R-92-771 e e CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 771 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE PERSONNEL POLICY OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont adopted the current Personnel Policy of the City of Clermont Resolution No. 705 dated February 26, 1991, and amended it by Resolution 739 dated October 8, 1991; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont that the City of Clermont Personnel Policy will be amended as follows: SECTION 1. CHAPTER IV: SALARY ADMINISTRATION Section 1. Salary Approval Authority The salary of each position within the City shall be determined by the position classification system. The salary of all employees at the time of employment as well as increases which result from promotions or decreases which result from discipline or other adverse actions shall be approved by the City Manager. The City Manager, under the policy direction of the City Council, shall be primarily responsible for the overall administration of city personnel policies and procedures. However, the heads of each department shall be responsible for ensuring that most of the personnel policies and procedures are carried out day-by-day in their department. The Payroll Dept. will make deductions from the employees' pay for Social Security, and for Federal Income Tax as required by law, and all other authorized deductions. Section 2. Merit Pay Increases Pay increases within the ranges of established job classification positions shall be dependent upon specific recommendations by the Department Head to the City Manager. These pay increases serve only to recognize outstanding performance and continued good service on a merit basis and will not annually automatically accrue to the individual employee. Merit increases in salary shall not be made more often than once annually nor shall salary advancement be given to an employee until he has completed his probationary working period, except that the City Manager may grant pay increases more frequently than once annually upon receiving a detailed written statement from the Department Head specifying the employee's exceptional e e CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 771 Page 2 performance or the existence of unusual conditions that make such action necessary. Employees who satisfactorily complete the probationary period may receive up to a three [,91 percent increase at the end of the six months probationary period. Ment raises for permanent employees will be considered on the annual anniversary date of their date of employment. Merit increases at anyone time shall be limited to three î91r percent of an employee's current salary unless special circumstance as determined by the City Manager, based upon the written recommendation of the Department Head should warrant an additional merit increase. Mcrit incrcascs shall not bc awardcd whcn an cmploycc has t=èftt.>hed ·the--ttt~per lintit-ef-his ·ptty--gt"itde. Employees who have not reached the maximum of thcir pay grade shall receive the merit increase as an adjustment of their hourly rate of pay. Employees who have reached the maximum of their pay grade shall receive the increase in a lump-sum distribution. Section 3. Police Incentive Pay As an incentive for Police Officers to advance their law enforcement career through continuing education, the City will pay the following types of incentive pay: Basic Certification Community College Degree or Equivalent Bachelor Degree $25.00/month $30.00/month $50.00/month In addition, officers may receive $20.00/month for each 80 hour Training Unit successfully completed under the Career Development Program of the Police Standards Council. The maximum amount of incentive pay a Police Officer may receive shall not exceed $130.00 per month. Scction1. Longcvity Pay Employccs who havc bccn with thc City fivc (5) ycars arc cligib1c for an additional 1 % pcr ycar mcrit incrcasc annually on thcir annivcrsary datc. Employccs with tcn (10) ycars of scrvicc, 2 % pcr ycar. Employccs with fiftccn (15) or morc ycars an additional 3 % pcr ycar incrcasc. Longcvity pay incrcascs arc not awarded whcn an cmploycc has rcached thc uppcr limit of his pay gradc. e e CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 771 Page 3 Section S I. Overtime Pay Overtime is those hours required to be worked by an employee in excess of the standard work week established for that position. The following criteria should be met concerning overtime pay: A. Overtime work shall be kept at a minimum. However, the requirements of a specific department may make it necessary for an employee to sometimes work beyond his regularly scheduled working hours. B. Provision for all overtime must be made in the annual budgetary appropriations. All overtime must be approved in advance by the Department Head. C. No employee will be required to work overtime unless it is an emergency as determined by the Department Head and City Manager. D. Overtime will be given on a seniority basis with the same work crews and job classifications. Exceptions apply in an emergency determined by the Department Head. An overtime list should be maintained to insure the fair distribution of overtime hours by seniority. E. For all full-time employees with the exception of executive, administrative and professional employees as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act Amendments of 1974, (PL 93-259), overtime may be compensated in cash or compensatory leave upon the approval of the employee's Department Head. Upon the discretion of the City Manager, executive, administrative and professional employees may be compensated for overtime in the form of compensatory leave only. (See Chapter V, Section 1.90 for use of compensatory leave. F. Overtime shall be paid in accordance with the following schedule: WORKED ON PAID AT THE RATE OF Monday - Saturday Sunday Holiday (Excluding Personal Day) 1.5 times regular hourly rate 2.0 times regular hourly rate 2.5 times regular hourly rate In order to qualify for overtime, the employee must work a minimum of forty hours in the work week. Credit shall be given for holidays, sick leave, vacation leave and other excused absences in calculating the forty hours. A minimum of two (2) hours shall be paid for call out emergencies. e e CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 771 Page 4 SECTION 2. CHAPTER VI: PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Section 14.030. Grievance Procedure It is the policy of the City of Clermont that all employees shall be treated fairly and consistently in all matters related to their employment. When an employee feels that he/she has not been so treated, he/she shall have the right to present a grievance or appeal free from interference, restraint, coercion, discrimination or reprisal. The employee shall be entitled to such time off from his regular duties as may be necessary and reasonable for the presentation and processing of a grievance or appeal without loss of pay, vacation or other credits. A. GENERAL: Grievances may include, but are not necessarily limited to, dismissal, suspension, involuntary transfer, promotion, and demotion. Compensation shall not be deemed a proper subject for consideration under the grievance procedure. B. APPEALS PROCEDURE: Thc City scts forth thc following proccdurc for handling cmploycc gncvanccs: 1. Thc cmploycc must first orally discuss his gricvancc with his immediatc forcman or supcrvisor. Thc supcrvisor will cithcr: a. Givc an immediatc dccision in writing within city policy, or b. \Vill tcll thc cmploycc whcn a dcfinitc answcr may bc cxpccted. Thc Supcrvisor will bc hcld rcsponsiblc for giving thc cmploycc a dccision whcn promised. If thc answcr cannot bc givcn within fivc (5) working days, thc qucstion and rcason for dclay must bc put in writing and dclivcred to thc Dcpartmcnt Hcad immediatcly. 2. If any cmploycc is not satisfied with thc dccision givcn by thc Supcrvisor, thc cmploycc may rcqucst thc Supcrvisor to arrangc a mccting with thc Dcpartmcnt Hcad within thrcc (3) working days by thc following proccdurc: e e CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 771 Page 5 a. Thc cmploycc must put thc allcged gricvancc in writing, and b. givc it to thc Supcrvisor or foreman for forwarding to thc Dcpartmcnt IIcad. Thc Supcrvisor cannot dcny thc right to this requcst. c. Upon reccipt of thc writtcn gricvancc, thc Dcpartmcnt IIcad will schedule a hcaring with thc cmploycc(s) and may havc thc Forcman or Supcrvisor in Stcp 1 (listed abovc) prescnt. 3. If any gricvancc is not scttled in Stcp 2, thcn thc cmploycc may appcal thc dccision to thc City Managcr within thrcc (3) working days. Thc City Managcr will schedule a hcaring in thc Dcpartmcnt IIcad's prcscncc. Thc City Managcr will makc a dccision and so inform all partics conccrned. The City Managcr's dccision may not be appcalcd to the City Council. The cmployee may request a hearing to appeal the decision of the Department 1"lead to the City Manager \\.'ithin five days from the date of written notification of disciplinary action. The hearing wiH be before thc City Managcr in the presence of thc Departmcnt Head or any othcr person the City Managcr may selcct. 1. Upon appeal to the City Manager, the City Manager will grant a hearing to the employee and render judgment. The judgment will conf'irm. reverse, or modify the decision of thc Department Head. 2. The decision of the City Manager is final and shall not be appealed to the City Council. An employee cannot appeal to the City Council any act or decision of the Department Head or City Manager. · e CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 771 Page 6 SECTION 3. This Resolution shall become effective October 1, 1992. DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT~ OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TillS ;;:"11t. DAY OF 0e...ó~k.J, 1992. .,- ø 4/'~ Robert A. Pool, Mayor Attest: '. £, ~.~ E-. Van:' e / . / ~'