Clermont High School Highlanders Boys Baseball Team~roc[amation WHEREAS The Cit Council of the Cit of Clermont wishes to Y Y congratulate the Clermont High School Highlanders Boys Baseball Team for their outstanding season and second place finish in the State, d WHEREAS, The Clermont High school Baseball Team represents the fine young adults of our community who will have an important -role to play in the future of our City and County, and WHEREAS, the Clermont High School Baseball Team has exhibited ~autstanding play and sportmanship during the State Tournament, and WHEREAS, the success of the Team would not have been possible w~.t~out the tremen~flus support of the parents, coaches, and citizens off' p~~ Cc~aaunity, '' NOWT THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, I Charles B. Beals, Mayor of the City o~ G,ermont,: Florida do hereby proclaim our congratulations to the Clermont High School Highlanders Boys Baseball Team for their outstanding 1983 season, and urge the entire Community to join us in our congratulating the Team for their outstanding play and sportman- ship. .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Clermont to be affixed this zt,~~-~ day of ,~ in the year of our Lord nine een hundre and eighty-three. Charles B. Beals, Mayor CITY OF CLERMONT ATTEST: Wayn Saunders, City Clerk •