Conj.ulting Cnginu,u
734 N, 3RD ST.
ROOM 104
P. O. BOX 283
[904] 787-1414
October 23, 1978
P. O. BOX 283
[904] 793-3639
Honorable Claude E. Smoak, Jr., Mayor
and Councilmen
City of Clermont
P. O. Box 219
Clermont, Florida 32711
Attn: Mr. Gordon Tiffany,
City Manager
In compliance with your instructions on October 10, 1978, we have
had an opportunity to review the "Engineering Report of the Municipal
Water System for the City of Clermont", by Dawkins and Associates, Orlando,
Florida, November, 1973, and relate the report data and findings to the
scope of work as presented to you on October 10, 1978.
The following is a revision of our purpose and scope of work for
the Water and Sewerage Systems Investigation:
Purpose: To perform an up-date inventory of the City's present potable
water system, to extend its current customer usage and project its future
customer usage. Relate these findings to the City's present system, utiliz-
ing 900d Engineering standards and the current State Department of Environ-
mental Regulation requirements to determine future needs and requirements.
Dawkins and Associates report of 1973 will be used as a base for the above
Scope of Work: Make a current inventory of all of the City's water supply,
including, but not limited to pumping, treatment, storage, and major distri-
bution systems, placing emphasis on the following:
1. Project future demands on the system, using the present number of water
connections and usage considering previous growth figures and current
growth trends.
2. Investigate water ~upply sources, performing quantitative pumping tests
on th~ new Seminole Well.
Honorable Claude E. Smoak, Jr., Mayor
and Councilmen
October 23, 1978
Page 2
3. Review and analyze available water quality reports on file with the
City, both past and present, and perform any chemical and/or bacterio-
logical tests on existing water sources as deemed necessary.
4. Inventory all pollution sources within 100. radius of each well and
investigate sources of cross-connections, recommending remedial
measures if necessary.
5. Determine the maximum daily and hourly uses during peak flow periods,
utilizing existing flow measuring devices if possible.
6. Collect and analyze the available data on the abandoned Highland Ave.,
well and recommend further testing procedures if feasible to possibly
make use of this source of water.
7. Up-date hydraulic flow and pressure losses of the larger mains in
the distribution system between the pumps and elevated reservoirs.
Analyze the results to determine which lines should be considered
for rerouting or where new lines should be installed to improve
efficiency and safety of the pump-transmission-reservoir system.
8. Analyze and up-date the current and future reservoir systems and
automatic controls. Make recommendations for remedial measures
to upgrade control system if necessary. If additional reservoir
capacity is' found .to be requi red in the future, recommendati ons
will be made on location, size, and approximate date when construc-
tion should be considered.
9. Analyze current development trends to determine the future needs
and uses of the water system and outline an expansion program in-
cluding a schedule for implementation and budgetary purposes.
Purpose: To perform a complete inventory of the City's Sewage System
to determine the current customer usage and project future ~sage and
relate this to the present capabilities of the system. .
It is recognized that the Engineer is presently addressing the
disposal problems of the City in an effort to meet the disposal compli-
ance schedule as adopted by the City Council and presented to the State
of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation.
Honorable Claude E. Smoak, Jr.,Mayor
and Councilmen
October 23, 1978
Page 3
Scope of Work: Make a current inventory of all of the City.s collection
system, including but not limited to lift stations, transmission lines,
waste treatment plant and disposal facilities, placing emphasis on the
1. Using the present number of sewer connections, daily and monthly
flow data, we will project future needs and demands on the collection
system, lift stations, and waste treatment plant.
2. We will inspect and make recommendation for current changes which
should be made within the collection system or treatment plant that
would result in more efficient utilization of the existing treatment
facilities. .
3. Analyze current development trends to determine future needs and uses
of the waste w~ter system and project a schedule for additional treat-
ment facilities at the plant. Prepare an estimate along with a time
schedule which may be used for implementation and budgetary purposes.
Since the disposal system is very critical as a result of the plan to
continue to place the treated effluent in the Palatlak.alia Marsh, this
will be considered so that there will be not conflict with the current
studies being made by the University of Florida.
Using City forces to assist in obtaining clerical data in City Hall
and field personnel in running pumping tests and obtaining field data,
we feel that the above can be accomplished, using hourly rates of our
current contract with the City for $7,700.00 and $3,800.00 for the Water
and Sewerage Study's respectively. These estimated figures should be
considered as do-not-exceed amounts. During the course of the work,
should we see that our total costs will exceed the above estimates, we
will obtain Council approval prior to proceding.
Should you have any questions, please do not he~jtate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
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