O-428-M .- .~-~ ,.. · · · ., . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 428-M Page I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ACT OF 1985, CHAPTER 163, PART II, FLORIDA STATUTES; SETTING FORTH THE AUTHORITY FOR ADOPTION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT; ESTABLISHING THE LEGAL STATUS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council has received written objections, recommendations and comments from the City of Clermont Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, regarding amendment of the Comprehensive Plan ofthe City of Clermont, and has made recommendations to the City Council for amendment of the Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont has held public hearings on the proposed amendment to the plan, in light of written comments, proposals and objections from the general public; and WHEREAS, the City annexed properties on May 26, 1998 under Ordinance #346-M and Ordinance #348-M; and on October 27, 1998 under Ordinance #369-M; and WHEREAS, per Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the City must recognize these annexations through an amendment to its comprehensive plan; and . WHEREAS, the City would like to amend the Future Land Use Map of its comprehensive plan as provided for in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the City would like to amend the text of the Future Land Use, Transportation and Capital Improvements elements of its comprehensive plan as provided for in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved and enacted by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida: Section 1. The Comprehensive Plan of the City of Clermont, adopted by the City of Clermont on August 13, 1991, pursuant to the Local Government Planning and Land Development Regulations Act of 1985, Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, after public hearings by the City of Clermont Local Planning Agency and the Clermont City Council, is hereby amended in the following manner: · · · ~~...,. ,. o . . " CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 428-M Page 2 A. The Future Land Use Map is amended by incorporating into said map such annexations as have occurred by Ordinances #346-M, #348-M and #369-M as shown on Attachment A; and B. The Future Land Use Map is further amended to address written petitions for change as shown in Attachment B; and C. The Future Land Use (Appendix C), Transportation and Capital Improvements elements are amended by incorporating the changes illustrated by strike through and underline in Attachment C. Section 2. The effective date of this plan amendment shall be the date a final order is issued by the Department of Community Affairs or Administration Commission finding the amendment in compliance in accordance with Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes, whichever is applicable. No development orders, development permits, or land uses dependent on this amendment may be issued or commence before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, this amendment may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status, a copy of which resolution shall be sent to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Division of Community Planning, Plan Processing Team. Section 3. If any portion of this ordinance is declared invalid, the invalidated portion shall be severed from the remainder of the ordinance, and the remainder of the ordinance shall continue in full force and effect as if enacted without the invalidated portion, except in cases where such continued validity of the remainder would clearly and without doubt contradict or frustrate the intent of the ordinance as a whole. Section 4_ All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with any ofthe provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5. This ordinance shall be published as provided by law and it shall become law and shall take effect immediately upon its Second Reading and Final Passage. · · · o -, " . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 428-M Page 3 First reading this 12th day ofJune 2001. Second reading this 26th day of June 2001. PASSED AND ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS 26th DAY OF JUNE 2001. ATTEST: ~~, 7ph .V ---- Harold S. Turville, Mayor . . " Attachment A . . . Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2001 Plan Amendment #LS-2001-01 SOURCE: CITY OF CLERMONT PLANNING DEPARTMENT. 1999 PREPARED BY: CITY OF CLERMONT PLANNING DEPARTMENT. 1999 ANNEXED AND AMENDED AREAS MAP "-~- - ""'-......... NOVEa JBER 2000 -- --- M CITY OF CLERMONT LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA ORDINANCE NO. DATE OF ANNEXATION DArE OF REVISION 346-" MAY 26. 199B JUNE 25.' 99B 348-" MAY 26. 199B JUNE 25.' 99B 369-" OCTOBER 27. 1998 IotARCH 2. 1999 TO HAINES CITY ..~ , . . . . · · · - . . Attachment B · . . COO... I RESIDENTIAL (INCLUDES MOBILE HOM mmI!im RESiDENTIAL/PROFESSIONAL : ~ COMMERCIAL ; 1:0:':::·/·:":' INOUSTRIAL ~ f(~~»~:~.Ç~ RECREATIONAL : f(~2~ PUBLIC FACILITIES/INSTITUTIONAL , I CONSERVATION - SEE MAP 1-14 : II AGRICULTURAL (NONE) : I I VACANT AND UNDEVELOPED (NONE) I ;:::;·":·:?'·:~I CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT ,"""";';", ~i.f¡;~}¡:J'@ MIXED USE CLASSIFICATION I · = :::: ::: :~:::'~::'::,:' """J · /,,<//://///// ?/,~/ // '''::--;;-..'i'X':.;//'/b'':(//;¿;1.: é "'///"'//'// /' /. ~ X~/;,%/:///.~/// /'-'/ . '/;'/~.;( 'IX/,- X /}/'; ~ :;;:~~-:/;:'?,;'::;;~,:';/;; '";;;/,':~'';;;:::::'0~~~ 1/1 /,'C<;(. ""~';(/' "/;i"/<;;/ij,'/"/// Z,'//r // /~" <~/// ,'/ /////~I/ ';//)/;"//// %/'l-'/;,/'," "éh;(" //./ '.él/, -' ///, /'//,/,:..;,>;.-:..-: :.(~,;. ....',.: . ~',-: ~~. .¡ ~/'~'\., " ... . ..... .' " ~ ~..: ,...... . . '. I" .', 'IG ':':'.:'> . .,.....:.;' .,:,;':;' -I... ..' '., ,..., );"',:. : .. : ". :r!.-:' ." 'Y~:...7·· <. ".',' .: .' C/LJ> ,'",:.: " ~ r . . '. 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I I AGRICULTURAL (NONE) ·1 I VACANT ANO UNDEVELOPED (NONE) k":;~~:):;j CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT · ~{K~ MIXED USE CLASSIFICATION I I ~ MIXED USE CLASSIFICATION II .1 · .1:".~;'2}j AREAS NOT WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS j Ordinance #42B-M Adopted June 26, 2001 Plan Amendment #LS-2D01-01 . . · · · 1 I RESIDENTIAL (INCLUDES MOBILE HOM ~ ~ RESIDENTIAL/PROFESSIONAL , ~ COMMERCIAL · ¡::::::;::;.;- INDUSTRIAL · : 1- '..~ CONSERVATION - SEE MAP 1-14 · L_~ AGRICULTURAL (NONE) : I I VACANT AND UNDEVELOPED (NONE) I~<ß~::::J CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 11&~~O:}~ MIXED USE CLASSIFICATION I I · ~ørj'.ø.r:(~ MIXED USE CLASSIFICATION "I .I:}:>:{;;;¿;j AREAS NOT WITHIN THE CITY LlMITS¡ Ordinance #428-M · Adopted June 26, 2001 plan Amendment #LS-2001-01 · · · . . 27 '1 . -§ ;8! . , ~ ~ ~ .~, I RESIDENTIAL (INCLUDES MOBILE HOM IJm]]InTi~ RESIDENTIAL/PROFESSIONAL ~fml$mmm COMMERCIAL : I::';'::;;;;::;;· ,NDUSTRIAL IVY:;;O<"""""" : ::ç'Ý;ç::<:Ç)~ RECREATIONAL ! [:;:?¿:;%Ø~ PUBLIC FACILITIES/INSTITUTIONAL : I " . CONSERVATION - SEE MAP 1-14 : I I AGRICULTURAL (NONE) '1 I VACANT AND UNDEVELOPED (NONE) UD-5 , I~:~:;~~;~~;;:>I CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT liBg:s:?J1®i1 MIXED USE CLASSIFICATION I · W'~ MIXED USE CLASSIFICATION II . k::;:;;~<;;'·;;.1 AREAS NOT WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS \ --.. ~ ..... ..... illlillillillU~ \ Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2DDl Plan Amendment #LS-2DD1-Ol . I RESIDENTIAL (INCLUDES MOBILE HOM ~ RESIDENTIAL/PROFESSIONAL ~ COMMERCIAL · rC:':>:':":<Ò'IINDUSTRIAL · · ¡¿;¿;$ø.~ PUBLIC FACILITIES/INSTITUTIONAL .1 I CONSERVATION - SEE MAP 1-14 I I AGRICULTURAL (NONE) I I VACANT AND UNDEVELOPED (NONE) t~~~::<:;~}'}:1 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT I~ÆÞ~1 MIXED USE CLASSIFICATION ~Æ MIXED USE CLASSIFICATION Iii k< :~::;C::;:'I AREAS NOT WITHIN THE CITY IIMIT<"¡ / WEST LAKE .- "--"-. . Lake Minneola -.,;;~-- , , /, , / ... .. , , r . --- -- ----- -..:.:.:--:----=.;...=-- //'r///>(X ''''-':''''-/''1 ". /', ../' /' ~ ;I V / )1, x // .....1'.....' '.., ..... "" ,I ,: I ,I I' .... ... ..... " "" i r l / J' / I'~~' " . , , " ", III , , " " , ,i!j..., "~' "/'" /-~' ,/. ~;(~Zi: :~< ' , '~" , ,I , ' / . , , Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2D01 Plan Amendment #LS-2DOI-D1 . . Attachment C · · · . " · · · . FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT APPENDIX C Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2DD1 Plan Amendment #LS-2DD1-Dl . . .' · APPENDIX C FUTURE LAND USE DISTRICT DESIGNATIONS CITY OF CLERMONT (as amended through June 2001) Purpose The future land use map identifies the districts of land use which are envisioned as appropriate for the various areas of Clermont. These land use districts and the criteria established for each district directly guide the type and nature of development that can occur within particular areas of the City, As such, the future land use map is the most restrictive of all the parts of the Comprehensive Plan and has the strongest implication for development practices in Clermont. The most important criteria for each listed district are included under the heading "permitted RllowRhle land uses," Before any development can be approved by the City of Clermont, it should be directly compatible with the type of land use allowed in the particular district. Once it is determined that the proposed development is compatible with the allowable land use for a particular district, then the remainder of the criteria basically govems the design features of the allowed development. The actual design of the development should be generRlly compatible with these criteria. · Relation to Zoning and City Code In order to implement the Land Use element, of which the map is a graphic representation, it may be necessary to amend the zoning districts and sections or areas of the City code which are inconsistent with it. The district map and associated criteria should provide the basis for the development and application of all standards related to land development within the City. In addition, all relevant sections of the Clermont City Code should be amended to require compliance of all future development, of both public and private concerns, with the provisions and intent of the land use criteria, Relation to Other Plan Elements The future land use map and criteria are meant to be the cornerstone of the City's development plans by providing a comprehensive framework within which the other plan elements may be developed, Therefore, this section of the plan should be the first area to be consulted in reviewing an application for development approval. · Criteria or standards for review of proposed developments should be prepared which are consistent with and supportive of the criteria established for the individual districts identified on the future land use map. Particular attention should be given to the conservation and transportation elements of the Comprehensive Plan, These elements should be reviewed and revised as necessary to support the future land use criteria, In addition, criteria addressing the concerns of these elements will nee<BPdiEh~Wê!?Ii~ _ M Adopted June 26, 2001 Plan Amendment #LS-2001-01 -' · · · . . within certain land use districts, The City might choose to restrict development within an environmentally sensitive area and therefore should incorporate such development concerns into the land use criteria for a district. For example, criteria established for the district which includes the Palatlakaha Marsh might include a statement to the effect that unless the City determines that a specific development will not diminish the environmental quality of the area, no development will be permitted, LAND USE CRITERIA The accompanying map divides the City of Clermont and the surrounding areas of potential annexation into a series of land use districts, These districts and the criteria established for them specifically address future development in terms of their compatibility with existing land use characteristics, natural systems, transportation, parks and recreation, public services and other provisions of the Clermont Comprehensive Plan, For those areas lying within the present City limits, this map is intended to be used as a tool for guiding future growth and development consistent with the general character of the districts and the overall goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Areas which are presently outside the corporate boundaries of Clermont have been addressed for two reasons: First, it provides a guide to property owners in these areas as to what development is desired if annexation takes place. Second, if annexation does not take place, it offers a guide in the planning and development regulation efforts of surrounding local governments as to what development is desired by the City in these adjacent areas. As an introduction to the general character of the districts as shown on the map, the following definitions are provided. Non-conformance Non-conforming uses as defined under Article III, Definitions of Ordinance 245-C, City of Clermont Zoning Ordinance, existing at the time of the enactment of this Ordinance, being September 23, 1986 may after consideration of the Planning and Zoning Commission and approval by the City Council be granted a Conditional Use Permit for the reconstruction, enlargement or expansion of the non-conforming use where it is determined that such reconstruction, enlargement or expansion is not obnoxious or detrimental to the district in which it is located and where the denial of a Conditional Use Permit would create an unnecessary hardship on the owner. Established Districts These are contiguous lands of Clermont in which the types of land use have remained fairly stable over time. In these areas, change to the existing land use character is neither anticipated nor desired by the City of Clermont. Within this district category, two types of established districts may be found: Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2001 Plan Amendment #LS-2001-01 . . " Established Residential District (ERD) · A historically stable contiguous area of residential development and directly associated land uses in which new development would be strictly limited to those land uses that are directly compatible with the existing character of the district. Established Business District (EBD) A contiguous area of predominately non-residential development that has remained fairly stable in its orientation toward retail sales and professional services, although change has occurred in terms of type of business, tenancy and renovation, Criteria for development in these districts would address improvement and maintenance of the existing business character, Developing Districts These are contiguous lands of Clermont or surrounding areas in which either the existing developed land has demonstrated a tendency toward change or no developed land use character has yet been established, In these areas, change to the existing land use, whether developed or undeveloped, is anticipated and, if properly controlled, desired by the City of Clermont. Within this district category, two types of developing districts may be found: Non-established district (NED) · A contiguous area of primarily existing development that has demonstrated a tendency over time toward change in its existing character due to factors that may include zoning, proximity to major thoroughfares, structural depreciation, speculation and types of ownership, Criteria established for this district would allow an orderly and desired change in the existing land use through controlled new development and/or renovation of existing development. Undeveloped District (UD) A contiguous area of major undeveloped lands that have the potential for a variety of land uses resulting from such factors as zoning, market desirability, land values, proximity to major thoroughfares and physical site conditions. Criteria established for this district would address the desired land uses to be established, · Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2001 Plan Amendment #LS-2001-01 · · · . . The following are specific criteria established for each of the districts shown on the map: ESTABLISHED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 1 ERD-1 r'flrmittf\t! Allowable Land Uses: 1 ) Single family detached residences, 2) Directly related land uses such as parks, schools, utilities, streets and such other activities whose primary purpose is to serve only the residents of this district, Density· 3) New residential development will be limited to a maximum density of 4 dwelling units per acre. ESTABLISHED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 2 ERD-2 r'flrmittflt! Allowable Land Uses: 1) Single family detached residences, 2) Limited multiple-family residences consistent in density and character with the surrounding area. 3) Directly related land uses such as parks, schools, utilities, streets and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve only the residents of this district. nensity· 4) New residential development will be limited to a maximum density of 8 dwelling units per acre. ESTABLISHED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 3 ERD-3 r'flFffiittflt! Allowable Land Uses: 1) 2) Manufactured/mobile homes. Directly related land uses such as parks, schools, utilities, streets and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve only the residents of this district. Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2001 Plan Amendment #LS-2001-01 " · · · . . . Density' 3) New residential development will be limited to a maximum density of 12 units per acre. ESTABLISHED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 4 ERD-4 rl!rmitteð Allowable Land Uses: (1) Single family detached residences, (2) Directly related land uses such as parks, schools, utilities, streets and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve only the residents of this district. Density' (3) New residential development will be limited to a maximum density of 5 dwelling units per acre, ESTABLISHED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 5 ERD-5 r'ermittl!å Allowable Land Uses: 1) Single family detached residences. 2) Directly related land uses such as parks, schools, utilities, streets and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve only the residents of this district. Density· 3) New residential development will be limited to a maximum density of 5 dwelling units per acre. ESTABLISHED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 6 ERD-6 r'l!rmittl!d Allowable Land Uses: 1) Single family detached residences and duplex development in areas presently zoned R-2. 2) Directly related land uses such as parks, schools, utilities, streets and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve only the residents of this district. Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2001 Plan Amendment #LS-2001-01 · · · . . . Density· 3) New single family residential development will be limited to a maximum density of 5 dwelling units per acre, Duplex development will be limited to a maximum density of 8 units per acre, ESTABLISHED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 7 ERD-7 r~fmittl!l'I Allowable Land Uses: 1) Single family detached residences, 2) Multi-family attached residences, 3) Directly related land uses such as parks, schools, utilities, streets and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve only the residents of this district. nensity' 4) New residential development will be limited to a maximum density of 8 dwelling units per acre. NOTE: New development should not displace existing character of this district. ESTABLISHED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 8 ERD-8 rl!rmilt~f'! Allowable Land Uses: 1) Single Family detached residence. 2) Multi-family attached residence. 3) Personal service estRblishments. (14) Professional offices. 5) Child care centers. 47 6) Directly related land uses such as parks, schools, utilities, streets and other such activities, whose primary purpose is to serve only the residents of this district nensity· 5} 7) New residential development will be limited to a maximum density of 12 dwelling units per acre. Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2D01 Plan Amendment #LS-2'001-01 · · · . . NON-ESTABLISHED DISTRICT 1 NED-1 I"f!rl'llitted Allowable Land Uses: 1 ) Retail trade. 2) Personal service establishmp.nt!;. Z} 3) [3usiness and professional Profes!;ional offices. 4) RestRurants. 31.5) Public and semi-public facilities. 416.) Parks and recreation facilities. 5)1) Existing Manufacturing Zones. ~ .8) Directly related land uses such as utilities, streets, parking facilities and any other activities that are compatible with the district. Den!;ity· 6} 9.) Multi-family attached residences limited to a maximum of 12 dwelling units per acre. NOTE: Industry expansion will not be encouraged, NON-ESTABLISHED DISTRICT 2 NED·2 r'err'llittf!d Allowable Land Uses: 1) Single family detached residences. 2) Multi-family attached residences. 3) Professional offices in Block 74, S 1/2/ of Block 75 and all of Block 83. 4) Directly related land uses such as parks, schools, utilities, streets and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve only the residents of this district. Den!;ity· 5) New residential development will be limited to a maximum density of 12 dwèlling units per acre. Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2001 Plan Amendment #LS-2001-01 . . " NON-ESTABLISHED DISTRICT 3 NED-3 · r'f!rmittf!d Allow;:¡hle Land Uses: 1 ) Retail Sales, 2) Person;:¡1 service est;:¡blishments. rJ 3.) Dusiness and professional Profession;:¡1 offices. 4) Rest;:¡urants. 31.5) Public and semi-public facilities, 4} fi.) Parks and recreational facilities, 571J Institutional facilities, 11.8) Directly related land uses such as utilities, streets, parking facilities and any other activities that are compatible with the district. Density· · 6} 9) Multi-family and residential development limited to a maximum density of 8 dwelling units per acre, NON-ESTABLISHED DISTRICT 4 NED-4 rf!rmittf!ð Allow;:¡hle L;:¡nd Uses: 1) Single family detached residences. 2) Multi-family attached residences. 3) Existing Light Commercial. 4) Directly related land uses such as parks, schools, utilities, streets and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve only the residents of this district. Density· 5) New residential development will be limited to a maximum density of 8 dwelling units per acre. · Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2001 Plan Amendment #LS-20D1-D1 . . · NOTE: Not to displace existing character of single family and multi-family residences. Existing light commercial uses should not be expanded. NON-ESTABLISHED DISTRICT 5 NED-5 f'effllitted Allow;:¡hle Land Uses: 1) Single family detached residences, 2) Multi-family attached residences. 3) Directly related land uses such as parks, schools, utilities, streets and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve only the residents of this district. nensity· 4) New residential development will be limited to maximum density of 8 dwelling units per acre, NON-ESTABLISHED DISTRICT 6 NED-6 · f'ermitted Allowahle Land Uses: 1) Single family detached residences. 2) Multi-family attached residences. 3) Existing Manufacturing Zones. 4) Light Commercial Zones. 5) Directly related land uses such as parks, schools, utilities, streets and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve the residents of this district. nensity· 6) New residential development will be limited to a maximum of 12 dwelling units per acre. NOTE: Industry expansion will not be encouraged, · Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2DOl Plan Amendment #LS-20D1-Dl . . UNDEVELOPED DISTRICT 1 UD-1 . Permitted Allowable Land Uses: 1) Single family detached residences, Duplex or townhouse development permitted north of Linden Street. 2) Directly related land uses such as parks, schools, utilities, streets and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve only the residents of this district. DeO!;ity· 3) New residential development will be limited to a maximum of 8 dwelling units per acre. UNDEVELOPED DISTRICT 2 UD-2 Permitted Allowable I and Uses: 1) 2) . 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Density' 9) . Multi-family attached residences, Highway commercial. Ousiness and professional Professional offices. Light manufacturing, Tourist accommodations, Public and semi-public facilities. Parks and recreation facilities. Directly related land uses such as utilities, streets, parking facilities and any other activities that are compatible with the district. New residential development will be limited to a maximum of 8 dwelling units per acre. Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 20Dl Plan Amendment #LS-20DI-Ol . . UNDEVELOPED DISTRICT 3 UD-3 · r'ermittp.ð Allowable Land Uses: 1) Single family detached residences. 2) Multi-family attached residences. 3) Retail sales only on property with access to Highway 27 and located north of Hunt Street and commercial in Lots 1 and 2 of Block K. 4) Personal service establishments. 5) Professional offices. 47 6) Tourist accomodations, 5} 1.) Directly related land uses such as parks, schools, utilities, streets and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve the residents of this district. nensity· 5}8.) " ot"',., "..' New residential development will be limited to a maximum of 8 dwelling units per acre. · UNDEVELOPED DISTRICT 4 UD-4 r'ermittp.ð Allowable Land Uses: 1) Single family detached residences with a maximum density of 4 units per acre. 2) Multi-family residential development with a maximum density of 8 units per acre on property north of Grand Highway and on Blocks 6, 7, and 8 north of Hunt Street, west of Bloxam Avenue and south of Grand Highway. 3) Multi-family residential development as a Planned Unit Development with a maximum density of 6 units per acre on Lots 1-3, Block H; Lots 1-2 and 5-6, Block I; and that portion of Lots 3 & 4, Block E lying southwest of a line extended from the northwest corner of Lot 3, Block E to the southeast corner of Lot 4, Block E, and that portion of Lots 7 & 8, Block D lying south of Grand Highway. 4) Directly related land uses such as parks, school, utilities, streets and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve only the residents of the district. · Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2001 Plan Amendment #LS-2001-01 . . UNDEVELOPED DISTRICT 5 UD-5 · r'p.frnittp.rJ Allowf'lhle Land Uses: 1) Single family detached residences. 2) Duplex and Townhouses, 3) Multi-family attached residences, 4) Property designated UD-5 located north of Highway 50, south of the Hunt Street right-of-way, and west of Grand Highway should be allowed single family residential use not to exceed 4 units per acre, and duplex, townhouses or multi- family not to exceed 8 units per acre, Under a Planned Unit Development (PUD), multi-family development could be considered for an increase not to exceed a maximum of 12 units per acre. 5) Property designated UD-5 located north of Highway 50 and east of Grand Highway should be allowed low density single family, duplex, townhouse, and multi-family residential use not to exceed 4 units per acre, except property with Grand Highway frontage which should not exceed a maximum density of 8 units per acre, Under a Planned Unit Development (PUD), mUlti-family could be cònsider~d for an increase not to èxceed a maximum of 12 units per acre. · 6) 7) 8) g) 10) · General commercial use should be allowed west of Grand Highway, north of the Hunt Street right-of-way on Blocks 1, 2, 15, 16, 49, 50, 63, and 64; and at the intersection of U.S. 27 and Grand Highway with approval of a Planned Unit Development (PUD); and east of Grand Highway at the intersection of Hiç¡hway 50 and Hancock Road, surrounding the intersection not to exceed 660 feet, north, east and west. Directly related land uses such as parks, schoOlS, utilities, streets and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve only the residents of this district. Property designated UD-5 located west of Grand Highway should be allowed nursing homes facilities, professional offices and retail businesses, including restaurants, as a Planned Unit Development only. Industrial development adjacent existing uses on Mohawk Road. Property designated UD-5 located north of Highway 50, lying between CitnJs Tower Boulevf'lrd (formerly Jack's Lake Road), the commercial node at Hancock Road, and the planned frontage\reverse frontage road should be allowed professional office, commercial, mUlti-family and townhouse development not to exceed 8 units per acre. Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2001 Plan Amendment #LS-2001-01 · · · . . 11 ) Property desir:¡nated UD-5 located north of Highway 50 and the planned frontage\ reverse frontage road should be developed as a Planned Unit Development series, Growth patterns should include institutional and public facilities uses (e.g. colleges, schools, hospitals and related occupational applications), commercial and professional office development, and residential construction including clustered multi-family, townhouse, two family, and detached single family uses not to exceed 4 units per acre. Detached single family residential uses (subdivisions) not exceeding 4 units per acre shall be considered without obligation of a Planned Unit Development. 12)Property designated UD-5 located north of Highway 50, east of Jack's Lake, and west ofthe intersection of Highway 50 and Citrus Tower Boulevard (formerly Jack's Lake Road) should provide continuation of the established general commercial node surrounding the intersection of U.S, Highway 27 and State Road 50, General commercial use should occur adjacent to major roadways and not extend more than 1,300 feet north of Highway 50, Lands located adjacent to Jack's Lake should allow professional office development, detached single family, two family, clustered multi-family and townhouse development not to exceed 4 units per acre. UNDEVELOPED DISTRICT 6 UD-6 r'8fmitt81'1 Allow;:¡hle L;:¡nd Uses: 1) Single Family detached residences. 2) Duplex and Townhouses, 3) Multi-family attached residences, 4) Duplex and Townhouses. Property designated UD-6 located south of Highway 50 surrounding the intersection of Hancock Road should be allowed general commercial use consistent with the commercial node indicated north of the Highway 50 intersection, Physical development should occur parallel with Highway 50 between the planned frontage\reverse frontage road Hook Street extension and the highway, 6} 5) Directly related land uses such as parks, schools, utilities, streets and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve only the residents of this district. nensity· 5}6) Property designated UD-6 located south of the planned frontage\reverse frontage road Hook Street extension and adjacent to Hancock Road should be permitted single family and multifamily residential development not to exceed 4 Ii units per acre, Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 20Dl Plan Amendment #LS-2001-01 · · · . . UNDEVELOPED DISTRICT 7 lJ.D:Z 1) Single Family detached residences, 2) Duplex and Townhouses. 3) Multifamily attached residences. 4) Tourist accommodations excluding timeshare operations, 5) The Kings Ridge DRI will develop in accordance with Mixed-Use Classification I criteria. 6) Property within Kings Ridge and Legends developments shall be allowed professional office and commercial uses consistent with the commercial node uses approved within the Kings Ridge DR!. 7) Directly related land uses such as parks, utilities, streets, schools, churches, and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve the residents of this area. 8) Properties along U.S. 27 and collector roads shall be required to provide landscaping in addition to minimum requirements as part of a roadway" " beautification plart For Planned Units Developments, landscaping requírements will be established during the PUD process, nensity· 9) The density shall be 4 dwelling units per acre over all residential land uses, UNDEVELOPED DISTRICT 8 UD-8 r'l!rmiltec! Allowable Land Uses: 1) Single family detached and multi-family attached residences, 2) Highway Commercial uses will be allowed from U,S, 27 to a point 600 feet west. 3) Public and semi-public facilities. 4) Directly related land uses such as parks, schools, utilities, streets and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve only the residents of this district. nensity' 5) New residential development will be limited to a maximum of 12 dwelling units per acre. Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2001 Plan Amendment #LS-2D01-01 .' · · · . . UNDEVELOPED DISTRICT 10 UD-10 r'erffiilteð Allowable I and Uses: 1) Single family detached residences. 2) Multi-family attached residences, 3) Directly related land uses such as parks, schools, utilities, streets and other such activities whose primary purpose is to serve only the residents of this district Density' 4) New residential development will be limited to a maximum of 8 dwelling units per acre, ESTABLISHED BUSINESS DISTRICT 1 EBD-1 r'Afffiilteð Allowable Land Uses: 1) 2) Single family detached residences, Multi-family attached residences. 3) Retail trade, 4) ßusiness and professional Professional offices. 5) Restaurants. 5} 6.) Tourist accommodations. 6} 1) Public and semi-public facilities. 1} 8) Parks and recreation facilities. 8} .9) Directly related land uses such as utilities, streets, parking facilities and any other activities that are compatible with the district nensity· 9} 10) New residential development will be limited to a maximum of 12 dwelling units per acre. Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2001 Plan Amendment #LS-20D1-D1 · · · . . ESTABLISHED BUSINESS DISTRICT 2 EBD-2 r8rmitt8d Allowable Land Uses: 1) Retail trade. 2) Dusiness and professional Professional offices. 3) Tourist accommodations, 4) Public and semi-public facilities. 5) Parks and recreation facilities. 6) Single Family detached residences. 8} 1j Directly related land uses such as utilities, streets, parking facilities and any other activities that are compatible with the district. Density· 17 8) Multi-family attached residences limited to a maximum of eight (8) dwelling units per acre. Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2001 Plan Amendment #LS-2D01-D1 . · · · CHAPTER II . TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT II-l Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2DOl plan Amendment #LS-2001-01 . . . U,S. 27 - U,S, 27 is under the jurisdiction of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and serves as a principal arterial connecting the City of Clermont with cities such as Leesburg and Ocala. U,S. 27 is a divided four (4) lane facility that provides a linkage for both inter and intra County traffic, It now effectively separates the City into east and west sections, and will become a primary north-south route for local traffic as the City continues to urbanize. U. S, 27, part of the Florida Intrastate Highway System, is scheduled to be widened to six lanes in the future, S.R. 50 - S,R. 50 is also under the jurisdiction of FDOT and serves as a !I<ìr,m: principal arterial in the State system. It is also a divided four (4) lane highway that bisects the City into north and south sections. It functions as both an inter and intra traffic link; and is one of the principal routes which connects the east and west coasts. Since it is the primary east-west route through the City, local traffic also uses this road on a frequent basis, The segment of S.R, 50 from U,S. 27 to the eastern City limits also is scheduled to be widened to six lanes in the future. (b) Collector Roads . The following roads are classified as collector roads under the 1989 FDOT roadway functional classification system. No traffic volumes have been recorded for these roadways by FDOT; however, Lake County has provided ADT's to assist in future planning efforts, County Road 561 - This is an undivided two (2) lane facility under the jurisdiction of Lake County, which serves as an urban collector for Clermont. C561 has a meandering path that extends from the southwest urban limit, along Lake Minnehaha, to the northeast City limit, where it follows the south shore of Lake Minneola, County Road 561A - C561A is also an undivided two (2) lane facility under jurisdiction of Lake County that serves as an urban collector, Within the City limits this facility is known as 12th Street. C561A joins C561 at S,R. 50 and then separates at Minneola Avenue, where it continues a northerly route around Lake Minneola. II-6 Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2001 Plan Amendment #LS-2001-01 . · · · . . MAP II-I EXISTING TRAFFIC CIRCULATION SYSTEM CITY OF CLERMONT, 1990 Replace with Map II-I, 2000 update II-I0 Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2001 Plan Amendment #LS-2001-D1 . . , .. B, Analysis of Existinq System 1. Volume to Capacity Ratios · A roadway deficiency is defined as a roadway segment with a volume of traffic that is greater than the maximum capacity permissible to maintain an adopted level of service. This condition exists when the volume to capacity ratio (VCR) is greater than or equal to 1.00. Tables II-2 and II-3 provide the existing volume to capacity ratio for each roadway segment, and states the level of service at which the roadway segment currently operates, (a) Arterial Roads · The FDO~ has adopted a level of service standard for all State owned highways, and only under unusual circumstances, should the locally adopted level of service standard for these State roadways be different, Presently, U,S, 27 and G,R. SO the principal and minor arterials, respectively, are is operating at level of service "A", free flow operation, S,R, 50 is operatinq at LOS "An at the City's western urban limits; LOS "Bn throuqh the heart of Clermont, and LOS "Cn east of U,S, 27, (b) Collector Roads The collector roads have been evaluated at a level of service "C", indicating there is no need for capacity improvements on these roads. The level of service evaluation for these roadways is also presented in Table 11- 2 . None of the City's roadways are operating below acceptable levels of service. (c) Local Roads (Collectors) All local roads provide good operational flow, indicating there is no present need for capacity improvements. However, extension of certain presently designated collectors, and route revision of others must take place to potentially accommodate future traffic flow patterns anticipated from impacts of future growth, II -14 · Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2001 Plan Amendment #LS-20D1-01 . . . . MAP II-3 FUTURE TRAFFIC CIRCULATION SYSTEM · Replace with Map 11-3, 2000 update · II -23 Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2DDl Plan Amendment #LS-2DDI-Dl · · SOURCE: PREPARED CI1Y B'I': OF CLERWONT PLANNING DEPAR1),tENT, 2000 CITY OF CLERMONT PL.ANNING DEPARTt.fENT, 2000 I ~ ~ ~ i"\~ ~~ t1'\~ ~\ t-)C -z. 0(1'1 1\ ---- --- · '"ó I-' PI ~ :Þ':Þ' ;3 p,.. CD 0 ~t'(j p,..rt ;3 CD 0 CD p,.. Ii ~ p,.. rt Y 1-" ¡:: ~ # ~ PI L1 CD ~ (f) () I I\} CD I\} 0\ o ~ # o .Þ> 1-'1\}1\} 1000 001 1-'1-'3:; - 5 o II) ~ r ~ ' Z ' ~ J ~ír LAKE ~Al.ATlAI<AHA · WEST THE CITY OF E OF CLERMONT e t1 _." LAKE HIAWA Tl-tA ...., t~-- LAKE WINNEOlÄ ------- LAKE W'NNÐWiA --- f ~ " _....u._ --- ---------------- ~ lOI f7///¿:1 ~ U,S. HIGHWAY @ STATE HIGHWAY e COUNTY ROAD II MATCH-LINE SEE SHEET 4 DE 4 \ 1 n-lO 1 inch = 2000 CITY OF CLERMONT & \ EXISTING ;;;;'.....,.::...........£7... TRAFRC ;.-,~ !;:""..,:,.,,,. .. ".. .~ :;",. ~ ~"" ':;~ .,." .., ",--,' ......-..-,.: ..'....'...'.......... .,L....',..,.,,;;' ~'''.. CIRCULATION '." ..,.;.....", -., .,' -.,.,:,."., ........................... S STE .............,................... Y M ·,·~".,-··,·..h...·'·,..;,.;..... . .~,~.,..-,,;.,.,,; "'-".';'. ,-, ~ ~~~-::::::;~ LAD COUNTY. noRmA. - ---.. - .... ~ é ----~~- RANGE 25 fAST I RANGE 26 fAST % J ~ 0k ~ t N I . I + p -1500 -"'. -"'- SECTION LINE - - - - - CITY LIMITS HOSPITAL POST OFFICE STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL (4 LANE DIVIDED) MINOR ARTERIAL (4 LANE DIVIDED) COUNTY ROADWAY SYSTEM URBAN COLLECTOR (2 LANE UNDIVIDED) CllY STREET SYSTEM COLLECTOR STREET (2 lANE UNDIVIDED) TRAFFIC SIGNAL FLASHING SIGNAL AREAS NOT WITHIN THE CllY LIMITS -+- 1500 It. Q U.S, 27 (MArcH UNE) 0 7M 1500 SECTION CORNER LEGEND MAP .sHEET SCHOOL SITES n-l 1 OF 4- · I=.~ · · '"d ~ ~ :J :Þ:Þ :3 0. ( ) 0 :JI( o.rt :3 ( ) 0 ( ) P. Ii :J P. rt c...¡ 1-" ~ :J #:J~ t"i ( ) :J (f) () 1 10 ( ) 10m 0' # o ,þ. 1-'1010 1000 001 1-'1-'3: W to N W C!) Z ~ OF CLERMONT PlANNING DEPAR1\IENT. 2000 CI1Y OF CLERMONT PlANNING DEPAR1\IENT. 2000 TOWNSHIP 22 S II N ~ ~ ~ ~~ ßq \ .-.C %. or" ." ~ . 1-;- La.. 0 r') ~ --- W ::I: (/) 'w ·w I(/) ....... ---------------- W Z ~ :::¡ I ::I: U !< 101 ::IE V//~/1 ~ U,S, HIGHWAY @ STATE HIGHWAY e COUNTY ROAD I· ..·.·.···.··········.·..:..·...·..1 + p EXISTING III TRAFRC , I CIRCULATION SYSTEM 1 inch = 2000- CITY OF CLERMONT -1500 -+- LEGEND MAP IT-l SHEET 2 OF 4 SCHOOL SITES HOSPITAL POST OFFICE STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL (4 LANE DIVIDED) MINOR ARTERIAL (4 LANE DIVIDED) COUNTY ROADWAY SYSTEM URBAN COLLECTOR . (2 LANE UNDIVIDED) CITY STREET SYSTEM COLLECTOR STREET (2 LANE UNDNIDED) TRAFFIC SIGNAL FLASHING SIGNAL AREAS NOT WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS II-I0 1500 ft. SECTION CORNER SECTION LINE CllY LI M ITS ~ U.S, 27 (MATCH LINE) 0 750 1500 ] í . . TOWNSHIP 22 S .JOHN'S lME IJ)" ..~/~ /:/ h~ ~æ~ 1 (p ~~~'~~gø~~/'''/(/ ~/.Z". 1{(/y;W:<% :,Ø'fi;ø:ø '"', 2000 ~3;%~J~~ß: ~~§iiLER"'", "^"N~~~"""""",, 2"º,, J~/fi"....;:'1¿::':7~;,//. . ~//·érfyOF CLERMO P __ -ý"////,,»/////~- . --- ~I~ z::) ::)0 ou U w W,C) ~z ~,~ -1500 II inch = rm U.S, HIGHWAY @ STATE HIGHWAY e COUNTY ROAD 0 750 1500 STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL (4 LANE DIVIDED) MINOR ARTERIAL (4 LANE DIVIDED) COUNTY ROADWAY SYSTEM URBAN COLLECTOR (2 LANE UNDIVIDED) CITY STREET SYSTEM COLLECTOR STREET (2 LANE UNDIVIDED) TRAFFIC SIGNAL SCHOOL SITES --- ~ lOJ f////¿1 I H HH HI ::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::)::::.::" + p 1500 ft. 11-10 FLASHING SIGNAL AREAS NOT WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS HOSPITAL POST OFFICE -+- 2000 CITY OF CLERMONT ~ EXISTlNG Jf/ TRAFFIC ~ CIRCULATION SYSTEM SECTION CORNER SECTION LINE CITY LIMITS e w U) N W C) Z ~ GaURD NEDC l N SOUTH SIDE OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT LEGEND 10-100~-S~# 4UaWpUawV U~Td 100~ '9~ aunr pa4doPV ~~~'~ ~~8:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_d d~~~~ RANGE 26 E W-8~v# a~u~u-¡:p~o ~~ ~~~ ~~~.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ' I 5 ~_~~~,I'~.~,~~~_";~~ . ¡ -+- ~ I~'''''''~,..I ~ I ~~~"'~~~~~~.~"8__~i, ~~ 4: ~~ ~~,'~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~\ ,,~&~ ~~ '-" ~ . ~~.:" '-...,'*~..~ .",,""':'-" "~;' ITI II (t::, " :\ ~ ~"~ ~S~ '~~-0::" ~":,,. 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CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT VI II - 1 ~ Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26, 2DDl Plan Amendment #LS-2001-01 " .~, ~ . . ^ , City of Clermont 2001 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Capital Improvements Schedule for LOS Facilities through 2010 (Amended February 2001) Project Description Schedule Projected Cost Funding Source Potable Water Expand Water System 2001 $1.8 million Bond proceeds from 5.4 mgd to 17.2 mgd Expand Water System 2005 $700,000 Bond proceeds from 1.8 mgd to 19 mgd Sanitary Sewer Expand Eastside 2000 $9 million Bond proceeds Wastewater Plant from .849 mgd to 2 mgd Expand Eastside 2006 $7.5 million Bond proceeds Wastewater Plant from 2 mgd to 4 mgd Expand Westside 2005 $9 million Bond proceeds Wastewater Plant from .75 to 1.5 mgd . , Ordinance #428-M Adopted June 26~ 2001 plan Amendment #LS-2001-01