03-05-1975 Special Meeting
NQ 1122
Following a work session of Council held on March 5, 1975 to interview
attorneys for the position of City Attorney, a special meeting of Council was
called at 8:13 P. M. by Mayor Smoak and Councilmen Blackburn, Schroedel
and Oswalt. Absent: Councilman Byrd. City Manager Hopkins was also present.
The purpose of the special meeting was to take action on the T. W. Stewart
& Associates' proposal.
The proposal was discussed. Motion was made by Councilman Blackburn,
seconded by Councilman Schroedel that the proposal made by T. W. Stewart
& Associates be rejected. Upon roll call vote on the motion the results
were: Ayes: Blackburn, Schroedel, Oswalt and Smoak. Total Ayes: Four.
Nayes: None. Absent: Councilman Byrd. The motion carried.
The Council expressed their appreciation to T. W. Stewart & Associates
for their work and their preliminary report. It was felt that the prelimin~ry
report revealed some problem areas to be investigated. The City Manager
reported that this was being done and that Council would be kept informed
as to the findings.
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--Claude E. . at, Jr.
Mayor .
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Robert M. Hopkins
City Manager