Engineer's Week~rnrlttmtt#iutt • ~1f1~RPAS, eng~.neen~.ng p.~ay~ a ~tign~,~~.canx tca.~e ~%n the gnaw~h and deve.~ahmen~ a~ Cen~tca2 P~.atc~.da'~s c~.~~.e~s, tin- du~~>ty, cammun~.ca~~.an~, and ~tcan~~atc~a~~.an; and G1H~R~AS, engtineen~s ~htcaugh the ~tcac~tica.~ and eca- nam~.c a~~~.~.ca~tion o~ na~une'~ {~atcce~ and ma~en~.a~~s he.~~ mahe ~h~,~s atcea a~ P.~atc~.da a be~~en p.2ace ~.n wh~.ch ~a .2~.ve and watch.; and GIf~PRPAS, eng~.neetc~s have deman~s~na~ed ~he~.n ded~.- ca~~.an ~a ~na~ecx~.ng the ~a~e~y, hea.~~h and we.2~ane a~ ~hetitc ~na~e~~s~.ana~. du~tie~s; and wHPR~AS, eng-c:neen~s u~~..~~.ze ~he~.tc ~~ectia.2 fzv~ow- .~edge and expetc~.i~e ~a ~2an, de~~.gn, cona~nuc~, and ma~.n- ~a.in ~.mpna v emen~~ ~a man' ~ env.ina nm end; and GlH~RPAS, ~..t ~.~ ~ti~~~.ng ~ha~ the eng~.neen~.ng ~na~ea~s.ian be hananed dutc~.ng the weefz we w~..~.~ ce2ebna~e the btin~hday a{~ Geotcge wa~sh~.ng~an, ane ab the caun~hy'~ ~~.tc~~ and ma~~ ~amau~ eng~.neetc~; and GIHPRPAS, dutc~.ng the weep memben~ a~ xhe Na~~.ana2 Sactie~y a~ Ptca~e~~tiana.~ Png~neen~s and the P.~antida Eng~.neen~.ng Soc~e~y ~.n Cen~na.~ P.2o~c~.da Cha~~en, w~.2.~ ~5~an~5atc ac~~.v~.~~.e~s ~acu~~,ng a~~en~~.an an the eng~.neetc~,ng ~na~e~s~~.an; NOtU, THPRPPORP, I , CLAUDE E. SMOAK, JR. , Mayor o f the City of CZermont, Florida, da hereby Ptcoc.~a~,m the weep ab Pebnuany 18 - 24, 1979, a~ PNGINPPR'S G1P~K ~in CZermont P.ban~.da, and utcge ~ha~ ~spee~.a.2 necagwi.~d.an be gtiven the aeh-i,evemen~~5 a~ the eng~.nee~.~.ng pno~e~~~.an and ~.~~ ~.nd~.v~.dua.~ memo etch . IN ~UITNPSS GIHPRPOP, I have hetceun~a ~ e~ my hand and caws ed the S ea.~ a ~ the city o f CZermont ~a b e a{~ ~~.xed ~hti~s 1st day a~ Pebnuany 1979. ~ ~ /~