03-06-1962 Regular Meeting REGULAR I'1EETING ~ A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Clermont was held in the office of the City Clerk on Tuesday, March 6, 1962. The meeting was called to order at. 7:30 P. M. by Council Chairman Boyd, with all Council members present. Other officials present were: Mayor BonJorn, Clerk Johnson, Deputy Clerk Carroll, City Attorney Morse, Superintendent Sheldon, Build.ing Inspector Snyder and Chief of Police Tyndal. Others present were: Representatives of Glace Engineering Corporation of St. Petersburg, Mr. Joe Andrews, and Mrs. J. J. Harris, representing the HOCIA. A representative of the Orlando Sentinel was also present. The minutes of the adjourned meeting held February 20, 1962 were approved as written. Messrs. T. S. Rice and Harold Radcliffe, representatives of Glace Engineering Corporation of St. Petersburg, appeared before the Council explaining the services which their firm. extends, and offering such consulting engineers retainer services to the City for a nominal fee. A general discussion followed, and Chairman Boyd thanked them for appearing before the Council and. assured them that the Council would take the matter under consideration. Mr. Joe Andrews appeared before the Council at the request of Councilman Pool, to verify his verbal agreement with Councilman Pool to pump in a shore line on the two street sides of Center Lake, at a cost of $1.00 per foot, and establish an island in Center Lake to be used as a nesting area for the swans located there at no cost if the other pumping is done. The matter 'was referred to the Parks and Streets Committees for their investigation and recommendations. Chief of Police Tyndal submitted his regular monthly police report which was accepted and ordered filed. Building Inspector Snyder submitted a regular monthly report on building in the City of Clermont, which was accepted and ordered filed. ~ Mr. Bishop, Chairman of the Streets Committee, reported that upon investigation of Mr. Preston Maynard's request that DeSoto Street, where it intersects with Highway 27, be opened, he found that quite a lot of dirt had been removed from the street right-of-way, and, therefore, did not recommend that any further action be taken on opening of the street. Mr. Bishop inquired of City Attorney Morse if an easement had been obtained from Mr. C. D. Hodson of Sunset Drive in order that the City might install a needed water control .structure at the end of Sunset Drive. Attorney Morse replied that he had not but that he would proceed to do so. Superintendent Sheldon r~po~ted that he had clocks placed on the three wells since February 24th, and that the results showed that the pump on the Highland Avenue well had ~een running for 6 hours out of a 24 hour period; that the north pump at the Lake Avenue well for 5 hours out of 24, and the south pump at the Lake Avenue well for 1% hours out of 24. Councilman Turville suggested that Superintendent Sheldon submit a regular monthly report on current projects, under his jurisdiction, being undertaken or completed. Mr. Sheldon replied that he would be glad to. Mr. Pool, Chairman of the Parks Committee, called a meeting of the Parks and Streets Committees to meet at the Fire Station on Wednesday, March 7th at 5:30 P. M. ~ ~ o Mr. York, Chairman of the Street Lighting Committee, recommended and moved that street lights be placed at the following intersections: In Lincoln Park at Bloxam Avenue at its intersection with East Broome; On Juniata Street at its dead-end at Crystal Lake; on.East Avenue at its intersection with Minneola Lake Drive. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bishop and unanimously carried.' . Mr. York further reported that his Committee had met with Mr. Forrest Colegrove of Florida Power Corp. with regards making possible improvements in our street lighting system, but that he wished to study the matter further before making recommendations. ' ,. Mr. Turville recommended and moved that West Avenue from Highway 50 to Minneola Avenue,' and 8th Street'from Highway 50 to Minneola, be marked, "No Truck Traffic", and that signs ~beplaced at the intersection of 12th Street to Minneola Avenue and then eastward on Minneola to West Avenue. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bishop and carried. Mr. Boyd, Chairman of the Water Committee, reported that work was progressing on the mapping of the City's water system by each block. Mayor BonJorn reported that he had contacted the President of the Jaycee's with regards their proposed installation of a public drinking fountain in the downtown area, and that he was advised that they had taken no further action on the proposed project. Mr. Boyd reported that he had met with Mr. Stalnaker of Stalnaker Chevrolet Company in regards to repairing the side- walk adjacent to their building and north of Minneola Avenue, and, that Mr. Stalnaker had agreed to pay $100.00 of the cost of repairing same. Motion was made by Mr. Bishop, seconded by Mr. Pool and carried, that the City accept the agreement of Mr. Stalnaker and that Superintendent Sheldon be instructed to proceed with the repairing of same. Clerk Johnson read the following communications: A'letter from Mr. P. T~ Rich of Lake Shore Drive wherein he inquired whether or not the city intended to fix a water drain from Lake Shore Drive to Lake Minnehaha in the immediate area west of the canal tetween Lakes Winona and Minnehaha. A letter from the Citizens Bank of Orlando wherein they were- advising that they were cancelling a commitment to purchase City of Clermont Water Revenue Certificates, inasmuch as the city had decided not to proceed with such transaction. A letter from Mr. Martin P. Winther, Chairman of the Zoning Commission, wherein he submitted a preliminary report, of the Zoning Commission's decision on Mr. Herbert L. Rogers' request for a change in zoning of the Lake Highlands Hotel property. The report advised that the, Commission recommends that the area be re-zoned from an RI-A to an R-2, but subject to a public hearing to be held on March 20, 1962. Mr. Turville offered and moved that it be passed, a RESOLUTION endorsing the proposed legislative tax'program of the Florida League of Municipalities for financial relief of municipalities through increased cigarette and gasoline taxes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Pool and carried, and the Clerk was instructed to execute same. A copy of the RESOLUTION in full appears immediately following these minutes. ~ Motion was made by Mr. Turville that the proposed Ordinance pertaining to Boat Houses, Docks, etc. be read a third time by Title only and placed upon its passage. The motion was seconded by Mr. Pool and unanimously carried. Thereupon the Ordinance was read for the third time, by title only, and upon Roll Call vote the result w~s as follows: YEAS: none. NAYES: Turville, Pool, Bishop, York and Boyd. Total NAYES: 5. The Ordinance failed to pass. Motion by Mr. York, seconded by Mr. Turville, and carried that the bills be paid. Motion by Mr. Turville, seconded by Mr. Bishop and carried, ,that the meeting be adjourned from day to day, subject to call by the Chairman. erk ~ - . ,A....,..., \ '. ". '-- . , . 'I," . ',' :- , , (" .,. ".,' "t V," ", i. . ", '.-. . " , RESOJ~UTION '." v ... .'. . . . ".' '. -, ., ...;., '..'; . ,.; .' ~ ." . .... ' .; ", " , . ,:, , ' '~Jm;;REAS:., ' there. ha'$.-:been,8o ,tremeri..dous~,gX.otr,~h ~n' , : ,pol'tilatiozi in, Flor;ida 'in the last ten ,years" 'and Mith eve J;'y , , " :i::ndication of further increased popUlation. 1;0: the~,nextdeoade'.' 'and :", ...., ' " . ,. ., " . " , ". , :." . "', " ,- - .. HHERE~S'; . ~osts qf','local;govermuent,'a.re' stea<;iil)', iilc'r~as- , " ~, :~ng"and ',; .', .. '.' " " '~. ~ 'f.. . " \ .".' ,. , , , HliERlilAP., .ad valorem tax;e.'tiion iSbecomlng,more burdensome due tel' tb.ese :~ncrea~es,l" and ,., \1fIJmEAS, the 'Legisl~tut.a haa not provided ~ add'iti{,ne.l' .' '.Qetl sO,Urces' ofre:venuefor't,u.e' municipalitiOs a,ince, ths.$~ ' eiga,;t.'et,te ' tax.' law ,\'lCiE;l enacted ilt 19.49., .'and ",'" " :, " . '.. '. . ~ .' ," . . . . '. ','"'. ,. ". . . . . '. ,,"'.'wn,m~:gASt t,heF+orida League of' 11Un1CiPalit:les' has ra- , , q~ested ,'each municipal! ty to "acquaint; th~ candidates for '.the , , office 'of Sta.tG,S~ziatcr ~~' I1smbers of' thaHouse 6~~ Rep;resenta- ti.ves ',\"11 th 'the 'fin'ancial needs' of tbeir 'respect! ve munic1- ' , , pa,lities', in. o,rde!>,that those elec,tea' who ~ili'6omi>risethe ' 1963 :J:.,egi~lature will.,' know.- b?forehand ,,?f thesere,quiraments of "the:J,r ,c'onsti tuent ,citi0sau,d,to\'ms ,and, thus place. them :in." . abetter position to t1e,igh,e.I'l.clconsider any propoa.ed ,reniec'U.al le~i'Slat~ont and, . ' :" " ,'"., ,',:, '.', , " -: \ " . l.J:HEREAS, .1~'is.Gs'oantial ',t.Q ,'thegen~1"al;,WOlfar$ 'and'" ro~ the bel:'lt interests 'ofthe irihabitantsoi'the,O.ity of , Clermontth.iat ,1;1nanciel 'relief for 'our municip,~l governm~.nt ' ,be 'obtained~rom th~,Legisl6\tUI'e..of. the Bt~teo~', 'Florida,- and . ). .' .'. -. ' .' . .. . . ' .' . . . "., ".' .'" '. ' . HI-lEREAO, the 'Ex~cut1va Commi tt'ee of the,"F,lorida Leaguo ' of 'I1unicipali~ies 'has endorL;)ed i.or e.d9ption by' thel96;, , . . ,'Legislature.a .Le,gislet! va Progl."sm aSking :ior an .inerG,asein ' , ,tJ::le~ ,c,i@;ar.ettetax 'of 3<p' per' paqltsge as, a primarY and. basic , ,mlinicip$lItax,progra.m and" se'condlYt. enabling -legislation permitting ':count.les alid ci:t1es to levy an additiona~10. ' ga~oline tax ,in, those, oounties ,t:3here' ',COuntYL and mlUlieipal ",' . road' ~nd st~eet~eedo requit'esuoll'; additif:)nal ~inanoes,,', " , ~1]1'ththe imderstanding that~ha p;roportion' collec'ted within: , a mun1~ipalftybe',returned,' ,t~ thatmunici-pali ty.' nott:' . the,ref9re" . . .'. .,., , '.', "",,;,~, '~\ '." . . , 'BEI~iEsOtVEbt 'bt',~he Ci,ty'..C'ollilci'i:k,'Of Cl(~tinont' :tilat, the. propose'd,'legislative taxprograin',oi' the ,F19ri4a. L\9Elt5Ue. ;of Ntini'~J.p,a+~t~e$,isapprov:ed ,~nd. iti13'urge4th,at such' appropr~ate Tesfslatio~ 'pe.',enactedat ',the:' 1963's'casion" of , ~J;le Le8i'sl,o,tu~G for. ~~e fina.~cia1 rel~et, o.f ,t~e' 'rtninicip~;1ities. of Florida ' ': . . , l' ., . ' , .. ',' ;.' '. " .' ; . . ~ ..: ....l, .,.... . ....,.~ - _,~ _'.." ~'_ ~,"""" .. .. ...;.. '~~JI:,'''' ~ .. ...:_ _ _ .._ " . , . . ADOPTED BY.., TH~";' CITY COUNCIL OF . THEl ~. cr~Y' OF'-,OLE~ONT. ' 'LJU{E , COmQTY, ,~~tORIDA, 4.T I~S REGUL:.:\R HE:EiTIIJG. -liELDON l"1Al~CU6,', ", ,1962 Il'iC~E'R}1qriT. FLORID;A . ' ,:,C'.,. ',' .,., ' . -I. , , "'. ',' I'. , . . ,... '. !. . f' , " '. . '. ,', ,I -' '.J". , ",. . ",' . ;', ~. . ' '. '.f " . '.' '. , " '. AVCOUNTS PAYABLE - MARCH 1962 ~ Quality Lime Products,Inc. Hilltop Book Nook Drawdy's Shell Service Meeker Feed Store Spillane's Radiator Shop Highway Equipment and Supply Co. Hoskinson Bros. Firestone Store Konsler Steel Company Coble's Auto Electric R. H. "Razz" Bowen Ford Company ) Haile-Dean Seed Co.,Inc. Engel's Uniforms of Orlando Sun State Publishers,Inc. Florida Telephone Corporation Rick's Paint and Body Shop Oakland Sand and Minerals Corporation Basic Asphalt Corporation Lawton Bros. of Orlando Parnell and Pritchett,Inc. ( Olivenbaum Insurance Agency Indianapolis Badge and Name Plat~ Co. Fifth Street Grocery Standard Oil Company Florida Power Corporation Florida Crushed,Stone Company Pounds Motor Co.,Inc. South Florida Engineers,Inc. R. J. Snyder (School Expenses) Whirler-Glide Mower Company F & R Office Supply, Inc. Walker Hauling,Inc. 'Turville's Clermont Body Shop Standard Auto Parts, Inc. Stalnaker Chevrolet Company Hughes Supply,Inc. Davis Meter and Supply Co.,Inc. Clermont Builders Supply, Inc. Dempsey',s Garage Brantly Electric Company Carroll Gas Radlo Communications Service Clermont Hardware and Supply Hodges Equipment Company Harb Tractor and Equipment Co.,Inc. State Tractor and Equipment Co.,Inc. Fire Department Calls and Salaries ~ \ 22.19 33.94 7.25 8.28 55.60 29.06 2.75 87.50 29.90 34.77 9.30 11.70 81.41 23.62 90.00 5.46 180.00 5.49 179.00 138.34 14.05 13.79 679.34 1,230.86 48.20 4.35 200.00 47.29 58.94 38.78 46.27 744.28 78.35 167.84 337.92 80.18 63.35 74.21 3.75 36.00 12.00 53.92 20.89 120.09 75.68 45.00 $ 5,330.89