05-20-1952 Regular Meeting ADJOURNllENT OF REGULAR MEETING. ~ "., An adjournod mooting of the city Councilor the city of Clermont was held at the city hall Tu~sday, l:ay 20, 1952. Tho mooting was called to order by Pr0sidont T. C. Cork, Jr., at 7:30 p. 11. with all mombors 1present. Othors boing present were '-ayor Harper, Att<llrnoy Eorse, Mr. Wilson Sheppard; Supt. Sheldon, Polico Ohiof Brooks and Mr. Fullwood. The minutes of tYl.O moeting hold I:ay 9, 1952 wero r~ad and approved as road. lire Sheppard discussed tho audit with members of tho council and presentod and expainod his bill for servicos. ~,Iotion by George, Seconded by FerEusqn, that the clerk be instruc.tod to pay the firm of H. .I. Shoppard, CPA, the amount or 01,173.33 for sorvicos rendered. Motion carried. Attorney ~.:erse mado his report at this time. Clerk Johnson roported on a telephone conversation with Mr. VJilliam Crowe of ~lack Laboratories, stating that Mr. Crowe had stated as folIous: That ho found the now well to be satisfactory and rocommendbd that it bo accepted as is, that no further drilling was necessary, and that"he had O.K'd the Florida V/ell Drillers account of approximately ~2,600.00 and suggested that a payment of 90% be made, and that he would liko to have the bids on pumping equipment forwarded to him at Gainosville, and that he would furnish a complete written report on tho well tho last of this week, and that ho would appreciato tho Cowlcil authorizing the payment of Black Laboratorios account for servicos rendered. Uotion by ~inston, secondod by George, that Clerk pay Florida Well drillers 90% of the amount due thom, or approximately 02,425.00. ~otion carried. Hr. Jolmson was instructed to mail the bids on pumping equipment to I~. Crowe ffild to inform him that tho city ravored tho use of the 50 Hp motor and soven stage pump. Motion by :7insten, socondod by I.Ieoker, that the clork mail Black Laboratorios a chock in tho amount of ~;~500.OO as partial payrnont for sorvicos rondo rod. I,fr. Cork read a lottor from the local Elks Club roquosting that tho city issuo them a "Club License" for tho sal~ of alcoholic beverages at thoir location o~ the corner of Minneola Ave. and Sovonth streets. ' ~ ~ I~otion by Goorge, s<:lcondod by I\Ioekor, that the clerk be instructed to issue tho liconse as requostod upon receipt of thoir check in tho propor amount. I\;o:t;ion carried. r.1r. George, roporting for thQ Parks Committeo, recommended that the city park located South wost of lake Sunnyside, be discontinued and abandoned and made availablo for sale. llotien by Ferguson, soconded by Eoekor, that the recorl'Il11endations of Fr. George be accoptGd and that the city attornoy. proceed in drawing up the proper Resolution. I.Iotion carriea. This was a roll-call vote with each momber voting yos. Lir. George, 'roporting for tho stroets Committee with regard to tho allo~1ay through Block 81, stating that it was his rocor~lendation that the intorosted partios bo informed that w}len thoy had procured tho nocossary right-of-way that tho city would prepare the alloy. Lotion by LIooker, seconded by Ferguson, that the rocommondations of Mr. George be acceptod, and it would bo left up to the property owners and &nterested parties to procure the necessary right-of-way through Blocl: 81 if they des ired an alleyway. I otion carried. T-r. Winston reporton thnt ho was preparing a 'V'rritten list of recommendations regarding sidewalks noeding repairs and that ho would present same to the council in the near future. Mr. Winston reproting for Street Lighting Committee, recommended that thrO!) lights be installed on 12th street; starting at tho corner of 12th. and Linden and extending HOrth and that one of the lights be approximately in front of the Jesse \Vhitney property. Mr. Winston offarad his-recommendations as a motion, th8 same being s.cond~d by r.Tr. Ferguson and upon being put ta a vote carried. Mr. Ferguson, reported for the fire and Building Committee, stated that no action had been taken relative to window shades for the Radio Operators apartment. The Council, thereupon, authorized Mr. Bern11art to take care of this matter. l'lr. George reported that the radio equ1pm~nt located at the pumping station had been insured.against loss by fire. Mayor Harper mado his report at this time and same was ordered filed. Motion by Meeker, seconded by Ferguson, that the motion of April 28th., relative to the city entering into an agreement with Orange State Oil company be rescinded and that the clerk be instruoted to inform said Orange State Oil Company that the Ordinance cnncerning this matter would be enforced. Motion carried. Mr. Sheldon reported that the Georga-Florida Tractor representative had called relative to the operation of tho Mosquito control spraying machine, but that he had beon unable to give any information which was helpful. tIr. Sheldon further reported that he had converted a part of tho machine to Fogging Equipment and that it was his opinion that present results wero satisfactory. Mr. Sheldon was instructed to place a "no Parking" si:n and to paint the streot at the entrance of Mr. Williams Schlotts driveway. Motion by George, seconded by Meeker, that the city wage scale be raised to forty two dollars weekly for truck driVers. Motion carried. Motion by Winston, seconded by Ferguson, that an area on eighth street, to the rear of "Bobs Placell be restricted for loading and-unloading, and that this area be marked accordingly. Motion carried. The matter of over-time parking on West Ave., betwoen Eontrose and Desot streots was referred to ~ayor Harper with instruotions to see that this practice was discontinued. Mayor Harper recoTI1mended that parking be restrictod in the area between fifth streets and third streets along Hiveria Road and Minne:ij.aha Avenue. Motion by George, seconded by Ferguson, that L\.i veria .ttoad and Minnehaha Ave., between Fifth Street and third streot be restricted from parking at any time and that this area be marked accordingly. Notion carried. Motion by George, seconded by Meeker, that city employeos be allowed the customary vacations to all employees employed by tho oity fqr the past six months. These vacations being two weeks for ~_ twelve months of serviCe for policemen, Radio Opera t Ibr,' Clerk and Mr. Fullwood, and one weck for twelve months of sorvice for all other employees. Motion carried. C16rk Johnson read an offer from SOuth Lake Construction Company of 1,000.00 for the N1t of lots 7&8, Block 11M". The matter was 'tabled until further investigation. ~ ~ ~ ~ l~otion by Mooker, seconded by Ferguson, that the personal proporty tax assessod against Paul Leo be struck from the roll as samo had be on assossed through error. r~otion carried. Motion by Ueoker, socondod by Ferguson, that the Personal property tax assessod against Roba Bronson, in the amount of (;;6.90 bo struck from tho roll as sarno had beon assossed thrOU&l error. rJotion by George, seconded by lIookor, that ISr. Johnson be authorized to soll lot -12, Block 4, Sunset Hoights to Llrs. ....da Greonman for a prico of $2Sq',,00. lIotion carried. Cl~rk Johnson gave a financial roport on tho ClerMont Athletic Ass'n. Er. Johnson was authorized to accept payment of Roos Applianco taxos for 1950 and Eoores Plumbing taxes for 1951, without ponalty, duo to tho fact that thoro had boon somo question rogarding tho 1950 taxos on noos Appli~ncos and tho entire matto~ b~ _tax paymont had been held up by Mr. koore until this was sottled. Motion by Ferguson, seconded by Goorgo that moeting adjourn. -~~~ 16&~