the Al!E.'ncv ha's compli,>d with the terms .'11<1 conditions ltov('rninJ: t!li!l
eontr.lct. The t.:rmin"tion for calis.. Sh.l11 h('CPOlI' ('Cf('ctivl' Url'lI
notific.:Jtiol1 to th.. Arl'rlcv hy tht' COllnty.
(b) :Iot\.'jthst::ndin.t, till' ;,11\1'11', thl' '\1'"[1I:Y sh:tll IW[' ",. rl.li..v..." (If
li.l~)ilit\. t.1 lh.. r"lIllt.y for d,JI~,lg('~ ~:II:;t.,illj'd hv thl' {:ollnty h\"
VlrtllC of ;1'::' ~'l":,cl1 .d' Ct11l1r,lct by lh,~ /\:',f'I1CY.
~:!~CT)()N: XV
Thr' CO\lnly'~ fin,111::i:1l obli':'.:llj''-'11 {,I Ih,' ,\;:"I1CY ~;h.l11 b,' linit,.cI ::,,11'1:.:
r 0 I I: (' t ( (";:1:' 0 ( t his C \) II t r.1 c I ,
Tile' A~',,'ncy .1i:r,'i"~ t(, hnlol 11:11'::1\.,,.;:; :lllel i f :l<'\:"s~;:lry d('fl'11I1 .11ltl ind"Oll1i (\"
chi' County from all cbit:!::, I i:lbi I it it'S, slIit:; !If .111)' 11.1tllrc \Jh.1t~(I('\'l'r
Jr151nl; Ollt of, I1l'('.ll1se 11(, or dup Co ch,' br,~.lch of this c('ntr.1CC by th.!
Agrncy, its delq:"lt~s, Of "!Il'I.J:'('es or 1'.1nicil':1Ilt:1 h"'f('undl~r or dlle to .1'W
act Of OCcurrane.' .,[ O:~,l:;Sl()11 III' C('I:~:lI<,;,I()1\ 'lf the ,\.'1'11(:'.
S ,:en os : XV I
iT IS HLfTl!:\1.I 'r' 1'~;!)i:K:,T(lI)r) :\:::> ,\C~E[D T1L\1' TIlTS ACHEE~'H':~rr IS r.o~JTI~;(E;\r
Jl!,(l~; REeL! i'T OF Tll~, r:i\;\:~:- ! !i:.:'~; il':' TIiE GiII::T'!',
Tll\' ''',rc'going .Jr::'...';;l"llt 1 s 11":'I'h\' :ICCl'i'!""; 111"'11 tl1l' (('n;1~; .,nd Clllldit i"llS
11.1rr:,~d hert.in.
i I ~). I .
.. '
j' 1 ',.','
(S) nr Six (r))-
-1112= 81-1 0
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