2008-40Shelley's Environmental Systems P. O. Box 249.7elhvood, Floric/a 32798-0249 (407) 889-8042 • Fa.Y (407) 889-4408 September 24, 2008 City of Clermont Mr. James Kinzler 3335 Hancock Road Clermont, FI. 34711 Dear Mr. Kinzler, This letter serves as a renewal of our current contract for the removal, treatment and land application of biosolids from the City's VWVTP's. Under the contract extension, Shelley's will provide the services at a rate of $39.75 per yard with a 25 yard load. This is the current price Shelley's has negotiated with the City of Apopka which is the contract the City piggy-backed in the past. This new price will go into effect on October 15, 2008. This extension is for a one year period and may be renewed annually as negotiated and agreed upon by both parties. Please sign and fax this back to me prior to the effective date. Feel free to contact me at 407.448.1354 if you have any questions or comments. We appreciate the opportunity to serve the City. Sincerely, ~. Bill McFerran Vice President BMF/nfs ACCEPTED ~~ For the City of Clermont ~ Date Sep :~u ua ua:45a C:1ty Uf Hpopka Public Ser 4077031748 ~~. ! C~ ~ ~ t~~' .'. -~~~ ~~__~ ~~~ %•~R~v ~~ City o~ f A~oplcc~ PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 748 E. Cleveland St. Apopka. FL 32703 p.l FAX. CQVER SHEET FACSIMILE NUMBER (4071703 4748 NAME: City of Clermont FROM; Kevin Burgess DATE: 9!30!08 FAX NUMBER: (352) 241-0542 ATTN: James Kilgore COMPANY: City of Apopka CC: NUMBER OF PAGES: 2 RE: Attached is preen sheet for o~,r paw DriCir?a with Shelley'; ~'c,r our stud e haulin .This is for the second year of the agreement if you frnd that you need the entire original contract please let me know and I'll get it to you. Thanks. Any problem with the transmission of this fax, please call (4Q7) 703-1731 Gea 30 08 09:45a City 0f Rpopka Public Ser 4077031748 P•~ "~'_. `,.~ CITY OF APO CITY COUNCIL X CONSENT AGENDA MEETING OF: July 2, 2008 PUBLIC HEARING FROM: Public Services SPECIAL REPORTS OTHER: EXHIBITS: SUBJECT: WASTEWATER RESIDUALS TRANSPORT AND DISPOSAL CONTRACT Re nest: .APPROVE THE ANNUAL THE CONTRACT WITH SHEI,LEY'S ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS FOR THE TRANSPORT AND DISPOSAL OF '~`.'ASTE'~TJATER RESIDUALS WITH TIIE PROPOSED RATE CHANGES. SUMMARY: On May 21, 2008, City Council approved the second year extension of the service contract to transport, treat and dispose of the sludge from the City's wastewater treatment plant. The original agreement teen was for one year with the possibility of three (3} additional one-year extensions. Due to fuel and material price increases beyond market expectations, Sheliey's has had to increase its rates. The current rate is $818.75 per 25 cubic yard load. The new rate, under the extension, will be $993.75 per 25 cubic yard load. The new rate was not reflected in the extension request presented to the City Council on May 21, 2008 Staff requests approval of a one-year extension of the service contract with Shelley's Environmental Systems with the updated rate. FUNDING SOURCE: Sewer Operational Fund RECOMMENDATION ACTION: Authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to execute a second one-year renewal of the contract with Shelley's Environmental Systems to transport, treat and dispose of sludge with the revised rate as certified here within. DISTRIBUTION Mayor Land Commissioners (4) Finance Dir. Public Ser. Dir. (2) CAO Richard Anderson ~ Director Recreation Director tT Director DCAO/Community Dev. Dir. City Clerk (4) Police Chief Pire Chief City of Clermont 3335 Hancock Road Clermont, FL 34711 352-241-0178 Memo Ta Wayne Saunders, City Manager Frorrr James Kinzler, Utilities Diredor~ Date: October 3, 2008 Re: Wastewater Residuals Contract Piggyback -City of Apopka Utilities Depa.~tment On May 22, 2007, City Council approved the piggyback of the City of Apopka Wastewater Residuals Contract to treat and dispose of biosolids from the City of Clermont's Wastewater Treatment Plants. The original rate was $818.75 per 25 cubic yard load. Due to fuel and material increases beyond market expectations, prices will increase to $993.75 per 25 cubic yard load. Staff request approval of the price increase.