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02-05-1957 Regular Meeting -- ~ REGULAR MEETING A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Clermont was held at vhe city hall Tuesday, February 5, 1957. The meeting was called to order by Council Chairman Turville at 7:30 P. M. with all counci~l members being present. Others present were Mayor Keene, City attorney Morse, Supt. Sheldon, Acting Police Chief Parker, Fireman Fullwood and several visitors. The minutes of the meeting held January 15, 1957, were read and corrected as follows: Motion was made by Van Nostrand, Seconded by Carrington and carried that where the minutes state II Motion by Van Nostrand, Seconded by CarriDgton and carried that the following members be reappointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals for the year 1957: McQuistion, E. G. Winston, Steve Zelazo, H. H. Tully and Russell Grant" that said minutes be corrected to read : Motion by Van Nostrand, seconded by Carrington and carried that the following be appointedas members of the Zoning Commission for the year 1957: McQuistion, E. G. Winston, Steve Zelazo, H. H. Tully and Russell Grant. Mr. Roe, Chairman of the Water Committee, reported that an investigation had been made relative to installing a water main from 1'-1innehaha Avenue Southward to a proposed Motel location and that it was the recommendation of his Committee that a two inch line be used for this purpose and that said two inch line be connected with existing two inch lines in order to form a loop. Mr. Roe further stated that the cost of a six inch line would be approximately eight hundred dollars, which in his opinion was not needed at this time. Mr. Roe further reported that Mr. Nagel was working on the City Water Main map and that it should be completed in the near future. It was decided to defer action on the proposed water main above mentiomed until the water main map was available. Chairman Turville suggested that Supt. Sheldon discuss the laying of all future water mains with the Water Committee. Mr. Bishop, chairman of the Street Lighting Committee, recommended and moved that street --light B be installed at a point approximately halfway betweel1 Highway "50" and second street on East avenue and between East and Minnehaha Avenues on secind street. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Carrington and carried. The matter of six inch water mains in this area was discussed but/no action taken. Mr. Bishop,::.ichairman of the Streets Committee, reported that his committee had made some study wit. regards the request of Mr. William Boyd for the paving of Settle street Southward from Lake Shore drive, but that further investigation and study was necessary before making recommendations. Mr. Bishop moved that the Town of Minneola be invited to join with the city of Clermont in a petetion to the State Road Department requesting the resurfacing of State road 561 from the Norther~ limits of the Town of Minneola to the Western limits of the City of Clermont. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roe and carried. Mr. Bishop reported that it would cost apprOXimately $1.00 per running :~ foot to resurface Minneola Avenue across West Lake. It was decided to patch the street at this time as money was not available for resurfacing. A petetion to the Council requesting that the proper sign be placed at the intersection of Minnehaha Avenue and Morning &rive, desiginating that said Morning drive was a "dead end II street was read. Supt. Sheldon was instructed to comply with the request of the petetioners. -- -- A petetion of twelve property owners requesting that the city of Clermont change all lands lying Northerly and Southerly of State Road 50, East of East avenue and We st of Millholland Street from R-l and R-2, residental areas, to Transit Commercial district. Motion was made by VanNostrand, seconded by Carrington and carried t~at the petetion be referred to the Zoning Commission with the request that they investigate and report back to the Council within recommendations within thirty days. A petetion :f'rm. Mr. Frank Sherry, requesting the closing of a part of Drew Avenue, along Shady Nook Lake. The petetion was turned over to Mr. Bishop, Chairman of the Streets Committee, for inve3tiga tion and recommendations. Ietters from the State Road Department, relative to the intersection of Highways 27 and 50 were read anddiscussed. Mr. Turville reported that Wolfe & KOJ!lsler had made a price to the city on the "I" beam for the city barn and that the cost would increase the bid price of 84,000.00 to $4,620.00. Mr. Sheldon was authorized to have the III" beam installed atter first obtaining a written statement from Iewis Moore (the contractor) to the effect that the barn would be completed without additional extras for 84,620.00. This price not to include electrical wiring. Mr. Sheldon was instructed to obtain at least thBee bids for the wiring of the city barn. Mayor Keene stated that a member of an engineering firm in Vera Beach would like to meet with the Council and discuss Sewage problems. Mr. Keene was asked to invite a representative to meet with the Council on March 5, 1957. Mayor Keene reported that the State Road Department would not allow signal lights at the intersection of Fifth street and highway 50. Mr. Sheldon was instructed to post "No Parkingll signs on desiginated parts of this area. Mayor Keene read a letter from the secretary of Pi Lambda Phi offering to send certain of their members to Clermont to assist on city projects. Motion was made by Carrington, seconded. by Bishop and carried that the offer of Pi Lambda Phi be1:'accepted with thanks. At the recommendation of Mayor Keene, Police Chief Parker was instructed to enforce Ordinance No. 85 with regards i:rr-gI.!ns. Supt. Sheldon requested permission to purchase and install approximately 1:30 feet of drainage tile at West Avenue to lake Winona. Motion by Bishop, seconded by Roe and carried that permission be granted. Acting Police Chief Parker submitted his monthly report. The same was accepted and ordered filed. A discussion took place relative to purchasing a new radio for the Police car. It was decided that such purchase was not possible under present budget. Supt. Sheldon requested permission to replace a fire water line from a Fire hydrant at the foot of Montrose street to Crystal Lake. Motion by VanNostrand, seconded by Roe and carried that the request be granted. Mr. Cossin complained to the Council that the water from East Avenue was washing a ditch in his property. Mr. Cossin agreed to give the city an easement to the l~{e in the would install the necessary drainage tile. Motion was made by Roe, seconded by Carringtot and carried that the city Attorney prepare the necessary easement and that atter said easement had been executed by Mr. Cossin that Mr. Sheldon install a 2'4" drainage s4wer from East averlUe to Sunnyside lake. Mr. VanNostrand was requested to get appraisals on certain city owned property and to report. to the Council at ~ra Special meet ing to be called by the chairman, at which time 'the manner and methoid of offering such property for sale would be decided. -- -- Motion was made by Roe, seconded by VanNostrand and carried that Clerk Joynson be authorized to Grant-Harris the amount of $61.44, and Bowman & Brown the amount of 16.81 as rental on certain property being used by the city as a publi~ Parking lot. Motion by VanNostrand, seconded by Bishop and carried that Clerk Johnson be authorized to make the necessary arrangements with Gibbs-Ashley of Winter GardeR for the inoculation of Dogs in Clermont during the Month of March. Mayor Keene to publish the necessary proclamation when advised by clerk Johnsoj of the dates. Clerk Johnson read a letter from Mrs. Lockmiller, of Lockmiller Inc. wherein the city was asked to place a price on 6, Block 7. The matter was tabled for further investigation. Clerk Johnson read a letter from Mr. J. E. Middleton, with check in the amount of $250.00 attached, wherein. Mr. Middle made an offer of $2,000.00 for lots 9 & 11, Block 89. Clerk Johnson was instructed to return Mr. Middleton's check and to adcise him that his offer could not be accepted, but that the lots in question would be offered to the general on a sealed bid basis within the very near future and that he could make his offer at that time. Motion was made by Carrington, seconded by Bishop and carried that bills be paid. Clerk Johnson read a letter from Albert Johnson requesting permission ~o use lots 17-18-19-20-21-22, Block 120, Johnson's replat, for resedential purposes. No action was taken. Motion was made by Roe, seconded by Carrington and carried that the Clermont Chamber of Commerce be paid $.500.00 as budgeted. ~airman Turville adjourned the meeting to an executive session. Motion by Roe, seconded by Bishop and carried that Walter Warren of Leesburg, Florida be paid the amount of $750.00 for legal services rendered. :001. VanNostrand. stated that,l~ac.tion 10, City of Clermont Ordinance 126, which establishes zoning regulations and provides for the administration there6f, specifies that a Board of Adjustment consisting of five members shall be appointed by the City Council for a period of three years. It appears that up to the present time no such body has ever been legally and/or officially appointed in accordance 1'{ith the Ordinance., Tllw ~_-~_._ I ~.Me that the Council appoint George Brooks, W. R. Copeland, James H. Harris, Charles Roe mdW. A. Sexton to const1:tute a Boara- of Adjustment and to serve in a manner consistent with Section 10, City of Clermont Ordinence 126;that the appointment of individual members shall be for a period of three' years beginning this date; and that the internal orginization and procedure for the Board of Adjustment be determined by the members thereof. Moved by Roe, seconded by Bishop and passed unanamously. VanNostrand moved that Boyette re-plat petetion be held without action u.til such time as decision is reached on petetion to rezone property abutting on highway 50. Passed unanamously. Meeting adjourned to the call of the chairman. BILLS PAYABLE January 30, 19.57 -- Clermont Hardware & Supply Wolfe & Konsler Badger Mrter Co. Orange State Oil Co. Standard Oil Company Florida Telephone Corp. Clermont Radio & TV Fire Calls Dominion Signal Co. Fla. Zoning & Plan'g Comm Boykin & Elliott Stokes & Fields William Boyd Chas. Croizer E. B. Cashwell Fla. Power Brantly Electric Co. Indianapolis Badge & Tag Sanger Builders Supply GrantOHarris Drug Co Finley I s Munic ipal Supply Soutp Lake Publishers Walker & Jensen Clermont Builders Supply Bill Judy Station Dick's Service Station Southern Pipe Company Sun Chevrolet Company Supreme Fuel Oil Company F & R Office Supply Southeast Electronics Peterson Gun Shop Florida Georgia Tractor Co. Donald LaVeigne Achords Garage Harry P. Leu, Inc. -- 34.l.I6 71.27 350.88 125.64 58.95 21.74 16 . 35 87.00 208.98 15.00 216.00 24.38 25.00 12.00 51.76 899.82 10.00 16 .13 46 .71 8.00 26 . 88 3.10 13.34 84.76 74.64 1.83 105.70 92.05 148.24 14.55 25 .10 3.48 50.00 67.01 144.94 21.63