06-16-1953 Regular Meeting ADJOURNED MEETING j~ ~ An adjourned meeting of the city council of the city of Clermont was held at the city hall June 16, 1953. The meeting was called to order by Council President Arthur George at ~:30 P.M. with the following members present: Meeker, Sickler, Winston and George. Absent: Konsler. Others being present were Mswor Higby, Supt. Sheldon, Police Chief Brooks, J. B. Fullwood, Howard N~Ef Young, of the local Press and Bert Chester and F~E () HI: ' of the Lake County Health Department. ~~. Chester stated that the State and County Health departments had set up a system of "matching funds" for permenant mosquito control as followsl The county! would match municipal funds dollar for dollar and that the State would match the total of county and municipal funds at the rate of seventy five cents for each dollar. In other words, if the municipality spent 1,000.00 for permenant mosquito control the county would make an additional 1,000.00 available and the state would make an additional 1,500.00 available. Mr. Chester was thanked for appearing before the Counciili and explaining the matter and told that he would be informed the last of this week the amount which this city would place in next years budget for this purpose. Mayon Higby reported on unfavorable and unsanitary condi~ions existing at several of the Kern properties. After some discussion it was decided that local health officer She Idon, county health officer H /5.#j.eY and members of the council would make a survey of the properties in question on the morning of June 17 and that if such conditions existed and warranted such action that the offenders would be arrested for violation of city ordinances. Mayor Higby further reported that the Junior Chamber of commerce had requested that Mr. William Vinson be appointed as a special police officer to serve at the J. C. Beach. Motion was made by Meeker, seconded by Sickler that Mr. Vinson be appointed as a special police officer to serve at the J. C. Beach only. Motion carried. Mayor Higby requested authorization for the payment of a bill in the amount of $4.25 due for labor in assisting in the capture of stray dogs. Motion by Winston, seconded by Sickler that the bill be paid. Motion carried. Motion by Winston, seconded by Sickler, that Mayor Higby be authorized to engage the necessary additional help for the purpose of ~mpounding stray andunlicensed dogs. Motion carried with Meeker not voting. M~. Winston reported that progress was being made toward obtaining the necessary right-of-way for an alley through Block 91. ~ .,., Clerk Johnson informed the Council that Mr. Harley Beale had requested that additional street lights be installed on East asenue. , ,Motion by Meeker, ,seconded by Winston, that the matter be tabled until the Street Lighting Committee could look into the matter and make a report. Motion carried. ~~. Winston, reporting for the Water Committee, submitted the following proposed water eX'lansion program: Highland Avenue Extension: 4400' of 8" Transite pipe and connections, four fire hydrants and 3 8" valves, East Avenue Extension: 950' of 6" Transite pipe and connections and one 6' valve, 5th & DeSota Extension: 1800' of' 6" Transite pipe and connections, 3 6" valves and one fire hydrant. Chestnut Street Extension: 1700' of 6" Transite pipe and connections, 2 6" valves and one fire hydrant. Mr. Winston moved that an order for the pipe, valves, connections and fire hydrants be placed immediately. The motion was not seconded and though considerable discussion followed no action was taken. ~ ,., Mayor Higby recommended that the salary of police officer Cash be raised from 190.00 to 200.00 p r month. Motion by Meeker, seconded by Sickler, that the salary of police officer Cash be raised to 200.00 monthly. Carried. Motion was made by Meeker, seconded by Sickler, that a "No Passing" zone be enforced on Fifth street from Highlands avenue to Minnehaha Avenue, and on Minnehaha avenue fr0M Fifth Street to Third street, and that the State Road Department be requested to endorse same and to mark accordingly. Motion carried. Motion by Winston, seconded by Meeker, that the written application by_'H. C. Brown for a duplicate of Tax Sale Certificate number 18, issued for 1948 taxes on lot 17, Block 101, Indian Hills, be granted and that the members of the council execute the necessary forms. Motion carried. Motion by Winston, seconded by Meeker, that George Mitch be granted a lease on the lake shore in front of his property. Motion carried. Motion by Winston, seconded by Sickler, that Clerk Johnson be authorized to pay fifty dollars per week for offic~ help during his vacation. Motion vcarried. Clerk Johnson read a letter from Mr. William Boyd, wherein an offer was made to trade certain properties with the city. Clerk Johnson was instructed to inform Mr. Boyd that the Council had gone on ~ecord that they would not dispose of lots 9, 11,13,16,17,18 and 19, Block 89, prior to the completion of highway 50, and therefore they were not interested in a trade at this date. Motion by Meeker, seconded by Sickler that meeting adjourn. /~~ ~{/ t2L~r r<- ~ ~