2008-30CITY OF CLERMONT CHANGE ORDER NO. 002 DATE 12-14-07 FILE NO. PROJECT NAME East Side Water Reclamation Facility Expansion Phase 2 NO. CONTRACTOR Encore Construction Company CONTRACT DATE 8-6-07 CONTRACT FOR Project TO: Encore Construction Company CONTRACTOR You are directed make the changes noted below in the subject contract: NATURE OF THE CHANGES: Refer to the attached summary of changes (Attachment A and Attachment B). Purpose of this Change Order: Contractor is to provide the Builders Risk Insurance and Pay for the Deductible Credit-adjust the Contract Price to provide cost savings resulting from value engineering study performed by the project managers including: - Owner Direct purchase of major pieces of equipment for Alternate No. 1 - Tax savings on the above mentioned pieces of equipment. - Substitution of a 16" butterfly valve instead of 16" gate valve in the RIB piping Enclosed/Attached: Summary table and contractor's proposals. The changes result in the following adjustment of the Contract Price and Contract Time: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order: Net (ease) (Decrease) Resulting from this Change Order: Current Contract Price Including this Change Order: CHANGE ORDER 20084.00 4 Feb 2008 (CW00930.DOC) C:\Documents and Settings\ewills\Local SettingslTemporary Internet Files10LK15\cw000022-4-OS (2).doc $13,656,592 $224 954 $13,431,638 00930-1 j; GW Change Order (page two of two} Completion Prior to this Change Order: Net (Increase) (Decrease) Resulting from this Change Order -Calendar Days: 460-days/5 80-days 0-days/0-days Completion Date Resulting from this Change Order: No Change The above changes are approved: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ~~a~~ C~tiCI~,~~~ By: Tamara Richardson, PE Title: Director of Engineering and Utilities Date: Z - z k ' C~ ~ The above changes are accepted: CONTRACTOR - Encore Construction any By: i,~., el,tw- Title VP •~' Ona~~-%ns Date: I ~~q~o1 The above changes are accepted: CITY OF CLERMONT By: Title ,~(/f Q~~~/~ Date: ~ - p~ (p-- ~~~' CHANGE ORDER 00930-2 20084.00 13 Dec 2007 (CW00930.DOC) Encore Construction ESWF Ph 2 change order 2 Encore Construction ESWF Ph 2 change order 2