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06-25-1974 Regular Meeting . e e . \" MINUTES Nt! 103B REGULAR MEETING A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Clermont was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, June 25, 1974. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Claude E. Smoak, Jr. with the following members present: Councilmen Byrd, Schroedel, Oswalt and Waller. Other officials present were: City Manager Hopkins, City Attorney Vason, City Clerk Carroll and City Controller Fleming. Others present were: Mrs. and Mrs. James E. Faris and the Messrs. Carle, Hovis, Schumann, Sargent, Williams, McRae, Wicks, Davis and Adair. A representative of the Sentinel/Star was also present. The Invocation was given by Councilman Byrd, followed by repeating of the Pledge of Allegiance in unison by those present. The Minutes of the meeting held June 11,1974 were approved as written. Mayor Smoak announced the first order of business to be a Public Hearing to consider the request by Herman Bedsole for a Variance to Section 26-45 of the Zoning Ordinance (Side Yards on Corner Lots) in order to construct a swimming pool on his property described as Lot 14, Block 5, in Sunset Heights Subdivision, There was no one present who voiced objection to this request, whereupon motion was made by Councilman Oswalt, seconded by Councilman Waller and carried that the request be granted. Mayor Smoak announced the next order of business to be a Public Hearing to consider request of Jane Wichenback fori ~riance to Section 26-23 (E) (3) and Section 26-45 of the Zoning Ordinance (Setbacks in the R-3 Zone and Side Yard on Corner Lots). in order to construct an addition to her residence located on portions of Lots 26 and 27 in Block 51 of Crestview Subdivision. There was on one present who voiced obdtction to this request, whereupon motion was made by Councilman Schroede1, seconded by Councilman Waller and carried that the request be granted. The Messrs. Richard Wicks and Ray McRaee of the Lake Sumter Community Health Center, appeared before Council to apprise them of the services offered to alcoholics in Lake and Sumter Counties at the "Ha1fway House" operated by them in Sumterville. Mr. R. L. Carle, Trust Fund Officer of the city's pension fund in the First National Bank of Leesburg, appeared before Council to answer any questions which Council might have with regards an earlier memo submitted to them of the pension fund investments, and, to be apprised by Council of their objectives for the trust. Mrs. James Faris of the local "Mea1s on Wheels" project, appeared before Council to advise as follows; That their organization, comprised of 33 local volunteers, had met and determined that inasmach as the program was operating successfully by volunteers and donations from local people and organizations, they did not desire to participate in any State and/or Federal Funding programs; and, That their organization was most appreciative for the initial funding in order to get the project started, but had operateddsuccessfu1ly since that time without further State and/or Federal monies. City Manager Hopkins submitted his report, both orgaly."aad:iwritten, and a c~py is attached hereto. Mayor Smoak reported briefly on a communication which he had received from The Honorable Vince Fechtel, Jr; State Representative, with~gards House Bill Number 3418 - Financial Disd)~sure, wherein he advise the effective date, as they now understood was July 1, 1974 and that only those who are candidates after that date would be required to file a report within 10 days after qualification, with appointees to commissions and boards filing within 30 days after they are appointed to a new term, and those not up for election or whose terms continue thru the end of this year would not report until next May for the year of 1974. . e e . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING NQ 1039 Mayor Smoak inquired of Council as to their opinion of the joint workshop sessien of Council and the P & 2 Commission. It was consensus that such sessions were beneficial and should be continued. Councilman Schroedel reported the resignation of Mrs. Branham, Cooper Memorial Librarian, effective July 31st, and, that the initial summer program for children at the Library had been highly successful. Councilman Schroedel introduced AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 25-17 fA) (2) (i) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES: PROMULGATING A MINIMUM BASIC MONTHLY SEWER SERVICE RATE FOR SCHOOLS, KINDERGARTENS, AND DAY NURSERIES: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE: PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY: PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION and the Ordinance was read for a first reading, by title only, by City Attorney Vason. With regards report from City Manager Hopkins that ne had been unable to get an answer from the Pool family as to whether or not the city could acquire a new well site from them, Mayor Smoak requested that the Manager submit a firm recommendation for Council's consideration at next meeting. Mayor Smoak adjourned the meeting at 9:30 P. M. ~~ Claude E. Smoak, Jr., Mayor {Q.~AP..Lt.~A4 Do ores W. Carrol , City Clerk