Clermont Highlander Week• ° V~'il Q.I.I."-:~ , tt,~ ~.:t.l:k.`!(,!:T itICt31~r',J~RER Fik~i'~4.LL TEAM ; s t achieved the s' etas of { Runner.-ut:~ a 1,iPt,a ,ih State i"ea°otbal c t~"hsaq,ions in the St of !'larida; tangy k'iiIFC~A'a, the mca~t~rs of t3~e iilGliLAtiRER POOTlIAI,u "` JW haw diaplr,pc d chaaploq- ship alsi°flty, ,9~gregr~ivr leadrr~t~ip, per~xanal integral ~~, sportaa-aaahip dad detcr°~iri~°tt:ic?n; and 1.'HE';R°E:AS, the CL1:RliUNf HtCiiLkSTJBR 1"i)OTSALL TE~1At : ~ : °soaifiea the ant tre etudes[ f body of CL~it*tt)tiT EiIt;H SGH~I~L, the coaches, teachers a~ ~ othea• wars of tM staff; ~! and ~~°:AS, the ,~ntirr student body ha$ displayed aierior intellactus~l s~kille and achieVt*Ilatnt as evidenced by ties results of the F`ur :R ioaal Literacy Tat through the dedicat~Ed efforts of the teachers and staff sad i~ : t reAted as#iatau~c,~ of parents; NOY 1~'i3Etti:POitl?, let it be resolved that I, GLatf"~1 SMOAIC, JB., ?ia;~or of the City of Clrc>,ant, Florida, by virtue of the autbatitp ~°i~ted is sie do t,erebp proclaia the week of I~eces~ber 1$th through I~ces~rr 2;th 1977 ai r CLI:+l9" HIGiiUiltD[R Y$E1M: in Clermont, Florida, and urge that special recogaitic@ #-e given the achl~eveser,ts of the members of the CLER}lClMT HICHL~1S+fRGtt YtlO'IBAI.L TF.JW, r,,iche,s:, teachers u,nd the eatlre student bod°y of CLEit,MO?~`T HIt=H SCiitJQL. DONE ANR REStJLVF.R this 16th stay of Recesiber, 197 ' . I?t YT'I"".'.E 3 S YHf„J~Qp`, I hw t~ hereua~ ~ set arv hared and caused the 5ess1 of the ~Mi:y of Cle:.radt, ~"lorida, cu :~e of f i~at~ c bia 16th day of Decesabt -, 1477. L.J~G~ ~l°- CLau'UE ,r S2g'JrAlt, JR. ...... MAYOR • r A'iTESl": Di) S Y. CARItOLL cunt cLEl;x