2009-15INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND CITY OF CLERMONT REGARDING THE NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM (NSP) This Interlocal Agreement is made and entered into by and between Lake County, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred as "County" and the City of Clermont a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "City". WHEREAS, City and County- desire to provide for Neighborhood Stabilization Program {NSP) activities for low-income, middle-income and moderate-income (LMMI) families both within the City limits and the unincorporated County utilizing NSP appropriations under the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (WERA); and WHEREAS, City and County agree to adhere to HERA, the NSP Notice, the Substantial Action Plan Amendment (application), the Award, the County Consolidated Plan and all applicable State and Federal regulations and any other related grant program requirements. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County and City agree as follows: i. The County is the lead entity and will administer the NSP and provide all grant administration and implementation of the NSP program for locations in the County and locations in the City. 2. The City grants authority to the County to operate the NSP program within its jurisdictional boundary. 3. This agreement shall remain in effect until the NSP funds and program income received are expended and the funded activities completed. In the event the NSP funds become unavailable, the County may terminate this Agreement with ten (10) days written notice to the Gty. Either party may terminate this Agreement for any reason upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other; provided, however, that the termination shall not be effective as to those properrlies in which funds have already been encumbered. 4. The County shall take all actions necessary to assure compliance with the certification required by section 104(b) of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, including Title VI of the (Bull Rights Act of 1964, the Fair Housing Act, Section 109 of Title I of the Housing and Community, Development Act of 1974 and other applicable laws.. The County will not provide NSP funding for activities in, or in support of, the City that do not affirmatively ,further fair housing within the City limits or that impedes the County's actions to comply with its fair housing certification. 5. ~ The City affirms that the proposed NSP grant activities are consistent with the C'ity's Local Comprehensive Plan. 6. The County affirms that the proposed project is consistent with the County's Loca! Comprehensive Plan. 7. Terms of this agreement shall become effective upon execution by the parties. 2009/Community Services/Neighborhood Stabilization Program/Interlocal aguxt form Interlocal Agreement between Lake County and City of Clermont regarding Neighborhood Stabilization P rogra m IN WITNESS WHEREO;", the City and the County hereto have executed this instrument for the purpose herein expressed. ATTE z~ 'ty Cl CITY OF~ ~~.LM d ~. `~' By. Print Name:~w r e i n1 g. T r~ t ~ Tide: Date~t ~_ ~ . o2L~~~ Approved as to form and legality: _ ~.,.-~~ aty y couNTY ATTEST: Nei elly, er of the Boar of County Com rs of Lake County, Florida LAKE COUNTY, through its BOAR=OF COUNTY C9A+1MfS~ONEIZS Welton G. Cadweli Chairman This ~~day of ~~ 2009 Approv o form nd legality: Sanford A. Minkoff County Attorney 2 2009lCommanity Serviices/Neighborhood Stabilization Prograxn/Interlocal agent form