1980-05 RECE\VED D:~ 2 4 1979 AGREE.]\iT..ENT # 8 0.".. 5 WATERTOWER @ ROBERT HANNA, President CHRIS AXELSEN. Vice President . . EARL. A. ERDMANN, Secretary - Treasurer JACK BARL.OW. Purchasing Agent PAINT & REPAIR CO., INC. "the tank with the Red Roof" Area Code 515 PHONE 357-2101 or 357-2102 P.O. Box 67 Clear Lake, Iowa 504211 AGREEMENT (100,000 9U1DN CUJ//(f{J) (l//(fm TAfilI<.) The Watertower Paint & Repair Co., Inc. of Clear Lake, Iowa, hereinafter called CONTRACTOR, hereby agrees to clean out all mud and debris and thoroughly inspect the inside of the water storage tank for Cih; at Ch.nnwni., r lc4.i.da hereinafter called Owner, for the consideration of T Ivt.ee II.unrUuui r.i/!4. which shall become due and payable upon completion of the work. Dollars ($ 350.00 CONTRACTOR shall carry workmen's compensation, public liability, property damage and unemployment insurance during the operation. OWNER shall be responsible for the expense of effectively insulating and/or de-energizing and grounding all electrical power circuits located within a ten (10) foot proximity of the water structure. It is understood that this agreement does not in any way obligate the OWNER to do any further work or incur any other expense without their written approval. Dated this day of ,19_. 'Pa1.av.i6i.cn.. i:c Ik. lJ.I6ed. 1.n.. ~n..Ic./l. ~ at CifJ; cll.lciai6. . T A.i.6 ar~ ..t/w..tf. k rudJ. and vcM 1.n.. t.h..e. .even1 a p:Uni. .c.onhuu:i:. .i6 ~, .. Al.6o ~ A.W .W.A J~n.. /U!.f2Od. Al.6o Tank lJ~n.... Ci4 at Cf.emnoni.. r lwU.da (Owner) ~LA. (Name) ~. r4~ (Title)" WATERTOWER PAINT & REPAIR. CO., INC. accepts and executes this agreement at Clear Lake, Iowa on this ~, day of .~ tf?.~V-~ ~-' (Name) ,197L. ~. (Title) By (Form No.9)