10-08-1968 Regular Meeting . . MINUTES N~ fJlBt* 550 REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Clermont was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, October 8, 1968. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P. M. by Mayor Don E. Smith with all members present excepting Councilman VanderMeer. Other officials present were: City Manager Johnson, City Clerk Carroll, Supe-intendent Sheldon, Controller Fleming, Attorney Langley, Inspector Snyder and Chief Tyndal. Others present were: Miss Barbara Peck and the Messrs. Jim Livingston, Henry Czech, James Lord, C. A. Mangold, Ted Enz, E. L. Schumnann and representatives of the local Press. The Invocation was given by Councilman Beals. The Minutes of the Meeting held on September 24, 1968 were added to as follows: Councilman Prior requested that it be made a part of the Minutes whereby City Attorney Langley was explaining the proposed contract between Michaels Engineers and the City of Clermont for the construction of a 1611 water supply test well, such proposal including the certification of a sampling at every 251 and at each change of rock formation. City Attorney Langley advised that this was in the contract as had been authorized. The Minutes were approved as amended. City Manager Johnson recommended that the following listed low bids, as submitted at the meeting of September 24th, be accepted. Petroleum Products to Cities Service. Motion was made by Councilman Oswalt, seconded by Councilman Prior and carried that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted and the bid awarded to Cities Service Co. 2 Garbage Packers to Lake1and Truck Equipment Company. Motion was made by Councilman Prior, seconded by Councilman Oswalt and carried that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted and the bid awarded to Lakeland Truck Equipment Company. 2 Truck Chasis (Gasoline) to GMC Trucks, Inc, Motion was made by Councilman Beals and seconded by Councilman Cochran that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted and the bid awarded to GMC trucks, Inc. Councilman Prior desired that the City Manager investigate further the warranties from all bidders on these chassis before taking an, action. The question was requested and the motion carried unanimously. City Manager Johnson read a letter from Michaels Engineers wherein they recommended that the low bid of Layne-Atlantic Company for the construction of a 1611 water supply test well be accepted. Motion by Councilman Cochran, seconded by' Councilman Oswalt and carried that the recommendation of the City Engineers be accepted and the bid awarded to Layne- Atlantic Company. Mayor Smith advised that Clermont would host the Lake County League of Municipalities meeting on October 23rd; a dinner meeting to be held at the Elks Club at 7:00 P. M. and he urged that all city officials make their reservations to attend. Mayor Smith reported that he had attended the Open House of the Lincoln Park Day Care Center, was very much impressed, and in his opinion, this would be an asset to the community. He further advised that they were in need of additional playground equipment, and would appreciate any offers of same. . . MINUTES N~ mH 551 City Manager Johnson reported that the rock was in on the newly constructed Second Street and they expected to have it sealed Wednesday, and completed by next week; that clay had been hauled to the new Little League ball fields and that these areas would be seeded in grass soon. There was a general discussion of the Proposed 68-69 Budget as had been submitted by the City Manager to each Councilman and the Mayor previously. Motion was made by Councilman Beals, seconded by Councilman Cochran and carried that the proposed budget as recommended by the City Manager be accepted and the necessary Ordinance for same be prepared for adoption at the next meeting, City Attorney Langley reported that the Lincoln Park Day Care Center was now incorporated; that Councilman Cochran was in receipt of a letter from the State Board of Health regarding refusal of the State to issue the necessary license to Mr. Hunt of Meeker Garden Supply to spray citrus in Clermont, and that he believed it would be possible to obtain a temporary license for Mr. Hunt to operate for one year and obtain a licensed operator after that time. Councilman Cochran reported that progress had been made on the Tot Lot, that the polyhedron had been placed there and plans for a IImini-mountainll were being prepared. Councilman Prior inquired of City Attorney Langley his finding for the qualifications of a nominee to run for city office. City Attorney Langley advised that he/she only be a qualified elector of the City of Clermont, however, all Code qualifications would be applicable. Motion was made by Councilman Beals, seconded by Councilman Prior and carried that the bills be paid. Councilman Cochran advised that he had received inquiries as to the financial assistance and by what methods, the sewage system would be constructed in Clermont and requested that the City Manager advise of these in order to become a matter of record of these Minutes. City Manager Johnson reported that he did not have the figures at hand, but would quote the following figures as best he could from memory: A firm grant from HUD in the amount of $309,000.00; An anticipated grant from the State under Public Law 660 in the amount of $206,000.00; a loan from the Federal Government at an interest rate not to exceed 4~% in the amount of $800,000.00; Revenue Certificates to be sold by the City on the open market for between $900,000.00 and 1 Million dollars; $40,000.00 in reserve by the City. Mayor Smith reported to the Council for their consideration, complaints which he had received regarding unfavorable credit accounts of City employees. There was no action taken on this matter. Chief Prentice Tynda1 extended an inviation to the Council, the Mayor, the City Clerk, the City Manager and the City Controller to attend a dinner meeting next Monday night, October 14th at 8:00 P. M.in~the Council Chambers hosted by the Police Department and Police Auxiliary. Councilman Cochran reported he had received several favorable comments with regards the Police Auxiliary's work during the Labor Day week-end and the local foot ball games, Motion was made gy Councilman Beals, seconded by Councilman Prior and carried t~a} th. e meet'.'ng be adjourned. '1::/ (;-7< t4L?t- /J/J Don E. Smi th, ~~ayor ()~ 0 h- ;:;A~ O;t'ore: w. Carroll, City Clerk