DOT State Road 50 . e This instrument prepare~ Date .": ,. ,. "'" J 1,.q', City ~. '.Z,', .;. State of Florida Department and legal description approved By: r""~'itf\ ""Y ?~. 'i '7 ;. , Florida of Transportation (1' ."rr..i ... ~. ...., \ .~ :l.ltf ~; ~.~ '~ PARCEL NO. SECTION ST A TE ROAD COUNTY FAP NO. ri~" ~'.:"): f'" FORM NO. 738.12 Corporation SUBORDINATION OF ENCUMBRANCE TO PROPERTY RIGHTS TO STATE OF FLORIDA KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Whereas, it is proposed by the STATE OF FLORIDA, by and through its component agency, The State of Florida, Department of Transportation, to locate, con- struct, maintain and/or improve a portion of State Road ~:"l , Section j E{f~' in'c.~ Count), Florida, in accordance with survey and plans on file in the office of the State of Florida, Department of Transportation; and, WHEREAS, A portion of the lands involved and necessary to said section of road is subject to :;~(\ ~:. ., ",. '( held by the undersigned; and, WHEREAS, On behalf of the State of Florida a request has been made for the undersigned to subordinate said encumbrance to the property rights of the State of Florida in and to the portion of the premises hereinafter described. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the premises and one dollar and other good and valuable considerations, paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the under- signed subordinates said encumbrance to the property rights of the State of Florida, to locate, construct, maintain and/or improve said section of road over, through, upon, and/or across the following described lands, being a portion of the encumbered premises in ..~~:'J~ County, Florida, to-wit: j -:i'i,~U..:~~:, ~,.\ _.(~~~1':~:i Zl.r'~,l;~"~:;)'~(; . "',. SJ,) ~-JC~'t ~~~ (:f: ',:',t; :.,..). ::':'ec"'; '.), ',&:.u \-'le-tc, : '0!C'.:Lt;;;. (1 C\J.::uiV5.0tO'fl $.!!, t~e :'~,ty ~:' ,:lerz:JJlJ:t. c.CCG~':.'if,' to ":lr.J,,rct:::ccrJ:ea .1z~ ...,::,:.1:' :~t~ '" .. oL:a Ll. ::'C:'.)llc ~'CGn-~'tJ of. ~_s.~()- ," t_~t:7., ',Joriulh. ~ ';,1(.:,: \ :L::.t:.(j:;i'l;;' 0f: t;.1O fJ'i!atlL," : G'i..t~w. rl(t:\i ct \.1:;;y ..ll::.{' o~. ~ \to.tt,} ."t-o.:1 ~~). lit'!n'" ~';:'lt<:El:.' o-:-'~L:) c.,"\itJ'tS.Q~ I.T~et ::l-:~.;.t Qj' VI~ It!~o o~ .~'nt tW.nt1!' !'("~> 'i.:7,1n:,: ~.o,..t~~- ;:."..t~n;'~J .r ~~ ; ~ :.,.i....(~ 1...'~~~crlt;Cl.', GC ?c-:U.e!lD; ,:c,:.~_~r;':(~li:' {Sl 't,:.e <J~SJt liI,f) 0': . :t;ctien ;:;!.d. '.Clir,lii~tr <':2 '~C:Ut~'4t i ~l.t.(".e tS> ',~t ,It u ~ Ci:jt';~i". ;;.'~ ..;c.et. "d1..?~ (lnOj,C' O("n t;c.~st cf ,,=~U ~(;,~tr;~Mt CGm~'r t:Jer{"~!'; tln:lJ~ , 2':ll,r.t I~C2.G:" G';' ~j c:,M'<..'f ccnea"f) "-0 tc:o ,,:..::tQt~"i.()rl:i OZjJ \1~Vt."l:::-~ <S HHli',I3 (~ :::7'::).(;. 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I....,\' ~ '...,.,) ,41:.1 ....."';.......~ f-J'.'f" {H, ,"'T..:.:-'...T..... ~..J~ u.~ t..~,"...:l 'l\~--4~""\..oI_h'.; ....J,(....~ (j;; \:~~ ::<lz:.~~ c~ ~ tutu "C~".\ ~tJ fCl1f fl ~...'~\1~-;~7 ()~? rr~;..lI~."~!:;~~; t\t~Ut;e ~.t1 ;/C:1~~\l ~,~~c:,').t:.7~ :.3t+. G .=t.~j:'c~:c'J t:.~ ':t.~...,7 !\et to t::o Gt'.1 f~ od,et1rv" 1\1;':\1:. c~ 'i:t.Y 2:b(; cf' ; ("~t '......[........ rl"-~'" "", ,: ':Ie ,-,.".1 ,,'f'....~ i'" .'r'....,..r.'i~;.,.,/~ 11""', . . ,!)'lv,u . /', !;> i: IT!.:.! . \1_, .'_'r"~. 'I-_...rl.. ,lV _~.~. _....,'.A, v.,.. \.J... .'"' _, ....~!W ~.......w..;-... "_~. ,('::.t~!1'~.J.,~~ ~~-"~~ C','~~~:';t; ~e2t. ':.0"0 c~r 1.~~,;J. insofar as said premises arC' atftoctecl hy the following dc~cribf'd ('l1cumbrance_ now held hy the IIllder- signed: Nature of n,lt" From or In F,l\',)r of TIt'corclc-d EOCllmhr:lOCI' Against nook Page ,; .t~;J\~:::::.,-.Ir. t 15,....l:;...(j F3r-t/i:. <. "It ::l2 'c11C(',ol ..'.t 01' ;~' Lt '. ~:"~:~:~I . , " - .. :i..,~_!~i-~~t'D'-: C,.'., lXt,.~;,,! - PROVIDED, ALWAYS, NEVERTHELESS. and it is exrressl~' understood and agrecd that this in- strument subordinates said encumbrance insofar as same affects the rights and privileges of the State of Florida in its use of the land specifically above described, for highway purposes only, and that nothing herein contained shall in any way affect, alter, impair, minimize or diminish the effect of s~.id encum- brance or the remedies at law or in equity for recovering thereout, or against the parties charged thereby. the fu!l amount of all sums secured by and/or due unde~ the same. It is further understood and agrepd that in the event said above described premises are abandoned by the State and cease to be used for high- way construction and maintenance ptirposes that in such event the subordination of said encumbrance shall terminate in and to such portion abandoned and no longer used as aforesaid, and the encumbrance become of the same status with reference to such abandoned portion as if the subordination had never been made. In WiLNESS \VHEREOF the said holder of said encumbrance has duly executed this instrument this q - day of ~jI.k.u,.~ ' A.D. 192Z..., Signed. sealed and delivered in the presence of: Signaiure of TWO witnesses n'Cluired by Florid~ Law ~ 7n J 1)...1/1 jJ L .tJ o-P () .AI --G- By: Its President Pro - T e m Qfl~AO'v 't /. CM~ Its Secretary J()nl.) <l Yr)(~ Hl..) (Corporate Seal) ArrEST STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF I.::Ikp. Before me, the undersigned authority, this day personally appearecJ iCa.rli,sle.:A~:; 8y:rd~..Jr. and Dolores W. Carroll to me well known and known to me to he the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing in- strument as C i t Y COli n ~ i 1 ,President and C i t y Co un c i 1 ~ecretary respectively, of the Corporation named in thf1gre~1;~g instrument, and they severally acknowledged to and before me that they execute said instrument on behalf of and in the name of said corporation as such officers; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed thereto by due and regular corporate authority; that they are duly authorized hy said corporation to execute said instrument and that said inslrurnelll is the frt'e act and deed of said corporalio/l, ,~, IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this 9 t h clay of February , A.D, 19-2L. My Commission expires: ~JJr\L ~3 ,,' ) CJ 8"D