1977-01 {!on~ulting Engineeu RECEIVED D EC 2 \ 1977 734 N. 3RD ST., ROOM 104 P. O. BOX 283 LEESBURG, FLA. 32748 [904]787-1414 SPRINGSTEAD AND ASSOCIATES, INC. . WEST HWY 476 P.O. BOX 283 BUSHNELL, FLA. 33513 [904 ]793-3639 . Mr. Gordon Tiffany. City Manager 1 West Gate Plaza Clermont, Florin~ ~?711 DATE 1J08 NO. 12-20-77 E -113A ATTENTION Gordon RE: City of Clermont Sewer & Water Relocation S.R. #50 TO GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU XX Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: o Specifications o Shop drawings o Copy of letter o Prints o Change order o Plans 0 Samples ~X Contract Agreements COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 4 12-13-7 City of Clermont and S.M. Wall Comoany ($5.000.00) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 0 For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit_copies for approval 0 For your use 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit_copies for distribution 0 As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return_corrected prints 0 For review and comment ~X Plp-ase F'Xp-cutp- and return 3 copies as soon as possible. o Material and/or prints returned after loan to us REMARKS Executed by Thomas A. Sanchez, Acting City Manager and Dolores W. Carroll. City Clerk. 12-27-77 COPY TO /~~ SIGN~~ 'I MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL E,,!GINEERS '. . . .<."." . ! A'G R E E"M.E N~i.:.' .:..'.}...... ::,:. .......:.. '.. .......;.,.;. : . . .... :':~ .'. :. ...:...:;;:.::<:~< ':.:>::':i~.:.:;;:~>:\..:':,.,.',~~~::,}:~~~~:<-t:~::-{::~:..:.:~:':.:,:::";~,t:~~/':;,:.~:.:;'::~,~.:~,;;,.;'~.~-~\':.~/:;~..:)~,_.' ':/. . . -THIS AGREEMENT;:-'..,made. thl S - :;,., ....;......, ...- 'Thlrteenth ,'" '.-"'/':' : -. day 'of'-~ . '."" -~~~~~~~t~~ " ' by and between". th'e''-'pa'~f~ e:s~:.' c., (y"'o'f t=l ermoni/ C-'-errilOnt'.,::: Fl o'rl"da;:;' /~~,; >. ',:,- :<:->~'..i :\-:~. '.:: '.:: ~.:.'; :<:;'-i::. :'" .5. M. Wa 11 '~om:L.'L2vi 1'ie/FT:'ff~:~~:,:ii.~~;4~:fi~:,f:~{ea}:;:;'~n~,r"<::~fH';:: '." .. . ~. ....... .........,.... .~..:...:.,::..~::'....~..:-.:....."-.~..~:~:'.--:';~.":-:.~~'.....:.:...........,..i. '.. ," . ',' ~,.'.._' ,': .::,..... .,. ,..;.:..:......::.:J.:...: :.. . . operati ng as -.a .'contracto(.under..~Jhe.) a~s~'~bf.:..the.'St~te' of,Fl ori dil ~ herei n~f~erJ:a ned '. "the Contractor" ~:/c'-~;",:'!';:~:.;-;F'_..:, ...... .. '. ,:.>,:,':::y',. . WITNESSETH.' ..that".where~s'~" .~,-:"'" .,'.. ~:"City. of.'.Clermont. .':; "." -,' -:. ". " .,': of constru~ting ,.., .. ...,.:--. >. '~:":<;;~ :~'ha'~:'~~arded~.' tc;::the '-"Contractor. th~ work": '. '.~d'j usti.ng"t~n" (10)' ..~a:~'h~.l'~~':.:~e.,-.~tfYe:to '~ori's~~~'cti on of . Hwy. - :5~'. ' . , thru' the' Ci't{'-:'.'. ' :......, . ' ~ . "" -", J.' . _' ',':,';~nd. whereas .'the Contractor' has .com- 0_. . , j .,' . '. . .~. .. .:; - ...... . -'" . plied with the insurance:requiremerits'asset'forth.'bYtheEngineer.":...:..:..... >" '. .... ' . NOW ." THtREF~~R:f~. t~~,?O~~.~.~q~n'd ~\'.he.~....~~nir~cl~; ~:;'}or ~ ~o~'{i d~'~~~ibn '.h~~ei n- . a fter named. agree as f Ol1OCs~:>~;":' '~i:~" ,'- u, .... ", .' '.' >,' '., " ". Article 1. Scope of' Work. ~1h~ Co~~ract6r shall furnish. all equipment, tools. material and labor.andeYerY~hing' necessary~toperfo'rm in the manner and ., I form proYided by the Contract Documents. Article 2. The Contract Sum - The Owner shall pay to the Contractor. for the faithful p~rformance of the Contract. in lawful money of the United States. as fo 11 ows : Based. upon .the Price shown in the Letter Proposal heretofore submitted . .. to the Owner by the Contrac~~r... acoPY:Ofs~id P~9Posal, being. a part of. these Con- tr~ct Documents ,the 'aggregate amount of ,this. Ccint'ract being' 'the sum of: '. Fi ve thousa'nd--::;"-:":"--:"'---':''';-'':'~,--'- ----..:..:...:'~~--.-.:.~--------:------.-:----------~--.,.- Do 11 ars Cents. . ($ 5,000.00 ) . and no/100 ......':--. . Article 3. Contract ddcU~~~is .~the Documents hereinafter listed form the Contract and they are as fully a part of the Contract as if' heretp ;\: 'i ,/,-, .J . ~:...~; ~l attache~, or repeated, in this'Agreement: Letter of Request ,for Bids.' - ,Letter of Proposal' ' Insurance 'Certificate Notice to Proceed Pl ans and Specifica,ti ons Enti t.l ed:' 10-10-77~"Sheet' 1. of 6~ ,Site Location Map & General Notes f6r Relocation of S.R~ #50, :Clermont, Fl. 10-10-77, Sheet 2 of 6~ Relocation Plan oriS.R: #50 1 Intersection of S.R. #50 &TenthSt;; Clermoht, Fl. 10-10-77~ Sheet 3,of 6,~Relocation Plan at Intersection of. S.R.#50 & 5th St., Clermont, Fla. 10-10-77, Sheet 4 of 6, Relocation Plan at Intersection of S~R~ #50, East Aye., & Highland Ave. , Clermont, Fla. 10-10-77, Sheet 5 of 6, Relocatiqn Plan at Intersection of S.R. #50 and Hibiscus Street, Clermont, Fl. 10-10-77, Sheet 6.of 6, Relocation Plan for Intersection of S.R. #50 & Bloxam Ave., Clermont, Fl~ ' ".,' ,- Article 4. Partial and ,Final Payments -' In accordance with an ,under- standing ~ith the 'Cqr1:;r;actorandthe Engineer~ the Owner, shall pay tothe Con- tractor as~':follows~.<j'~:;:..~ . . 'Lump Sum at end of Contract period. .... . . ..- Article 5., Time of Completion - The Contractor. shall commence the work to be performed,under this contract within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of , . written notice to proce~d,: and shall,fal~y complet.e allwor,k,hereunder within the Schedule as per ~6ntractor'~ cbntract with the ~tate of Florida, Depaftment of ' Transportation. '. " ' Arti:cle 6. Authority and Responsibility of the Erigineer- All work shall be done under the generalsuperYision of theEngineer~., The Engineer shall decide any and all 'questions which may arise as to the quality and acceptability of materials furnished, work 'performed, rate of ,progress of work; interpretation, of, Drawings and Specifications and all questions as to the acceptable fulfillment ,of the Contract on . the part of the Contractor. .~. IN WITNESSWHEREOFth~ ~arti~~ h€fet6 have 'executed this Agreement , , . ' , , ,:~j' on the day and date f~rst written' aboYe,writt~nin three, (3) counterpar.1i,s>;(-q' '. .- .;": .:. !'!.'.;,;, each.o{which shall,.:w{t'hout prooforacc,ounting for the other,counterpa!,ts.,. ',be deemed pn original Contract.*'::.' '. '." . - .' . ~ e. , , In, the'Pres~nc~of: _d+":& .~.. ,) , ':'~" '....' , (~ ~',fr~O--v,-Il~ , . ... ./>>7 ;Ya:#~. 9~j BY: '-~.. / .~--'" /'A.c&. ATTEST{4-;j/(l)aJ( ~ /o7'Pfl<' '."f?',.,.. .,' '.',' ./. : '.' 'BY: ATTEST: , , ~ In the event that the Cont~actor is a corporati6n,' there shall be attached to each counterpart a ce'rti.fi ed copy of, a Resol uti on of the Board of Di rectors of the Corporation, a~th6rizing the officer who signs the'Contract to do so in its behalf. '- , '