05-05-1953 Regular Meeting REGULAR MEETING ~ .~ A regular meeting ef the City Council 'of'the' City of Clermont w~s held at the city hall May 5, 1952. ' , The meeting was called to order by Council President' Arthur George at 7:30 P. M.'with all members present. M~or Higby, Attorney Morse, Supt. Sheldon' and Police Chief Brooks were also present.'Visit6rs present were Mrs. Arnett, Mr. T. C.'Cork, Mr. C. B. Pilgrim of the Florida Telephone Corp., and representatives of the Orlando Sentinel-Star and the local press. . ' The minutes of the meeting held April 19, 1953, were rea~ and approved. Mrs. Arnett stated that the library building was baldly in need of certain repairs aad requested that the $100.00 allocated in the budget for that purpose be made available to the Library Association. ' . Motion by Wiriston, seconded Sickler, that 100.00 be made available'to the Library association for repairs to t~e;r building. Motion carried. Mrs. Arnett further informed the council that the li~rary building should be painted. Mrs. Arnett was informed that' this would not bepossible at this time but that the matter' would be considered when making up the budget for ne;t rear. Mr. C. B. Pilgrim, representing the Florida Telephone Corporation, explained to the council that the cost of raising the telephone lines on eight street, as proposed in the "White-waf street lighting plans, would be Approximately $4,000.00, and asked that" the lighting be placed on the'West'side of 8th street, from Minneo~a Avenue to DeSota, in order'to save them this expense. Motion was made by Winston, seconded by Konsler, that the request of Florida Telephone Corp. begranted and that Florida Power Corp. be inttrne~ed~t0 install all Street lighting fixtures for 8th street on the West side of the street. Motion carried. Mr. T. C. Cork, representing Henry and Adie Rhodes, called the Councils attention ~o the fact that that all- of the water from street, on which the Rhodes property is locateq, was running onto Rhodes property. Mr. Cork requested that this condition be remedied as soon as possible. Mr. Cork was informed that the streets Committee had this matter under consideration and that the condition would be taken care of in the near future. ~ ~ Mr. Winston, of Laws and Auditing Committee, reported that the Zoning Commission wished to report progress on,their ta~k of Rezoning the city. Mr. Winston, of the Water Committee, recommended, and moved, that inasmuch'as the city owned a booster pump which was not in'use, that said pump be installed at the cemetary in order to provided additional pressue for the irrigation of the cemetary. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sickler and carried. The matter of , resurfacing certain of the city streets was discussed. Mr. Konsler recommemded, and moved, that the traffic light at the intersection of Montrose and 5th streets be reset to increase its rate of change~ The motion was seconded by Mr. Sickler and carried. .4a ~ Mr. S1ckler, reporting for the Parks Committee, stated ' that the shuffle board at Kellar park had been repaired. Supt. Sheldon reported that the necessary repairs had been made at Kellar park as recommended by the Insurance Safety engineer. Mr. Sheldon also reported that the sidewalk had been repaired at the intersection of Seventh and Broom streets. Police Chief Brooks submitted his monthly report, which was read, accepted and ordered filed. Motion by Meeker, seconded by Sickler, that. the "No Turn On Red" signs be removed from the traffic lights and be replaced. by signs stating "No ."U" Turns", and that traffic .be allowed to turn to the right when traffic lights are ~ed. Motion carTied. Clerk Johnson was instructed to write Southeastern' Cemmun1o~t.1( and inform them of the agreement made by their representative, Mr. Hagey, to tl~ effect that this city would not be expected to pay the full price for the radio equipment recently 'PurcJ1a19.ed,'from them prior to this city receiving matchit:lg funds from Civil, defense. Mr. Hagey's agreement was to the effect that the city of Clermont would pay half of the cost price, $225.00 and 25.00 installation, or a total of 250.00 and that would be all that they would be expected at ~y time. Supt. Sheldon was instructed to removed a tree stump from the street in fron of Mr. English's property at the corner of Minneola and 7th. Mr. Winston recommended that rubber t}r.ed wheels be placed on city owned mowers. No Action taken. Mr. Morse was asked for a report of progress, if any, in the collection of unpaid sidewalk repairs and instructed to proceed with collection. Mr. Sheldon was instructed to proceed with the enforcement of the Sanitation laws of the city, to the extent of issuing warrants for offenders arrest where and when necessary ~ ~ Mayor Higby was requested to have the police force start an immediate campaign of impounding unlicensed dogs. Mayor Higby shamed that he would see that the matter was taken care of without delay. Mr. Meeker reported that he had investigated the insurance liability rates relative to the requested Railroad crossing to the American Fruit Growers packing house, and that while it would not be possible to determine the increase in CGt&s to the city for this added liability, that there would d~flr!~t. be an incre.ase. Mr. Meeker recommended tha:t inasmuch as the . City does not own :~property on either side of the tracks where the crossing is proposed, and that inasmuch as the proposed crossing would not connect any city streets, that the city refuse to assume any liability in th~ matter. No action was taken, but the Counci! agreed with Mr. Meekers opinion and recommendation. Motion by Sickler, seconded by Winston that bills be paid. Motion carried. Mayor Higby reported on the unfavorable condition of the sidewalk on the South side of Minneola Avenue, between 7th and 8th s:treets and recommended that the property owners be instructed to remedy same. . Motion by Winston, seconded by Sickler, that Clerk Johnson be instructed to write the property own~rs adjacent te the sidewalk in question and instruct them to have the sidewalk properly cleared and cleaned within ten days from date of notice. Mo~ion carried. ~ .., , Mayor Higby called the councils attention to a proposed bill in the legislature to the effect' that fines levied by city courts for tRaffic violations on state, highways within city limits would be paid into the state treasury. Clerk Johnson was instructed to write the honorable Representatives Boyd and Duncan and Senator Baker to the effect that the-city of Clermont opposes the passage of such bill and to urge their support in de~eatfngtsame. Mr. Konsler asked if the property which the city owned in Block 89 was for sale and if so at what price. Mr. Konlser was informed that these lots had not been placed on the market. After some discussion it was decided not to place the lots on the market at this time. Clerk Johnson informed the 60uncil that Mr. Bliven would like to purchase that piece pf property lying North of Hihgway 50 and in Sunset Park. Clerk Johnson was instructed to inform Mr. Bliven that the property was not for sale at this time. Motion by Konsler, seconded by Sickler that Lake Front leases be granted to Chas. Kloester, owner of lot 30 Clermont Heights and George Davis, owner of lot 51, Clermont Heights, for that part of the lake shore fronting on their-respective properties. Motion carried. Motion by Winston, seconded by Sickler, that $10.00 monthly be allowed for janitoral services at the city hall. Motion carried. Motion by Winston, seconded by Sickler, that city employeees be allowed vacations as follows: Salaried employees two weeks and hourly laborers one week if in the employ of the city for one year and half those mounts if in the employ of the city for six months, and that Where necessary part time employees be engaged. Motion carried. Clerk Johnson was instructed to deposit the surplus funds from the Interest and Sinking fund in a special Savings fund at the citizens bank at interest. Clerk Johnson was authorized to offer for sale lots 5 & 6, Block 6, Lake Sunny Side unit at a price of $100.00. The matter Of speeding traffic through the city on temporary 50 was discussed and it was agreed to have it st pped if possible. ~ ..., Motion Konsler, seconded Meeker that meeting adjourn. 0~ c1t1L~. ~ .., Bills Paybale May 1, 1953 Clermont Hardware Co., Clermont BUilders Wolfe & Konsler Judy's Service Station Fire Calls o. K. Ice Company Finley's Municipal Supply Atlantic Chemical Sm gar Builders Brantly Electric Brodie-Edwards Paramount Chemical Florida melephone'Corp. Sun Chevrolet Co., Badger Meter Co., George Stuart Florida Power Corp. WhlEler Glide MGwers Orlando Office Supply Western Auto Store Texas Company Orange State Oil" Standard 0~1 Co., Book Nook. American Oil Co Achords Garage Sun Chevrolet Co., Bishop Office Supply- ~ .., 22.09 19-6~09 3e~86 62~12 20.00 5.00 130..'10 30~00 70~43 33~64 21~00 33 18"6 21'~07 4~86 134.16 4~57 , . 555 ~ '12 84~62 22~45 8~05 137~25 30~25 16.56 4.00 123~59 76~53 l7~88 22.35