1961-04WILL.IAM M. HOWARD Box 3081 UNIVERSITY STATION GAINSVILLE. FLORIDA Mr. Albert Johnson City Clerk Clermont. Florida Dear Mr. Johnson, The purpose of this letter is to offer my continuing consulting services in the administration of the pension plan for employees of the City of Clermont. the following services are involved: 1. Periodic actuarial calculations to determine annual deposits to the pension fund. 2. Determination of benefits for retiring employees. 3. Annual written reports on the condition of the plan based on financial statements of the fund and actuarial valuation of liabilities. 4. Annual meeting with the Board of City Comissioners to discusss the condition of the plan. proposed changes. and recent developments in municipal pension plans. 5. Preparation of reports to the State Treasurer's Dspartment. 6. Assistance with records and administrative procedures. 7. Explanation of the pension plan to employees in group meetings or to key employees. Valuation of the plan in 1961 will be particularly important because of salary increases sranted.since the study based on July, 1960 earn- ings. Pension credit for service before the inception of the plan is based on salaries as of November 1, 1960. The annual charge for tr.e service is $180 plus $3.60 for each of the first fifty employees and $2.40 for each of the next one hundred employees. One-twelfth of the annual fee is to be paid each month. The monthly charge will be $23.70 based on 29 employees. starting in January. I suggest that the charge be adjusted once each year for changes in the number of employees. Expenses for necessary travel are charged at ten cents per mile and fifteen dollars per day. I arrange to service two or more cities on each trip when possible and prorate the cost (as I have done twice Mr. Albert Johnson, page 2 for Clermont). I would expect to make two trips each year to Clermont in connection with the plan, and will make additional trips if you wish. Toll calls are charged at cost. Consulting costs may be paid from the fund or from the general city funds. whichever city officials prefer. You may wish to instruct the trustee to pay the monthly charge and to have expenses billed once each year to simplify your office procedures. If so, I suggest that the three trust accounts (policeman, firemen. general) be charged $5.00 plus 30 cents for each employee each month. Under this arrangement the account for policeman would be charged $6.50, the account for firemen $5.30 , and the account for general employees $11.90. Traval and telephone expensed could be divided equally If you have any questions on these matters I will be glad to answer them. Sincerely, William M. Howard