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03-05-1935 Regular Meeting Minutes regular meeting Clermont Cit~ Council he~d at the 8it~ Kall March 5, 1935 Meeting called to order at ?;45 P.M. Bj President Keene. Coun~ilmwn present Kern, Roe, Robinson,Ogden ~d Ma70r Ware '\ Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Zoning committee reports that Cit3' Attorney has not had time to conter with th~ and assist in writing up a Zoning Ordinance ' The following bills' were approved and ordered paid when funds are available ~ 'W U' From eneral Carl Kindred H.& W.B. Drew Co Citizen's Bank Fla~ Pub. Servioe 11a. ~el. Corporation pettJ' Cash From Stre'et L.E. Denslow' Sanger Bldre. Sup. Sunnoco Sere Stat. Fla. Pub. Service pet;,- Cash Fund ./ $100.00 v/ 2.?5 V 3.30 2.06V, 3.50 ~ 1.001-"" Fund . $50.00 ~ 5.01 __ ? .59 !1 l34~OO V", 1.00 :f From Fire Fund . V' J.P. Achord $25.00 '1\ ';J' From Police C.E. Sullens Fla. Pub~ Service Fla. Tel. Corp. Batteries & lamps From Water Fund Achord I s Garage Clermont Press H.P. Leu Ino.,., Am. National Dank Fla. Pub Her. Co Meter Dep. Refund pettJ' Cash Lassiter Sere Sta. Fund . $100 ~OO ~. 1.50 V' 2~50 V" .85 $1.00 ~ 10~OO II 10~09./ lOO.GO v lI5.10t. lO.OOv .42\/ 3.?1 V Petition protesting against the use ot building on Lots 1 & 2, Block 62, as a tertilizer warehouse read and tiled. Request ot Mr. Blackburn tor extension ot the water mains to his propert3' was reterred to the water committee. By motion which was seconded and carried permission was given the Gardeh Club to hold the FIC?wer Show in the CitY. Hall. A petition requesting that a.E. Sullens be retained as city marshall at the same salary he is now receiving, and that the resolution prohibiting him trom serving as a count3' deputy be reeinded was read and ordered tiled. Mrs. Stokes then appeared betore the Council and reported that a SUl'VeJ' ot the town bad been made and that a number ot outside privies or open toilets had been tound which was apt' to oause the spread ot hook worm. The City Ordinance requires all outside privies or closets be closed. Atter some discussion a motion was made, seconded and carried that the AJ,arshall see the. t all unsanitary condl tions are corredted. ~ .,., There being no further business the meeting adjourned. to '"i:-t.(? ~'t~all o~ tbe President ~~ c. /~. - O~erk pres en 0 1~ The Following water accounts were ceedited for work done in the parks and on the streets. Achord's Garage Fred Anderson J.M. Baker J .L. Brantle,.. Ton,. Brazel Lem Cause,. Arthur Dean H.A. Dixon Robert Elliott D.O. Grubbs Mrs~ J.R. Harnage J .R. Hirst. Clarice Lassiter Annabelle Johnson Luc,. Jones . R.M. Kirklq A.G. Moore Louis Grub)" Stanlq McCain W.E. Rorabaugh &eo. Rutzbeck W.A. StInson O.M~ Cause,. B.R. Walker F.A. Washburn C .H. WI11a:t'd B.F. Williams Joe Wright $2~00 6.'75 5~'70 4~'75 ~'70 3.90 2~00 5~'70 3.20 2.10 1~60 4.70 ' 6.25 4~.80 3~.80 4.00 5.00 3.50 6.'75 3.00 3.60 9.65 6.65 2.00 8~10 18~00 2~'70 2~40 '~3'1.55 ~ . ~ ~ TRIAL BALANCE FEBRUARY 28th, 1935. GENERAL FUND: DR. CR. Cash--Genera1 $ , 6.4~ Cemetery 118.56 Klemm Estate 17.70 1933 Taxes Receivable 730~075~34 -~ 1932 II II 58l~101.20 1931 n " 439,593~72 ,., 1930 II " 15,969.43 1929 " " 12,138.25 1928 Del. Taxes Real Est 471.89 1928 II " Personal 182.05 1928 " II Certif. 7,193.24 1927 II II Real Est. 100.75 1927 II II Personal 74.10 1927 II II Certif. 5,984.47 1926 & Prior Certif. 4,186.09 ~lorida Tel. Corporation 3.50 Expense 1,461:56 Notes Receivable 446.40 City Properties Sts & Side- walks 50,000.00 Other City Properties 85,275.00 $ Realty Delinquent Taxes 61.23 Fines and Forfeitures 5.00 Licenses 143.25 Cemetery Lot ia1es 75.00 Due to Water und 1,827.20 Due Klemm Estate for 1930 Taxes 3,503.79 Due Assessment Fund 27,627.16 Bond Interest Payable 34', 623.00 Bonds Payable 1i17:o300.00 Surplus 1,219,834.07 $ 1,934,399.~~ $ 1,934,399.70 WATER FUND. Cash Accts Receivable Expense Due from General Fund pa,ments made Bond No.61 Stores, tools & Truck Per.manehtProperties Service Connection Chgs. Water Revenues Due to Users Meter Deposits Notes Payable Bonds-Payable Surplus invested in fixed assets $ ~ .~ 408.38 1,166.89 307.45 1,827.20 400.00 1,209.50 54,646.13 $ 1.00 2,931~26 453.31 559.00 3,500.00 36,000.00 16.454.98 59,899.55 - 59,899.55 $