Loyalty Day15
The citizens of this city are extremely loyal to the ideals, traditions
and institutions which have made our nation so great, and
WHEREAS, Their obvious dedication to our way of life is indicative of a strong,
continued desire to preserve the priceless American heritage, and
WHEREAS, They will be proud to stand up and publicly declare their determination
toward actively and positively safeguarding our freedoms against any
foreign ar domestic enemies, now
~~ TxEREFORE ~ I ~ C / a ~ d e E. ~ Sm o o k t/r. Mayor of the city of ~
~; _ C/ermo/7t ~ F/ori da do hereby call upon all my
fellow citizens to take full advantage of the s ecial c ~~
p o casion known as ~~
LOYALTY DAY, celebrated annually throughout the nation on the first day ~~
' ~~
of May, as an incentive for every true American to reaffirm his and her
~~ ~~
love of flag and country, and I do urge that all individuals, schools, ~
~~ churches, organizations, business establishments and homes within my ~~
j off cial urisdiction dis la y g
~ p y proudl the Fla of the United States of
~~ - America and to participate in ublic ~~
p patriotic Loyalty Day activities ~
i ~ ~~
which are to be co-sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the S
~~ ~,
`;~ United States, and others, on LOYALTY DAY, May 1, 1975.
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~, ' , Mayor ~:
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^~ City Clerk ~
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