R-90-652• • CITYOF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 652 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW EXCAVATION OF PROPERTY TO FACILITATE FURTHER DEVELOPMENT IN THE C-2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DISTRICT AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATION: PROPERTY: Sec 29-22-26 Portions of Tracts 3, 4, 5A, 5B, 8B, 9A, 9B and 14. LOCATION: Vacant property north and east north east of Quincy~s Restaurant. Approximately 19 acres. The City Council deems it advisable in the interest of the general welfare of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida to grant the Conditional Use Permit; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida that: SECTION 1. The application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow excavation/fill of property to facilitate further development in the C-2 General Commercial Business District Zoning District be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. This project shall be completed within eighteen (18) months of the date of issuance for the Conditional Use Permit. If the project is not completed by this time, the applicant will cease all fill activity and have thirty (30) days to completely reclaim the site according to the reclamation plan. All plans and specification are to be prepared by an Engineer registered by the State Department of Professional Regulation who will be retained as supervising engineer through completion. The engineer of record shall certify each phase as completed according to approved plans and phasing conditions outlined herein. Engineer will certify final reclamation and reforestation. 2. The property must be developed in substantial accordance with an approved site plan and Operation/Reclamation Plan incorporating all conditions of this Conditional Use Permit. Said plans shall be submitted for review and approval of Site Review Committee. 3. No further expansion of the use or additions to this facility shall be permitted except as approved by another Conditional Use Permit. 4. All auplicable rules and regulations shall be met, including final site plan approval, landscaping, drainage, parking and sign regulations, and all yard setbacks. All required landscaping must be served with a permanent irrigation system and must be properly maintained. The drainage and stormwater retention requirements of the City and the appropriate regulatory agencies must be met, and approved by the City Engineer. These areas must be properly maintained. 1 • • CITYOF CLERMONT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. 652 5. This permit shall expire eighteen (18) months from the date of issuance of this Conditional Use Permit. 6. All inspection costs will be borne by the applicant. This shall include final inspection and ongoing random inspections for compliance with Conditional Use Permits conditions. 7. If any of the stated conditions are violated, the applicant understands and agrees that the City Council may revoke this Conditional Use Permit by resolution. Section 2. With regards to the Operation Plan as outlined in the attached manual as submitted by the applicant the following amendments are required: 1. The plan as submitted does not address off-site stormwater. The applicant will be required to incorporate into the stormwater calculations, all offsite drainage entering the property. 2. The overflow mechanisms as outlined on the plan are inadequate. They should be designed so that the overflow water will not cause erosion. 3. The existing driveway located on Grand Highway was built incorrectly. The applicant will be required to construct a concrete apron from the street to the property line. This will keep all stormwater from Grand Highway from entering the property and provide adequate ingress and egress for service vehicles. 4. The applicant will be required to construct and maintain swales or other acceptable erosion protection along the existing driveway which runs between Jacks Lake north and south, in such a way as to prevent erosion on the road. This has been a problem in the past and will continue to be a problem and worsen as this road is to be used for ingress and egress by dump trucks and heavy equipment. This work will be completed and inspected prior to any fill activity. 5. Geotechnical information regarding the soil to be placed on the property must be submitted. This information will be required before a development permit is issued. 6. Density tests will be conducted at a maximum of 2 foot intervals in order to prove compaction requirements. Fill shall be compacted to 95$ density of modified proctor. 7. The applicant shall submit a detailed erosion control plan for the entire site during the site plan review process. 2 • • CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. 652 8. Both temporary and permanent grassing including fertilizer shall be done in accordance with an approved plan designed by the U. 5. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service stationed in Tavares. 9. A dust abatement plan will be submitted to the City detailing measures to be taken in eliminating the migration of dust particles from the site. The plan must specifically outline those measures recommended by F.D.E.R. 10. Noise levels shall not exceed those recommended by F.D.E.R. Vibratory compaction shall be limited to the hours of 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday thru Saturday only. Heavy equipment will be allowed to operate on the site between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Monday thru Saturday. Machinery engines will not be started earlier than 7:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. respectively. Vibrations must be limited to avoid any damages to neighboring persons or properties. 11. A 6' high sodded and maintained berm will be required along Grand Highway from Quincy's property line to existing driveway. 12. Ingress to the site shall be from Highway 50 east of Quincy's Restaurant, egress shall be from existing clay road. The Site Review Committee shall review ingress and egress prior to permitting of subsequent phases and if any problems, refer to the City Council for amendment. No ingress or egress of machinery or trucks shall be allowed on Grand Highway. 13. A DOT permit will be required and filed with the City for fill activity along Highway 50 right of way prior to issuance of Development Permit by the City. Section 3. With regards to the stormwater management plan, the following amendments and/or clarifications to the plan are required: 1. Permeability tests must be submitted as part of the site plan review process. Permeability shall be maintained. 2. Verification of the run-off data and other assumption & calculations must be provided. 3. A St. John's River Water Management District permit will be required and filed with the City. 3 • CITYOF CLERMONT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. 652 Section 4. With regards to the reclamation of the site, the following amendments and/or clarifications to the reclamation plan are required: 1. Reclamation of the site will be phased in accordance with a fill phasing plan. The project will be phased in such a way that the applicant will not be permitted to construct Phase III until Phase I has been completed, reclaimed, inspected and approved by City Engineer. A phasing schedule must be submitted and approved by City Engineer prior to any development approvals. Development permits will be issued on a phase by phase basis in accordance with an approved phasing plan. The silt barrier shall be placed at the floodplain elevation prior to any activity on site and shall remain until final reclamation is complete and accepted. The easterly retention area will then be constructed and approved prior to any fill activity for Phase I. 2. Stockpiles of topsoil and/or fill material must be located in an area of the site approved by City Engineer, which shall be at a minimum of 100' from Grand Highway right of way. All stockpiled topsoil and/or fill causing an erosion problem will be covered, mulched or any similar technique used to avoid erosion, migration of dust particles, etc.. No debris, refuse, or other construction related articles shall be stored or left on site at any time. 3. All WRA slopes, inside and outside, will be sodded. The east WRA outside slope will be sodded to the 100 year floodplain elevation. The westerly WRA outside slope will be sodded to an elevation equal to the depth of the WRA. Westerly slopes shall be sodded from the bottom of the WRA to an elevation equal to the top of the berm. 4. All reforestation operations shall be completed thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of the Conditional Use Permit. The reforestation plan will consist of 20 trees per acre. Trees shall meet City of Clermont Tree Ordinance specifications. 5. All revegetation and reclamation operation other than reforestation shall be completed for Phase I before any development permit is issued for the Phase III, likewise Phase II must be completed before permitting of Phase IV, etc. 4 • • CITYOF CLERMONT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. 652 6. All Conditional Use Permits abutting a residential use shall provide a landscape buffer between the two uses. In this case, along Grand Highway which shall include one approved tree per 50' of frontage and a landscape buffer with irrigation. 7. A reclamation Cash or Performance Bond amounting to 110$ of actual reclamation costs by phase; including reforestation, shall be submitted to the City. Upon completion of each phase, the bond will be rolled over to the next succeeding phase of fill operation and adjusted for cost difference. Three phases shall be bonded at all times pursuant to operation procedures outlined in Section 4, Conditions 1 and 5. Site preparation costs as outlined in Section 4, Condition 1, Paragraph 2, shall be bonded as a part of Phase I. An estimate of costs shall be prepared, certified and submitted by the Engineer of record and approved by the City Engineer. The City will then determine the bond amount. 8. At the end of six (6) months after the completion of each phase, at least 80$ of the reclaimed areas shall have established ground cover, by the end of one year of completion of each phase, ground cover shall be established on 100 percent of the reclaimed area. Should erosion problems occur after final revegetation by phase, the applicant will take whatever steps are necessary to correct the problem. DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, r~ LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS G.~' DAY OF 1990. ROBERT A. POOL, Mayor ATTEST: V E. VAN ILE, City Clerk 5