Earth Day• City of Clermont Earth Day Proclamation Apri122, 1998 WHEREAS, there exist many threats to the environment in our state a nation, and preservation of the environment is a critical issue of reat nd locally and globally, acid g concern both WHEREAS, the most effective means for alleviation of the serious robl connection with the environment is an increase in public awareness and kno ems in and wledge, WHEREAS, Earth Day has been nationally established to help create awa of environmental problems facin eve communit reness g rY y ,and WHEREAS, by proclaiming Earth Day we recognize the beauty and the lif sustaining bounty of this earth and dedicate our efforts, as responsible guardians t e preserve and protect this precious earth and its inhabitants, ~ o • NOW, THE BEFORE, I Robert A. Pool by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Clermont in the State of Florida do hereby roclaim 22, 1998 as P April Earth Day in the City of Clermont, and urge all our citizens to increase their knowle awareness of environmental concerns. age and IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the S of the City of Clermont to be affixed at Clermont this 14`h da of A ril ' eal our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ninety eight. y P in the year of ' ATTEST: ROBERT A. OOL, MAYOR Y Ann Whitlock, Deputy City Clerk