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09f26!'2©©0 14:41 522410542 CIT'Y' OF CLERI•~10NT UT`f PAGE 02:`©~ May 23 2008 z:34PM WLLiED UNIVERSAL CORP 305 ~4>a3 8369 p-1 ~~- = 390/ N{4' 1 TS Avenue ~ Mlumi. Florrc~u 33!78 305-f138-Z6~~ nlrc'~: 3t75-463-X36,9; ~~' ALLIED UNIYEkSAL CORPORATION E~M1rlhh•d 1PSa May 23, 2008 Mr. James Kinzfer Utilities DiredQr City of Clermont Clermont, F! FAX: (352) 241-0542 Dear Mr. Klnzler: Per earlier conversations you had an interest to piggyback on a contract that would give you a competitive price and eliminate the need to go put for Bld. The follavnng is the information on the Martin County Bid that will accomplish what we discussed. Sodium Hypochlorite Bid number AR-2008-2142. Sodium HypochloriUe Bulk 5.6981g8t1 tPull truckloads 4600 gallons) Please make a note as tp your expected volume of Bleach to 6e irlcludad so we may get the proper guarantee for raw materials and price protection for your facility, $ a~~ Gallons. Your current Bid cantralctwilf expire on May 27, 2008.1Ne have been awarded the new Martin County t3id Contract. 1t wlU start on June 27, 2008. The new price wiH be $.896 and it will 1`irm from June 27, 2008 bo June 26, 2009. I# you are i~ agreement with this, and wish to be included in this Contract, please indicate this acceptance by signing below and faxing a copy back to my attention. If needed, please send us your standard approval contract stating this change- If approval must be submitted to your City Council far final approval, >lVe will accept a letter of intent, natifying us that this has bean approved Ivcally and final approval wrill be given at your next City Council Meeting. Please Fax back a notice of your lnt+ent no 18ter than end of business da.y today, May 23, 2008. We have enjoyed working with you in the past and look forward to our confinued business relationship Respectfully, Al_f,IED UNIVERSAL CORP ~~~ ~~ [~ J F~ -- Bernie Gre erg Regional Sales Manager cc: Jim Palmer, A11C President -CEO Carlos Fernandez, AUC Vice President of Sales 3901 H W r i 5 Avcnue ivlinmi, Florida. 33178 305-SE8-2623 9501 Rangcl.ine Rna~d Ft. Pimaq Florida 34987 772~fi4.6195 CITY OF ClERMONT 3Q Neil Gunn prive 6I1fiV711C, lLi$ 39437 601 477-255D }!gap N[V 934 Strca 2().! SCM Rt+MI 1.4DS Pne.4um Ho11rnv A4rb.! Miami. Florida 33106 Btrmawick, (rA .4i52;S Rengcr, GA 30734 309-88R-2623 912.,x,67-4A 74 706-334-7377 SZ 15 `~'. 'Tyson Av.~ue Tampa, Florida 13611 813-832.4858 21oD Fett Bond West hienrphia. ,~R 72301 s7a732-aim ~~a~ 1 ralnn~