By and Between
THIS AGREEMENT, entered into as of this 24th day of November,
1965, by and between the CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA (herein called the City)
and CANDEUB, FLEISSIG, ADLEY AND ASSOCIATES (herein called the Consultant):
WHEREAS, the City desires to engage the Consultant to render technical advice
and assistance in the execution of certain elements of a Comprehensive Plan for the City.
the City.
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows:
The City hereby engages the Consultant and the Consultant hereby agrees to per-
form the professional services hereinafter set forth.
1. Survey of Existing Land Use. By use of field surveys, aerial photography
and other research sources, an inventory wiII be made of the present use
of land in the City. This data will be the basis for future land use plan-
ning and zoning analysis, and will be presented in map form.
2. Survey of Building Conditions. A field examination will be conducted
of the exterior condition of all structures in the City. Structures in
Downtown Clermont will be included in this survey so that if the City
determines that an urban renewal program would be useful to its purpose
this structural information can then be the basis for an appl ication for
renewal funds. This information will be presented in map form.
3. Developmont Factors Maps and Graphics. On a series of maps and
graphics will be presented those conditions existing in the City which
affect the future and present development of land and roads. These
panels will be presented in a form and manner suitable for public pre-
. sentation. Where appropriate, some of the separate data cited may be
presented on the same map where the combination of data will be more
meaningful than if presented on separate maps.
Map of existing pattern of utility service.
Map of topographic factors affecting development.
Map of street widths and pavement widths.
Map of distribution of building activity.
Map of development factors. .
Map of Land Use.
Map of building conditions.
Population Growth Trends chart.
These maps will be presented in graphic and/or colored form and will be
mounted on panels suitable for public display .and presentation. In addition to
the completed maps and chart themselves, the raw data from which they qre
derived will be available to the City in work sheet form for purposes of
updating in future years
4. Aerial Mosaic of City. From current available aerial photography, an
aerial photographic mosaic at a scale of approximately 1" = 400' will be
prepared which wiII show the City and its adjacent urban area. This,
mosaic will be mounted, and will be covered with a clear plastic over-
lay for purposes of presenting area-wide planning information.
5. Long-Range Land Use Plan. This plan will present specific proposals,
in map form for the most efficient use of land in the community over the
next ten to twenty-year period. It will be particularly concerned with
such pressing matters as the location of future commercial development
with emphasis on the need for expansion of the city's present central
business district. In addition, it will delineate areas of the community
having present and future industrial potential. For residential areas of
the community, the most future appropriate density of development will
be indicated.
6; Major Thoroughfare and Traffic Plan. A system of major thorouqhfare and
principal streets will be presented in.map form which will serve the present and
future trafffc needs of the community. Particular attention will be devoted to
Iinking the circulation system of the community with the four-lane high-
way so as to maximize the advantage of this thoroughfare faciIity to the
community and to relate this facility to the City's central business dis-
trict and major employment areas.
7. Central Business District Reconnaissance. As a result of the first several
months of data collection, discussions with civic leaders and preliminary
planning efforts, the Consultant wi II present to the City Council and a
selected group of citizen leaders a graphic and verbal discussion"
of the present problems, existing conditions and the potentials of the
City's central business district. This presentation will not be a planOf
improvement program for this key business district but will be Iimited to
describing the possible: subsequent programs and means by which the City
. and downtown leaders can bring about an improvement in the ability of
this area to function as.a modern shopping district . Consideration will be
given to those factors such as structural conditions, marketability " and cost
which will influence possible utilization of an urban renewal program to
rebuild portions of this central business area.
8. Revision of City's Zoning Regulations and Zoning Districts Map. The
City's existing zoning regulations (both text and map) will be examined-
in I ight of the long range land use plan recommendations and in terms of
regulations' ability to be administered fairly and efficiently. Specific re-
commendations in text form will be made where necessary to change these
zoning regulations to' accompl ish the purpose of the long-range plan.
The services of the Consultant are to commence on the date this contract is signed
by both parties and expire eight (8) months from the date of contract signing, during-
which period the Consultant shall render the services herein provided for.
The Consultant represents that he has or wiII secure at his own cost and expense all
personnel required in performing the services under this agreement. All of the
services required hereunder will be performed by the Consultant or under his super-
vision and all personnel engaged in 'the work-shall be fully qualified to perform
The Ci'ty will pay the Consultant the sum of Eight Thousand, Three Hundred Dollars
($8,300.00) for the services herein provided for, which sum shall be paid in six
(6) installments' - as follows:
Payable within 30 days of contract signing
Payable within 60 days of contract signing
Payabl~J;Within 90 days of contract signing
Payable within 120 days of contract signing
Payable within 150 days of contract signing
Payable upon completion of all work items
$ 1 , 800
$ 1 , 800
$ 1 , 800 .
$ 1 , 000
$ ] , 000
$ 700
VI. That the compensation set forth in Article V here-
tofore shall encompass the entire remuneration to be
paid to the consultant and there shall be no further
compensation for any exp5enses or services unless sueh
arc agreed to beforehand and passed on Motion by the
City Council.
VII. The City expressly reserves the right to rescind ,or
cancel this Contract at any time after the execution
hereof and the total. liquidated damages for any such
cancellation, recission or breach are expressly agreed
by both particD to be that pro-rata amount as re-
flected by the payment schedule set out under Article
V above.
I N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be .
executed, their seals affixed and attested by their duly authorized officers.
Senior Vice President