R-08-1594CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 1594 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE TENTATIVE BUDGET FOR THE 2008-2009 FISCAL YEAR. WHEREAS, the City of Clermont, Florida held a public hearing as required by Florida Statute 200.065; and WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida that the sums of money included in Exhibit A, attached hereto, totaling $98,689,342 or as much thereof as may be authorized by law are required for the operation of the government of said City for the Fiscal Year of October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached said tentative budget for the City of Clermont for the 2008-2009 Fiscal Year and appropriations therefore are hereby adopted. DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT THIS 11th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2008. arold S. Turville, Mayor Exhibit A BUDGET SUMMARY CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA FISCAL YEAR 2008 - 2009 General Special Debt Service Capital Enterprise Fiduciary TOTAL CLASSIFICATION Fund Revenue Funds Projects Funds Funds BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes 7,147,098 - - - - 304,976 7,452,074 Other Taxes 3,975,000 1,800,000 - - - - 5,775,000 Licenses & Permits 221,500 540,000 - - - - 761,500 Intergovernmental Revenues 3,307,331 - - 200,000 290,000 - 3,797,331 Charges for Services 984,708 30,000 - - 12,129,600 - 13,144,308 Fines & Forfeitures 201,400 - - - - - 201,400 Miscellaneous Revenue 540,735 1,008,000 9,400 104,030 2,968,500 85,000 4,715,665 Interfund'Transfers 463,000 - 635,107 4,090,000 1,079,010 - 6,267,117 ESTIMATED REVENUES 16,840,772 3,378,000 644,507 4,394,030 16,467,110 389,976 42,]14,395 NON-REVENUES Beginning Reserves 8,908,949 4,468,042 372,143 4,346,721 36,932,717 1,546,375 56,574,947 NON-REVENUES 8,908,949 4,468,042 372,143 4,346,721 36,932,717 1,546,375 56,574,947 TOTAL REVENUES & RESERVES $ 25,749,721 $ 7,846,042 $ 1,016,650 $ 8,740,751 $ 53,399,827 $ 1.,936,351 $ 98,689,342 EXPENDITURES & RESERVES City Council 26,748 - - - - - 26,748 City Clerk 225,760 - - - - - 225,760 City Manager 465,873 - - - - - 465,873 Administrative Services 1,115,086 - - - - - 1,]15,086 City Attorney 113,000 - - - - - 113,000 Planning & Zoning 686,989 570,000 - - - - 1,256,989 Engineering 360,472 - - - - - 360,472 Other General Government 202,463 - - - - - 202,463 Police 5,590,662 747,435 - - - - 6,338,097 Fire 4,439,243 196,346 - 2,000,000 - - 6,635,589 Public Services 3,378,465 276,308 - 1,336>830 3,045,362 - 8,036,965 Economic Development 49,440 - - - - 900,175 949,6]5 Library 278,000 - - - - - 278,000 Recreation 217,226 - - - - - 217,226 Utilities - - - - 36,383,176 - 36,383,776 Debt Service - - 635,557 - - - 635,557 Interfund Transfers - 4,547,277 - - - 25,000 4,572,277 EXPENDITURES 17,149,427 6,337,366 635,557 3,336,830 39,428,538 925,175 67,812,893 Ending Reserves 8,600,294 1,508,676 381,093 5,403,921 13,971,289 1,011,176 30,876,449 RESERVES 8,600,294 1,508,676 381,093 5,403,921 13,971,289 1,011,176 30,876,449 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & RESERVES $ 25,749,721 $ 7,846,042 $ 7,016,650 $ 8,740,751 $ 53,399,827 $ 1,936,351 $ 98,689,342