Executive Housekeepers Week~roclarnation WfiERF.A.S, hotels, motels and hospitals serve the vital needs of our citizen ~, and WHE.'42F~,5, the cleanliness and aesthetic appearance of these facil.ties are crucial for :insuring pleasant vacations fox tra~~elers and satisfactory recxnveries for. those who are i11, and WHI'~.FAS, the week of epterrber 1.1 - 17, 1°83 has been pro- claimed National F.xe~-utive ~iousekeepers Week; NUW Z'~~2~'ORE, BE IT RE.SULVED, the City of Clermont does hereby procla.~m the we~~ of September 11 - 17, 1983 as '~{F:~;li'TI~' HUUST~{EEPERS WF~3C ~.rnd all c~.tizens of Clcz~mont are urged to join in saluting the contri- butions of these professionals to those peYSOrs tra~~ling through Clermont and those who are-: hospitalized in our City. IN 4dI72JE~95 W#~IZ~~F, I have hereunto set my hancx and caused the seal of the City of Clermont to be affixed, this day of _ in tY7e yE:ar of u3_ I~rd nineteen hundred and eigh three. f __~ Charles B. Beals, Mayar CITY of Q,E.12MONT ATTES'T` ~~~s Way Saunc3exs, city clerk