Tax Program Resolution RESOLUTION WHEREAS, there has been a tremendous growth in polulation in Florida in the last ten years, and with every indication of further increased population in the next decade, ~d 4 wHEREAS, costs of local government are steadily increas- ing, and 'WHEREAS, ad valorem taxation is becoming more burdensome due to these increases, and WHEREAS, the Legislature has not provided any additional new sources of revenue for the municipalities since the 5¢ cigarette tax law was enacted in 1949, and WHEREAS, the Florida League of Municipalities has re- quested each municipality to acquaint the c~didates for the office of State Senator and Members of the House of Representa- tives with the financial needs of their respective munici- palities in order that those elected who will comprise the 1963 Legislature will know beforehand of these requirements of their constituent cities and towns and thus place them in a better position to weigh and consider any proposed remedial legislation, and JHER~AS, it is essential to the general welfare and for the best interests of the inhabitants of the City of Clermont that financial relief for our municipal goverllQent be obtained from the Legislature of the State of Florida, ~d WHEREAS, the Executive Committee of the Florida League of Municipalities has endorsed for adoption by the 1963 Legislature a Legislative Program asking for an increase in the cigarette tax of 3¢ per package as a primary and basic municipal tax program and, secondly, enabling legislation permitting counties ~d cities to levy an additional l¢ gasoline tax in those counties where county ~d municipal road ~d street needs require such additional finances, with the underst~ding that the proportion collected within a municipality be returned to that municipality, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Clermont that the proposed legislative tax program of the Florida League of Municipalities is approved ~d it is urged that such appropriate legislation be enacted at the 1963 session of the Legislature for the financial relief of the municipalities of Florida. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMO~~, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AT ITS REG1~AR MEETING HELD ON ~uæCH 6, 1962 IN CLERMONT, FLORIDA ~