R-01-1179 • CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 1179 • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENTS TO THE GENERAL FUND FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999- 2000. WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following budget amendments are necessary to the General Fund of said City for the Fiscal Year October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2000, as follows: GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1. Increase Professional Services - Recodification (10511-53156) To appropriate funds for supplements to the Clermont Code of Ordinances. 2. Increase Election Expense (10511-54915) To appropriate funds for November 1999 City Council elections. 3. Increase Professional Services -Insurance Review (10513-53166) To appropriate additional funds for the remarketing of the • city's insurance program (commercial liability/workers compensation) as approved by Council on September 26, 2000. 4. Increase Capital Outlay -Equipment (10513-66401) Carry forward unexpended funds from the 98-99 fiscal year for the Finance Department computer system. 5. Increase Debt Service -Computer (10513-77106) Increase Transfer from Water Fund (10381-38108) Increase Transfer from Sewer Fund (10381-38110) Increase Transfer from Stormwater Fund (10381-38112) Increase Transfer from Sanitation Fund (10381-38119) To appropriate funds for the change in allocation of debt service for the computer system. Debt service amounts had been budgeted in the Water, Sewer, Stormwater and Sanitation Funds. $ 5,344 $ 2,975 $ 1,500 $ 22,126 $ 13,687 $ 4,887 $ 4,400 $ 1,422 $ 2,978 • CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 1179 Page 2 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CONTINUED 6. Increase Benefits -Group Insurance (10512-12300) $ 237 (10513-12300) $ 867 (10515-12300) $ 749 (10516-12300) $ 461 (10521-12300) $ 4,814 (10522-12300) $ 691 (10541-12300) $ 885 (10542-12300) $ 1,994 (10543-12300) $ 55 (10549-12300) $ 403 (10574-12300) $ 115 To appropriate funds for 5% increase in city health/dental contribution to group self-insurance fund as approved by Council on February 2, 2000. 7. Increase Capital Outlay-Equipment (10558-66401) $ 1,500 • To appropriate funds for purchase of copy machine for Jenkins Auditorium as approved by Council on December 14, 1999. 8. Increase Transfer from Building Construction Fund (10381-38117) $267,866 To reimburse General Fund for line of credit proceeds authorized by the City Council on February 23, 1999 for expenditures pertaining to the design of Fire Station #1 and the acquisition of land for Fire Station #1 and the future City Hall. PUBLIC SAFETY 9. Increase Rentals -Buildings (10521-54401) $ 5,000 To appropriate funds for rental of house on Chestnut Street as approved by Council on July 27, 1999. 10. Increase Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles (10521-54601) $ 10,255 Increase General Fund Reimbursements (10366-36650) $ 10,255 To appropriate funds for repair of vehicles involved in collisions. Insurance reimbursements have offset these expenditures. • C, CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION • No. 1179 • Page 3 • PUBLIC SAFETY CONTINUED 11. Increase Capital Outlay -Equipment (10521-66401) $ 16,599 Increase State Grant -Police Computer (10334-33473) $ 7,508 To appropriate funds for purchase of laptop computers and the related software and the corresponding state grant. The remainder of the funds needed for this purchase were used from Communication Automation Funds. Council approved this purchase on May 9, 2000. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 12. Increase Capital Outlay -Recreation (10542-66301) $ 63,800 Increase Transfers from Recreation Impact (10381-38114) $ 43,800 To carry forward unexpended funds ($20,000 from Recreation Impact Fees and $20,000 from General Fund) from fiscal year 1998-99 for McKinney Park Pavilion and appropriate additional funding of $23,800 from Recreation Impact Fees as approved by Council on April 11, 2000. 13. Increase Capital Outlay-Recreation (10542-66301) $ 391,785 Increase County Grant -Hancock Park (10337-33734) $ 150,000 Increase South Lake Foundation Grant -Recreation (10337-33770) $ 42,000 Increase Transfer from Water Fund (10381-38108) $ 4,000 Increase Transfer from Sewer Fund (10381-38110) $ 73,385 Increase Transfer from Recreation Impact (10381-38114) $ 122,400 To carry forward unexpended funds (75,000 from Recreation Impact Fees and $150,000 from Lake County Grant) from fiscal year 1998-99 for Hancock Park and appropriate additional funding of $47,400 Recreation Impact Fees, $4,000 from the Water Fund, $73,385 from the Sewer Fund, and $42,000 Grant from South Lake Foundation as approved by Council on April 11, 2000. RECREATION 14. Increase Salaries -Temporary (10574-12140) $ 6,115 To appropriate funds for temporary help for the summer recreation program that was inadvertently omitted from budget calculations. • • • CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION • No. 1179 Page 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget amendments for the General Fund of the City of Clermont for the 1999-00 Fiscal Year and appropriations therefore are hereby adopted. DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS 13TH DAY OF MARCH, 2001. • Attest: Jos h E. Van Z' ,City Clerk r1 U CITY OF CLERMONT