1979-14 ... . . LAW OF"F"lCES OF "~15TOPHE~ C. F"O~D 101 !tAB1. MA.UO STReET .AVARI:9. '-LA. 3::1770 90"~3"3-6195 \ AGREEMENT This Agreement is made this day of 19 between the following parties: Lake County, a Political Subdivi~5ion of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as County; and the City of Clermont, an Incorporated Municipality located 1n Lake County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as Clermont; and Lake Soil and Water Conservation District~ a special district created by the Legislature of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as District; and Oklawaha River Basin Recreation and Water Conservation and Control Author ity hereinafter described as Authority. The above named parties recogni7.e that there is a need for a joint effort In improving the environment and safeguarding the natural resources of Lake County, Florida and that a comprehE!nsive study is needed of the area known as the Green Swamp Area to determine the water resources of said area, and that said area encompasses the entire Upper Palatlakaha River Basin. The parties to this Agreement desire to join together to combine resources to complete a full study of the Upper palatlakaha Hiver Basin Area, and the parties recognize that it is necessary for the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare of the residents of Lake County, Florida, to have such a study completed so that adequate plans may be made for water usage, drainage, and other water facilities. Based upon the above consideration the aforementioned parties agree to perform the following: 1. The parties to this Agreement shall form a group to be known as the Executive Committee whose purpose shall be to conduct a complete stuely of the Upper palatlakaha River Basin water resources to be named the Upper Palatlakaha River Basin Comprehensive Water Study Project. 2. The parties to this Agreement shall each appoint one member to said Executive Committee and each member shall have one vote in the operation of the Committee. 3. The Executive Committee shall serve as the administrative body of the Study and shall have the power to adopt By-Laws, and other rules and regulations and to distribute funds contributed for the Study. 4. The Executive Committee shall appoint a Technical Advisory Committee to work under the direction of and to carryon such functions as deemed necessJry by the Executive Committee. "4 . 5. The Executive Committee shall hire the Project Coordinator. The Project Coordinator shall be subordinate to and work directly for the Executive Committee. 6. The Executive Committee shi31l provide reimbursement of the Project Coordinator position for a period of not more than three (3 ) Yf2 a r s to meet the yearly budget for the So il s Engineer's position that will be set by the Lake Soil and Water Conservation District and the Lake County Board of County Commissioners. 7. Clermont agrees to: a. Collect funds for the Study. b. Open a separate audited account for distribution of the Study funds. Provide quarterly financial statements to all participating agencies providing funding. prov ide all bookkeeping for the St'udy. Provide, title, insure and maintain a motor vehicle for the Study. Serve on the Executive Committee. Serve on the Technical Committee. Donate Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00) to the Study budget. District agrees to: Provide assistance to the Executive Committee in the form of a Project Coordinator. b. Assure that this assistance will be provided to the Execut.ive Committee for not less than one year and not more than three years. c. Ass ure Proj ect Coord ina tor of pos i t ion of So Us Engineer at the completion of the Study. e. Allow the Project Coordinator to remain on the District payroll retaining all benefits and salaries determined by the District Board. f. Allow the Project Coordinator to operate under the Executive Committee without interference from the District. Serve on the Executive Committee. Serve on the Technical Committee. Authority agrees to: Provide secretarial assistance and office space for the Project Coordinator. Donate Five ThoLlsand Dollars ($5,000.00). Provide engineering technical assistance through Gee & .J enson. d. Serve on the Executive Committee. e. Serve on the Technical Committee. c. d . e. f. g. h. 8. 'l'he a. . g . h. 9. The a. b. c. LAW OF"F"lCES OF" H~15TOPHE~ c. F"ORD 101 EAST MA.uD STREET 'AVARI:D, ,.LA. 3-..:770 90"~343.6195 . J ...... . . LAW OF"F"ICE5 OF" -i~15TOPHE~ c. F"O~O '0' C:AST MAUO BTAItEtT ''''VA'A€B,~L'''. 32770 90".343-6195 10. The County agrees to: a. Provide technical assistance through the Pollution Control Department. b. Donate Ten Thousand Dollars ($IO,OOO.OO). c. Serve on the Executive Committee through the Department of Pollution Control. d. Serve on the Technical Committee through the Department of Pollution Control. 11. It is hereby agreed that this Agreement may be amended or terminated at any time by written notice of any part to the Executive Committee herein, said notice giving a least sixty days advanced notice. LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COM1.IJI S S ION E RS THOMAS J. WINDRAM, CHAIRMAN ...-.-.-...-----.........---..--..... .....-----.---.-.---- CITY OF CLEHMONT LAKE SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT OK^i~^WAH^BASINl~ECl~EATION AND WATER CONSERVATION CONTROL AUTHORITY MAD/bb/28c