02-25-1954 Special Meeting
A Special meeting of the city Council 0 f the
city of Clermont WRS held at the city hall, Thursday,
February25, 1954.
The meeting was called to order by Council President
Arthur George at 1:30 P. M. with all Council members
and Mayor Boyd present. Supt. Sheldon was also
present, as well as Mr. Crowe of Black Laboratories~
In the absence of Clerk Johnson Mr. Ellis Konsler
was requested to record the mi~utes of the meeting.
~~otion was made by Winston, seconded by Olivenbaum,
that Black Laboratories be paid the account of 345.00
for Engineering services. Motion carried.
Motion by Winston, seconded by Konsler, that the city
purchase the necessary 8 inch, class 150, transite
water main and that an eight inch water main be laid from
the new well to EaetcAvenue and that a six inch transite
water main be laid from that point to the existing main
at the cemetary. Motion carried.
Motion Olivenbaum, seconded Sickler that meeting adjourn.
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