03-17-1953 Regular Meeting ~ ~ -,~ ....- A regular adjourned mooting o~ tho city Council'o~ the city of Clermont was hold at the city hall, March 17, 1953. The mooting was called to order by Counoil Presidont Arthur George at 7:30 P. 1.\:. with all Council membors prosent. Mayor Hi~by oity Attorney 110rse, Tax Assessor, Urs. Stanley, Supt. Sho1don and. polioe ohio~ Brooks wero also present. . Visi tors presont wero rJr. Don IJcCa~~rey, Ur. .R.ussojll House, Mr. Ward o~ the American Fruit Growers, Er. .w.~ 'f o~ tho South Eastern Communications, and a large dologation o~ homo O\Ivnors rosiding on r.:innehaha Avonue in the Eastorn part o~ tho city. The minutos o~ the mooting hold March 3, 1953, wore road and approvod as road. ", President George asked the delegation to have their spokesman present their business. It appeared that a spokosman had not boen selected to actually represent tho do1egation and thora~ore individual opinions wero o~forod. ~~i1e many o~ the delegation did not state their views, the general complaint was "ro1ative to l!innohaha avenuo being used as tomporary route 50. 1~. William Daily, Col. Phillips, lire Spock and 1~. t~Gown were the prinoipa1 objeotors. Cha~rman George stated that the council had boon unablo to arrive at any solution to tho matter, but that they would bo (~p1eased to have any suggostions. No actual . suggestions wore ~orthcoming, as the genoral discourse o~ the delegation was more in tho ~orm o~ complaint than in tho manner o~ o~~orod solutions. Col. Phillips stated that l~ayor Higby had taken the position as a dictator in the matter, A~. UoCown was o~ the opinion that the counoil consisted only of merohants,who wero not interested in the wel1~aro o~ the oity, and that ohanges should be made at the next e1eotion and lir. Daily stated that it did not matter to him i~ highway 50 waS.ever oomp1eted through Clermont. Chairman George stated that whi~e ho agreod that the Council should oortainly represont the general public, he ~olt that tho de1ogation was aSking that they represent only that part o~ the pub1io whioh were complaining. Other members o~ the council endeavorod to explain the situation. After considerable discussion rogarding this matter tho delegation depa~ted with no solution attainod and no aotion taken. Hr. Ward of American Fruit Growers spoke regarding a railroad crossing to their property and stated that the council would have ~ul1 partiotu1ars ~rom tho Growers Express and At1antiv Coast Line Rail Road within a fow days and that he would appreciate the council giving the matter their 'considoration. Mr. ,W #q. (J.. y o~ Southeastern Radio Cormnunications stated that his concern would guarantee that do~ense dopartment o~ the Federal Govormont would pay ha1~ of the cost o~ radio 1hobi1o'ui1itil~or tho city pickup truck. lIo further stated that it would not bo necessary ~or tho city to pay tho entiro amount and wait ~or a ro~und, but that by the time the equipment arrived the matching cost ~rom tho govormont would be available; or i~ not his conoern would take care o~ tho matter. Mr. House spoke regarding sidewalk repairs, and stated that it.was his opinion that tho city should boar tho cost of such repairs. Mr. Hous0 was informed that tho city chartor covored the matter and stated that such repairs was the rosponsability o~ the adjoining property owners. Mr. Houso, spoke .further relative to Tax assossing, personal pre~erty tax and several other subjoots_- Mrs. Stan1oy, tax assessor, presented tho council with some o~ her problems, and ask,d ~or suggestions, or instructions, with regard housoho1d personal proporty valuations turnod in. l~s. Stanley was instructed to proooed in any sho thought bost and to do the best job sho could. .. ~ - .,., Mr. Don McCaffrey submitted a tonative plan for subdividing lots 16 & 17, Block CC and asked tenativo approval of the council. Motion Sickler; seconded Konslor, that t~. l~Caffroy's plans for a subdivision be tenatively approvod. Motion carriod. Mr. Winston, roporting for the water committoe redommended that tho city purchase sufficiont 8 inch transito pipe to roach from tho now wall down Highlands avenue to East avenue at a cost of approximately 15,000.00, and thattho finances be raised by a gonoral increase of 1.00 per month on all water customors. Mr. Winston further recolmIl(~nded that the city purchase a two inch relief surgo valve for present operations. . . Motion by Konslor, seconded by Winston, that the water Dopu. bo authorized to purchase a two inch surgo valve. Motion carried. No action takcn rftsarding' tho purchase of the pipe as recommendod by lire Winston. . Motion by Wins~on, seconded by Sickler, that ~r. Sheldon be authorizod to purchase the necessary 20 inch drain tile to take caro of tho existing drainage situation at Minnohaha Lake Drive and Penzance stroot. Motion Carriod. Motion by Winston, seconded by Sicklor, that city purchase a radio mobile unit for their pickup t~ck at the price and under the conditions submitted"by h~. earlior in the. mooting. rrotion carried. Mr. Jbhnson road a lettor from Brodie-Edwards Radio Company, of Tampa, relative to the misunderstanding of charges to be made for radio service to the town of llinnoola by the city of Clormont. It was decided to do nothing further. about the matter unless approached by the officials of minneola. Motion by \linston, seconded by Konslor, that Mr; Richardson be givon a lak6 fron lease for the lake frontage of his property in Block 21. llotion carriod. Motion by Meokor, seconded by Konslor, that tax statoment numbered 679 be struck from tho roll as same had boonassessod through error. Motion carried. . Clerk Johnson read a letter from South Lake Construction Company, wherein they made an offor for cortain property. in tho noighborhood of the city dump. . The mattor was tabled for invostigation. Motion by ~inston, seconded by r~eker, that 1~. l?ullwood be employod for janitorial service at the same price now being paid. Motion carried. .~ -~ ~ L. .,- _/~~