1981-03 '. F/- .3 t AGREEMENT This Agreement made this ~ day of ~,?""",I}h"'i 198...L' between the following parties: Lake ounty, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as Coun ty; and the City of Clermont, an Incorpo rated Municipality located in Lake County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as Cl ermon t; and Lake Soil and Water Conservation District, a special district created by the Leg i slature of the State of . Florida, hereinafter referred to as District; and the Oklawaha River Basin Recreation and Water Conservation and Control Authority, hereinafter described as Authority. Whereas, on the 4th day of December, 1979, the above described parties entered into an Agreement for the fiscal year 1979-80 to begin comprehensive study of the water resources of the Green Swamp area which encompasses the entire Upper Palatlakaha River Basin, and, WHEREAS, pursuant to that Agreement, the parties named above joined together to begin a study which was estimated to take 3 years to complete, and WHEREAS, it is operation and funding NOW THEREFORE, following: 1. Clermont agrees in each of the fiscal years 1980-81: a. Collect funds for the study b. Open a separate audited account for distribution of the study funds necessary to make provisions for of the study for the second two years, the aforementioned parties agree to the the g. e 2. The a. the fo rm of a b. c. Provide quarterly financial statements to all participating agencies providing funding d. Provide all bookkeeping for the study e. Provide Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00) per fiscal year to the study budget, part of which will include a vehicle with. insurance and maintenance to be used in the study. f. Serve on the executive committee Serve on the technical committee District agrees in each of the fiscal years 1980-81: Provide assistance to the Executive Committee in project Coordinator. Assu~e that this assistance will be provided to the Executive Committee for not less than one year and not more than two years. c. Assure project Coordinator of position of Soils Engineer at the completion of the study. d. Allow the Project Coordinator to remain on the District payroll retaining all benefits and salaries determined by the District Board. e. Allow the Project Coordinator to operate under the Executive Committee without interference from the District. f. Serve on the Executive Committee. g. Serve on the Technical Committee. 3. The Authority ag r e e s in each of the fiscal years 1980-81: . a. Provide secretarial assistance and office space for the Project Coordinator. b. Provide Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) per fiscal year for the study budget. c. Provide engineering technical assistance. d. Serve on the Executive Committee. e. Serve on the Technical Committee. 4. The County agrees in each of the fiscal years 1980-81: a. Provide technical assistance through the Pollution Control Department. b. Provide Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) fiscal year to be used in the study budget. c. Serve on the Executive Committee ela,,~~A D.ep 51 r tlR 8R t e-f......oflo l!-u t::i: VIr eold~.po-l. d. Serve on the Technical Committee through the per~ rV-\.... (k Department of Pollution Control. S. It is hereby ag reed tha t th i s Ag reemen t may be amended or terminated at any time by written notice of any party to the Executi ve Comm i t tee here in, sa id not ice g i v ing at least six ty days advanced notice. Attes~d. (l L~ ~~~ Commissioners Chairman ~l~ e ~A{)),clL Okalawaha BaSIn Recreation and Water Conservation Control Authority SAM/sg/60