1978-07 .' > {' A G R E E MEN T ., , ..,~~ Y/. :it rilji TH I S AGREEMENT, made th is J. Fi rst , day of . March in the year Nineteenhundredseventy-eight CHi of Clermont . , by and between the parties' . , hereinafter called lithe Owner", and Carmichael Enterprises operating as a contractor under the 'laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter called lithe Contractor". - . ., WITNESSETH, that \'/hereas'" The~;:C; tv of Cl ermont has awarded to the Contractor the work of constructing the Sewage Collection'System for Block 122.,. and whereas the Contractor has, furnished satis- factory Bonds and has complied with the insurance requirements as set forth by the Engi neer. NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner anq the Contractor, for consideration here- inafter named, agree as follows: Article 1. Scope of Work - The Contractor shall furnish all equip- ment, tools, material and labor and everything necessary to perform in the manner and form provided by the Contract Documents. The Contract Sum - The Owne~ shall pay to the Contractor, Article 2" for the faithful performance of the Contract, in 1 awful money of the Un'ited States, as follows: Based upon the Price' shown in the ~roposal heretofore submitted to the Owner by the Contractor, a copy of said Proposal being a part of these Con- tract Documents, the aggregate amount of this Contract being the sum of: Four thousand. seven hundred forty-three-------- --.;.-..:-'-;..~:...---------- Do l1;aTs', an.d , I. nO/lOO Cents ($4~743.00 ). .........~f ','",. '..' "'\':" .." Article 3. Contract Documents - The Documents'hereinafter listed '.' . . ~ ."\. " : -. . form the Contract'and.they are as fully ,a part of'thf.~'.CQn:;:'{act a's 'if hereto ;'(L'~< ',<,-' ,:'.:,",:":<~: < " >" _ ' ".' ::: ;c, ;. ,~',j)l;;~~}J ,~t4:""":,'::',<,,-:',,,:~ ,:, .'-. . "a tta'thed ;"~ or ~'repeated in' this' Agreement: '~-, ,...,. ~E:i' i'~h',... :r", ';," :','<: - ~ " :,''''' ., .;.. '--'~'-;~".~-..:-.;:.'. '<':."~.':'..::.'_..:.:: ". - -'<.: .. . .' .. . .;.' ,':' =-.':.-.:..:., .....:~.,~~:.-...:..:::..~:.: '.. Not;'ce'~:.to~'.tori'(rador.s>.~:"',':~:" - ,." '..'." . --. '..< '_ ',;:' , .';-'.~;,' ":" ; ,':',". ::'~, ~i~~~~:~~F~~:ce~~:} ~':f;:~}',:,~:~?;:::",;" '; ':'.". ';, '. ,'.'( ::L\;:" (:',. ':., " '..' Spe'ci fi ca'ti ens' "'for::'ConstruCt;'on',:o( San itary'-'Sewer,:Fac'i 1'i ti es for Ci ty of ,C,l ermon,t ',.La ke',"Coun'ty,;"::"Flqr4:da,~~E~,(13H';:::;Fe.br:'ua'rY:;',;,1978., '..~ " ,'-, .,. ',' ~,: i;\;C' :;,:i;ii';::r,::t ",::>,0)"", "';" " , , , .' ,- '." '. .,' ......4.,. ::. .' ':~ ': - ',.,' ..... .~ . " '", '.: . ~ -:.. . ~. ; n. . _, .. .~. . . . "'- "". "'\'~~'~:7:. ~';" ~..~ :. . 'I. h, .."; ....:::.? . " . ~ .. ' . . '.- . .' .':;;~:'~;;~S~':t'-i:~6f~~'~IP~i~~~~a;,ti~Ji'1~~~if:~~~1~~;~~~[~~i~~:~J'~:'~1;';::C';'; , ", ': ',between:'De~ot6: St>.' &. Montrose" Stree~',,:~ Ci ty of- Cl ermont' ,<.., ' .. .:.' ...~.' -:"'; '.. " ,".:'.:. '.: _:.' .....,," ," . .,.. '. .:.'.. '.' ". \. '. 11-l4-77~ Sheet '2 o{'2-;'Water,,:,System,Ad'dition Layout arid ,Sewer ,and Water", :,. , .,'.:'?~ta,tl.~:'!.,o.~,a~P?;-tionef D~Sot6 St~ in City of Clermont. . ~..,. . -.' . , ' . .......:.:.. "':.":.: . :". :.~ . ',',' ~ . "" .... . . " . " ", \ : .- , , - . .. -' ;~ .. ,. . '. .~ . . .,.;' ..'~. . .' . '..-,', . ,"., . . " Article 4. Partial and Final Payme~!i'- In accordance with an understanding with the Contractor ~nd th~ Engineer,:the Own~r,shall . ~ ::-..'.' . - , . t, '. . pay to the Con tracto,r a~:.f.p 11 ows : : ,',,' :. " ': " ',"- . "', -- .:.. . '"f!. - :If.~i'... ',...." ,;. .~ j .~ . -, :' .:. ... Lump Sum' ~t-~omp''-etio~:' ~'li~~h3Led~":~~d,::'~c~'ePtarice, by '~ity. Erigineer;;'~:cf ':/,':',i:," :~,. ", , . :', ': ...:'" -' "" :,:".' :..:5-.,.:.'~'. '>< '. _ .'. -::.... ..,. ,,: _.', " . . -.' " ':.,;... .:.:. .. ..: . . . -::--:;-:'?.' _.....~. ',':.7 ".;... .:~...':' '.':, ;' . =.... ,..... .':'.. 4.....:~ ," ... ~ .,', ..::.-.:;:~.'''':';;'.-~-.-' ~'.~~,~'.~:...-' .:..... "'-.' ,': ~:: ":. .;-':-':-.-:':.'" : '" ...... "-. .:....-'. '._~. .; ;: ... ":'. j ~'.:~::f";U,~\1~:;.i'0!;. : ~:?;:; ,:~~ '~:~;~",:; :';,j;: ,:.?:-;:::. ;,.:>t'" ;.,. . . . ~. '. '" ....... i:~ "'~~'. . .:'. '. : .... ,:':'. ~ , ." .. " ,,' ,'~;'.':'~;)~~~I~~r..~~~1'~~.:$ic:;"i~.:;!.i: .j~;i.; ./A ,', <; . . ~-".' .~- .~ , f ",". ., -. , -~ ". .. , . ," . :: u . ',.t -I' -I,~ ~>~.~.<. :'. 1 ~-... ,'-' ~'. ,. " ." ~ ~ '.. I -~. '. '.. '.'':. _.. . ~. " '.' r "..:", .,-:: .>:" t :-' .', , " '. .-' , ~. , ". ... ~.. -.. .... ~..,'';'' .' ,.' .. ~ . -,'... .~ ..,,- ~':. - , ' " ..' . .'. . . " . ''''.'' " .... -.. :. . :' - ~ . - .., - -.' . . .-'- ", ~ r :.. ..' . ~'. ~ . ..' -,.:- ,'; , ',;_:~.~~'~::7 ~.,::" :\\:-?;~".": ~ .,. .' ..... . ':' . '. '..' .. . . _, r' ~', :-:.- _: '.. i :- ::, ';'::. .:. ': ~ .- _ ), ~, Article 5. Time of Completion,- The Contractor shall commence the wo~k to,beperform~dunde~ thi; contract,~ithin t~h(iO) -ca~endar days after. recei pt of :wri ~tennoti c'e :to proceed, and shall.. fully com-, pleteal1.work hereunder within Thirty'''(~) ca'i~nd'~~ da~'~ thereafter. '..; , ;1,' Il /, "I :,~,f. , " .' IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and 'date first written above, written in three -. (3) counterparts, ~ach of which shall, without proof or accounting for the oth~r,counterparts~be'.-de'emed an original Contract. * " In CARMICHAEL ENTERPR~ ~ ' ~ y: j)OMb ~ ll/Hll,.J , , ' , , CITY ,OF CLERML ' , , , ' ,----- -- - "'--, ,~-:---, 'BY .-' --,,-(Jt= -,-- ---. -A'~-_- '. .:--.'. --.' ~. *0' _ .' __ _ ~, .,.... ~.-.-. _ _ , ' .,', Claude E. 'Smoak, Jr., - Mayor " "Attest: ' * In the event that the, Contractor is'a corporation, there shall be attached to each counterpart a certified,copy of,a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, authorizing the officer who signs the Contract to do so-i~ it~ behalf. ' .._-,. ~ .'. - .__ '_'0---:. _,_ ""O!""O [-.:. "::-,:'1t"~Ii!i' t;: ~,\, R,~I]!~,\:.";". '.1.,~i='f;,l~ .l4Ji'l;iTtrf')'. '1'[;' "lWJ ~,'liir:ji~-Y Ir'r.'iltj.j....i..1j".' '. C'=' ol;'HJ:r"'\fi=" tJ;)' i~'t, ' ~ g ~ ~:': : ,:.:i'~;::i~~;~(1, ];t~'fj\ +"",~r:-;ri!.'~''iif.. '.;~'O' . :,7Y'-!~'~'~-:;/'i1ift(~\.y.- 0 ~ .' I "~:lmr;;:,..,~;'" ~',Lr.::;';-':,# f.%',:~,:;;w;t:;,~/., NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENCY FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE AGENCY, INCo Po O. BOX 149 LEESBURG, FLORIDA 32748 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES GULF AMERIGAN FIRE & CASUALTY . .t~7 MONTGOMERY:~l' {iJABAMA .'/f ..)~'". . '.." .... ~'~"'.'.~ ... '.' " t: ~ ii ~ COMPANY LEITER A B C o E L;U~;. 1':'......- ~::::-;.~ ~~. COMPANY LEITER COMPANY LEITER ~ ::: NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED ' ! WEYHAN L. CARMIqIAEL, :JR. DBA CARMICHAEL ENTERPRISES ROUTE 6, BOX 227 LEESBURG, FLORIDA COMPANY LEITER -- ~..""'r. ,~ ' - ~ 32748 COMPANY LETTER -. ~J-~ .. _ I"'nl.lDAt..IV ~ '"'lETTER' certify that polici<<:s of insl;lran'ce'listed below have been issued to the insured named above and a're in forc~ at this time,' , Limits of Liability in ThousanifS(01)O) OCC5~~~NCE AGGREGATE TYPE OF INSURANCE , POLICY NUMBER POLICY EXPIRATION DATE ~ GENERAL LIABILITY o COMPREHENSIVE FORM []g PREMISES-oPERATlONS o EXPLOSION AND COLLAPSE HAZARO o UNDERGROUND HAZARD o PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS HAZARD o CONTRACTUAL INSURANCE o BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE o INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS o PERSONAL INJURY BODILY INJURY $ $ 300,000' xxxxxx $25 ,000 25,000 ~.;<,~ ~ ~ 16...1870 4..15-78 PROPERTY DAMAGE ~ .:.i BODILY INJURY AND ',_" PROPERTY DAMAGE - '. COMBINED i:i'-'i;;;'; $, $ .... ..' , PERSONAL INJURY $ ~ ~<l1 .. q AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY o COMPREHENSIVE FORM DOWNED o HIRED o NON-DWNED BODILY INJURY . (EACH PERSON) . BODILY INJURY (EACH OCCURRENCE) , PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $ - "" ......._..,,~ _u _ ~,,_~~..._"_ ..__ _. ~ _L "'_.~__.______ .-._-~.. ___ ~~~~.~~--~- ,.-.- ~.........~~.~~ - - ~ -- -.-. . ,,~- ~~-~. .~-- ---- ~__r~_~~.~~~~_.~'~~ ----~-_.-~~.,-- ..._-.. __."?...:r~.~:r_~_-__ "--,0--'_ $ ~~~~~~~-_Im;.a. ~~:::-f~""iJ~~~~=~~ BODIL Y INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE COMBINED $ --;oo:::L r~ EXCESS LIABILITY BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE COMBINED $ $ ~~ o UMBRELLA FORM o OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM '" J~ WORKERS' COMPENSATION and EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OTHER STATUTORY ~-, ~ _ '.. --..."..';'..,-".... - _-.-....~-:.~~----:....: ~~~~~~~;~~~:::~\~~y;~~-- ;: ~ 16...1870 $ ~ -;;......... _~~.=-_~-.._~~--,-~=.'-..."":r..rC~_-,,~.:=..........:.__~~..-:""""--.......,..:.~rP..-.....................-,;.........~~........--.:J'."'..........".--'-""""...~,. ~~~ .~ "~;;;;";fi'0,.' OF OPERATlONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES ........ ..... ~- - ...... ..-- do Cancellation: Should any of the above described policies 'be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing com~ pany will endeavor to mail :....1.0.-. days written notice to the below named certificate holder, but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company. i ~ NAME AND ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER: ~ CITY OF CLERMONT CLERMONT, FLORIDA DATE ISSUED: March 3rd, 1978 I /QIZ?U r~ , AUTHORIZED REPRES~NTATlVE - -.....- ~ ~' ~ , ACORD 25 (Ed,2.77) .... ~.. .~~~ ~..~?i::.~~~a_ 0-" ..:,~:ra""":;~~~k':_~_"1_""=-'''':=::''_Pf.''~;.:;...~.,r;;::;;:;?:"~.~~y_~ "' -- .-., ~.~~....~~ri~~~':::';~, '-;~__.';'.-:~ To: Carmichael Enterprises , ;\ ,.' '(!.',." . Route 6 .:~B.DX 227 .., . !:J!' .# I ;.' ,oI~... . . . <~~~:;~'.l ~eesburg, Floridi,32748 . Da te: March 1 f 1978 'Project: City of Clermont Sewage Collection Syste~ for Block 122, ' You are hereby notifIed to commence work in accordance with the Agreement dated March 1 , I 19' 78 ' :' "on or before March 10 , J- 9 7R I and you are to complete the WORK within' " ,30 : c'onsecutive calendar days thereafter, The date of completion o'f all WORK is therefo.re Apri 1 9 :M .::-~'. ...:.. ~ ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE Receipt of the above NOTICE TO PRO'- is here7kn the ~d ~at- this day , 19--71-. of BY 'Ii tl e 1978 . P. E.